scotchfor1 ago

After shaking the shiny object for so long, Seemen finally becomes one.

hojuruku ago

Ah -4 downvotes. Fuck you guys, he had a mental friggen breakdown and deleted the video himself is the latest. We should have saved it to make youtube videos exposing Seamen's asshattery. Did anyone save it. That would put the nail in his pizzagate controlled opposition shilling for sheckles activism.

HarveyKlinger ago

I didn't downvoat you but you should have been downvoated for no other reason that this doesn't belong in the pizzagate sub. This pole smoker having a nervous breakdown doesn't contribute any evidence or research towards Pizzagate.

hojuruku ago

We'll its good to show the voat community doesn't support him and he doesn't speak for pizzagate. Lets get our cred back

HarveyKlinger ago

No doubt but /pizzagatewhatever or hell, even /videos or any sub dedicated to funny videos or internet losers would work better. Because it won't get deleted from any of those subs but will most likely be deleted from /pizzagate. As a side note, I find it interesting that a few months ago I made a negative post about David and the shills were out in force to mega-downvoat anyone that DARE speak ill of their hero. It seems they are nowhere to be found these days. Maybe they finally saw the light that he is a complete piece of shit that fabricates him being a victim while stealing other people's research and broadcasting it as if it were his own.

cantsleepawink ago

Okay, he's taken that video down. But here's his's all 'Nathan is attacking me, it's unacceptable, blah blah blah..' I could only stomach watch the first minute and a half.

People, this is professional shill tactics 101: create infighting. I'd like people to consider this thought: David and Nathan may be on the same team.

hojuruku ago

HAHAHA I should have saved it. He was having a breakdown. See it was a good link to expose him as the nutjob he is. Did anyone save this video using as I plugged on my threads?

cantsleepawink ago

He has a breakdown every couple of weeks. Can anyone say D I V A ? Lol.

hojuruku ago

I troll him on chat trying to make him mention the OTO. Drinking piss, shit and blood isn't spirit cooking it's OTO cakes of light. COVER THE JEWISH PEDOPHILE CULT BEHIND PIZZAGATE DAVID. DO IT DO IT. He never does. (It's not mainstream jewish but what is a mainstream jew anyway? Does such a thing exist. I mean you got to give them credit for actually making the quote in the bible that faggots should be stoned to death - the bible lifted word for word from the Talmud. But the OTO is into the Kabbalah sex magic of Judaism and it's a frankinst jew cult in origin.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

It seriously is time to exile all these freaks to an island far far away! Seaman & the rest of the YouTube clowns R shills! Stop giving them hits on YouTube, stop talking about them period! Stop giving them an audience!

hojuruku ago

I was directing traffic to a video he took down himself because he didn't realize he was having a MENTAL FUCKEN BREAKDOWN :) :) :)

hojuruku ago

yeah don't downvote me for trying to make the same point. I called him an egomaniac in the title and I shat all over him in the comments.

kazza64 ago

i love david seaman

sunajAeon ago

How is it this POZER garners a post here-he was outed a year ago as a shameless huckster-frankly the elite can [CENSORED] this punk-they have my blessings

Yuke ago

Don't give him the attention and the youtube views that he desires. Considering he lives off of his videos income, if we ignore him he will eventually go away because he'll have to gain employment again.

hojuruku ago

nah YouTube de-monitorized him / shadow banned / walled gardened him like the rest of us. At least they don't say we love gay child rapists like liveleaks vimeo and censor you for being a hater of gay marriage activists raping infants like they did to me. Want to see images of what they censored? It's on the 8chan thread linked to in the OP.

Yuke ago

But is he not still linking to his patreon?

hojuruku ago

Fuck man we are pisstaking seeman. Look at all the downvotes I'm coping just because I used his name.

9981400? ago

Another thing that bothers me is he includes pettibones and cernovich as the handful of researchers ! All the ones with huge followings on twitter . And then he doesn't even mention the real pedohunters like honeybee and others

DonKeyhote ago

Hmm a cast of "alt-lite" "cool guys" acting as controlled opposition to undercut the alt-right, whose biggest enemy is known to be JEWS. Therefore the JEWS are behind the promotion of these shills.

Very few women are intellectual heavyweights, so when a bitch like pettibone who writes fantasy novels has any following whatsoever you know its bullshit. Thats why theyre always on infowars

cantsleepawink ago

Very few women are intellectual heavyweights

Wrong. Stop paying attention to the ones promoted in the media. Pettibone is not seen as an intellectual by anyone but hormonal teenage boys.

DonKeyhote ago Do you see how women cluster around the mean, i.e. there are more male geniuses and retards and less of both among women? Why be defensive about it, are you saying god fucked up and hes a dick?

cantsleepawink ago

I'm quite aware of that bell curve :) No point in getting into a discussion about different measurements for intelligence and so on. I do think that men are more linear thinkers in general. However, human intelligence is complex. Not being defensive at all but please don't use Pettibone as an example of superior female It demeans your argument.

DonKeyhote ago

Linear = logical which women fail at and their naivete is why they support the "underdog" be it poor people or rich black people etc.

Thanks to their presence 20%(?) of PGers DISCOUNT OUTRIGHT THE MERE POSSIBILITY OF CULPABILITY TRACED TO ONE GROUP, while shills like dickmeth brandish swastikas to scare the womenfolk further.

A researcher doesnt reject possibilities whether or not theyll make someone feel bad. I have Jewish family, big fucking shit.

cantsleepawink ago

This might surprise you but I agree with a lot of what you say when you comment in posts. However I don't agree with antagonistic and alienating language. Researchers need to keep an open mind and not tar an entire group of people with the same brush. (Like women or Jews :)) I think you know that..that's why I'm curious as to why you want to be so confrontational at times.

NotOneGETpost ago

He's a histrionic type bitch. So much "ME". (me) ((ME))

I don't doubt you're a filthy (((you))) seamen demon.

HighLevelInsider ago

I have no idea about David Seeman, but gang-stalking is very real.

21yearsofdigging ago

You got a down vote for this comment??? What, people don't believe gangstalking exists?? There's no excuse for being ignorant or blind, especially if you are on here. We all know gangstalking is real

HighLevelInsider ago

The shills downvote everything I post.

hojuruku ago

I know I'm a victim of it and I've made videos about pedo lovers doing it. But Seeman brings it on himself.

AND no it's not tall poppy syndrome. He's an egomaniac / controlled opposition.

9981480? ago

Wow is that you? This was may 2016 ???

hojuruku ago

yeah i been fighting the pedos for a long long time.

9981601? ago

I see that ! Good for you !

hojuruku ago


Sueshia101 ago

Hold on there cowboy...take your meds and calm down.

9981212? ago

He was an unpaid contributer at the WaPo. What really bothers me is he acts like he's the only one who has suffered since PG first broke . It looks like he's setting up a lawsuit and just leaving his paper trail or in this case video trail . I recognize this behavior from a few phychopaths I've delt with . I apologize in advance if my intuition is wrong :) I wish no harm on the guy

HarveyKlinger ago

He's never ACTUALLY suffered. He over dramatizes everything so people will send him money.

Narcissism ago

He is a Narcissist not a Psychopath.

9981971? ago

I thought they go hand in hand