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hojuruku ago

Washington Metropolitan police departments special GLLU founded special gay anal sex police that must be in charge of any matter if a homosexual is involved by Policy. This policy has shut down pizzagate, because guess who's gay? Alefantis.

I got the DC Mayor to shut down in 2009. Man that site was a disgrace. I've been trying to buy the domain, but firstly it was given to some Japanese Lesbians. But their twitter is still alive and strong.

The very existence of special anal sex police means that fags are bigots and elitists who think all normal people could never respect them (humm I relate with that) and only an elite gay could do another elite gay's bidding because all normal police are two flawed and too biased against gays. And of course the very existence of special male sodomy or woman on woman vagina suck police implies gays are not subject to the flaws of human nature and are divine beings, unlike the normal pool of police who's LGBTI workload they replaced.

Harvard University's best innovation in American government.... Wait for it..... SEGREGATED .... GAY APARTHEID LAW ENFORCEMENT.]

WOULD A FAGGOT INVESTIGATE OR JAIL A FAGGOT ICON LIKE ALEFANTIS? I was a victim of special gay police deciding we are justice peverting criminals rather than police who follow police procedure. My crime was to have a CCTV alibi that would require two special woman on woman vagina suck police to do a dyke on dyke arrest out side the bedroom for a change, because my gay neighbor who called in the special gay police lied to police / made a false report - 2 years jail.

I became accused of the rarest crime in Australia 60C NSW Crimes Act, Obtain True Personal Information on a Law Enforcement Officer, crime of obtaining true occult knowledge that a secret gay police officer was gay. Remember the homocops were founded by Gregory Tillett of a self confessed child sex cult. This law has a 100% conviction rate and a 100% death in custody rate (against police corruption whistlblowers) before me. Unless the Australian government is prepared to tell a foreign court the names of those who died before me that came up in a custom query that corrective services department wont name under FOI - I can never be extradited due to most extradition treaties now not allowing death penalties to be carried out. The Australian government wanted me to die for gay pride. So Imagine what I think about faggot pride now and how they are more likely to be pedophiles - I say 20X but the family research council who was machine gun attacked by a faggot SPLC terrorist says a gay 40X more likely to rape your kids.

EVEN BREITBART - who was killed for being on the cusp of exposing Obama is a faggot (best friend with child rapist Terry Bean who is linked to Alefantis through his gay and Lesbian Victory Fund) IS WRITING STORIES ABOUT THE EVIL SPECIAL GAY POLICE TARGETING ANTI-PEDOPHILIA ACTIVISTS FAMILIES AS THEY HAVE ALSO DONE TO MINE.

More information on the special gay child fuck police persecuting my whole family and making my father flee Australia and be a political refugee too.