ASolo ago

He was performing, poorly I might add, FOR the cameras on the elite sex trafficking rings because he's been trained to create plausible deniability with this method due to the increase in SRA reported cases involving certain echelons of London society. Guaranteed if this was a single clear cut case of domestic sexual abuse you would see a much more empathetic act looking for a conviction.

TrishaUK ago

Can you explain the secret language connected to his movements? I am curious, I noticed it but do not know what it means....Sort of reminded me of Killary in the Debates against Trump when she was signaling when to change the questions or when she was ready to answer after hearing her prompt in the earpiece or in the visual display on her podium. I can do British Sign Language, but body language is different. I love The Dialogue on youtube, maybe I will put in a request for her to 'diagnose' his body language.

ASolo ago

I believe his movements are a delay and awkwardness of being a horrible actor and liar for the cameras. The complete lack of empathy for Alisa and Gabriel throughout each interview makes this ruse painfully obvious. This man is no professional and those children should have had professional third party independent witnesses for this interview.

cantsleepawink ago

Yup. Looks like the police and the rest of the establishment can pretty much do what they like.

