kazza64 ago

i believe the killuminati staged cornells and chesters deaths as similar to make the sheeple believe they are related. in the long run they will remember they are both musicians and they both killed themselves in similar circumstances. we are dealing with people who have been mind fucking the public since the 50's they are very good at public relations and controlling the minds of the masses.


So sad. And it's pretty crass to bring up faking his death to throw people off, shills. You can't protect Podesta forever. He's evil & he's going to prison. But don't take my word for it. Why not ask the millions online & offline who are saying the same thing?

dreamdigital ago

The purchase falls in line with what Chester's LP bandmates said -- that he'd spoken excitedly about future plans. Buying the perfect place for his family, but then taking his life there a month later just doesn't add up.

Everyone, please listen. I have lost three friends to suicide. None of this adds up. Not from Cornell's death neither Chester's. There is the part where I don't know any of these individuals personally, however, the actions leading up to their deaths do not show any signs of suicide.

9957891? ago

I agree! Absolutely.

yxrev ago

I could imagine this, but not in this particular case. I'm sure if he had/wanted to leave the world stage, there would've been ways to do that without being remembered as the guy who "cowardly" killed himself despite having 6 children. My guess is that he was killed just as Cornell because they were researching child trafficking and have a very big range to reach many people.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

You think they could be at an undisclosed Japanese Island? You know faking a death when your a global pedophile empire with control over police, politicians and coroner services is rather easy.....who has the authority to demand to see the body? It is all local as we saw with Alito.....they can fake anything....

Shillaxe ago

Wonder if they get too blatant and people start to notice, it's time to check out, a resort paradise maybe.

jafbm ago

Can someone link me up to the Chester/Posdester link? Thanks

yxrev ago

From what I know this is only based on them looking very similar. This is one of the things I wish people wouldn't be talking about because it makes this whole suspicion about chesters death look completely ridiculous. All we got are comparision pictures and people claiming some dude on the internet said that chesters mom and john podesta had an affair, that's all.

spacewitch ago

Buying a house doesn't prove anything. Someone suicidal in this case could have been willing to make his family comfortable before leaving his life behind. But I don't believe that's what he did though. I believe there's something fishy with this story and Chris Cornell's. And the Podesta resemblance is troubling too.

9957911? ago

The day of Chester's death he was scheduled for a band photo shoot.

The band had just released a music video three hours before they found him dead.

He and the band were preparing for an imminent road trip.

Balour ago

buys a house 8 days after his best friend is "suicided" Suicides himself a couple months later

Totally makes sense. No for real though, maybe he feared for his life.

DantePerez2017 ago

Maybe he was coerced and threatened to suicide himself to protect his family.

All these connections with these other organizations linked directly to specific people we have been discussing here are too heavy not to be just a coincidence considering those connections and his childhood abuse. Strange!

First thing I thought of when I saw the "resemblance" is "YOU WILL CALL ME YOUR FATHER". Was Chester the child? Was it someone he knew? Was an associate of someone he knew? STRANGE!

carmencita ago

There are many possibilities to this story. He committed suicide, because he was a pedophile himself or had the tendencies and could feel it coming on, because of what JP did to him and he knew he could not overcome it. Or the death was faked and so, how do you just leave your family, because he had six children. His wife and all the kids were going to keep perfectly quiet? ORHe was going to leave them all and never see them again. OR he was murdered. Could Chris and Chester have engineered something together? Hmm. Kind of hard to do with all those that were invested in them, you know the Music Elites. Too much of this lately.

SaveTheChildren ago

Celebs hoax their deaths all the time. Get a clue.

yxrev ago

I think there are more glorious ways to fake your death than leaving as "the man who cowardly killed himself and left 6 children without a father". Pretty sure celebs faking their deaths to escape publicity for good is a thing, doubt that it's the case for chester.

SaveTheChildren ago

Noname artists don't get to fake their deaths in glorious ways

SaveTheChildren ago


GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Not the kind of thing a suicide does? Chester Podesta is a sad story.....created for a role in destroying society.....hopefully the stories he figured it out In The End and was attempting to deprogram himself are true. If he was trying to fix himself.....then he is in a better place now.