Was River Phoenix Murdered by the "Children of God" Pedophile Cult? Documentary (youtube.com)
submitted 7.6 years ago by pizzagate3456
hojuruku 7.6 years ago
Ok I'm down-voting this because he was murdered by Johnny Depp and the OTO kiddy fuck cult. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmOrvnbs-z0 Don't take it personally, I'm only down-voting the content.
UnicornAndSparkles 7.6 years ago
What's not to say Depp isn't connected Children Of God. All this is connected.
hojuruku ago
Ok I'm down-voting this because he was murdered by Johnny Depp and the OTO kiddy fuck cult. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmOrvnbs-z0 Don't take it personally, I'm only down-voting the content.
UnicornAndSparkles ago
What's not to say Depp isn't connected Children Of God. All this is connected.