anotherdream ago

Boat was acting strange about 9 hours ago. I was trying g to login over course of a few hours and it kept going into maintenance mode. What what they were tweaking.

CeepsNo ago

I think it's just Voat's algorithm doing strange things, unless my crazy theory about deleted accounts refreshing the upvoat/downvoat totals on locked content is correct. I don't think it's a big enough deal to stress Puttitout about considering he's trying to port voat to linux currently, and reduce costs.

My only advice is sort by new. That's less manipulated by upvotes anyways. There's also imageboards you can go to, to discuss, that aren't influenced by up and downvoats.

VieBleu ago

At this point, all I can say is this is a pretty popular post, I have channeled what a lot of people here have thought. Read through my conversation with Pimm all the way if you have time - the abuse here is so thick it turns a corner and becomes laughable as in real lols

Thanks for your answer and interest btw. People here have wondered if older posts are being deleted from the system which messes with the algo. Possibly just to save space, not even b/c of the boogieman CIA or whatever.

remedy4reality ago

All these shitbags from Reddit posing as Voaters, who never research or participate in PG just LOOOOOVEEE to come in here when things heat up and tell everybody what dumb cunts they are, lecture, belittle, and basically leave everyone feeling really shitty by saying nothing will ever come of any of it... These are the paid mother fuckers on this site.

VieBleu ago

telling it like it is. /\/\/\/\

NonyaBidness ago

Whether it is already, or is just yet to be, eventually Voat will be just part of the propaganda machine just like the vast majority of the rest of the web. I'm looking forward to the webs replacement.

VieBleu ago

Yes, you are right. If they wouldn't act so self-righteous about their angelic motives around here, it would be more palatable.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Kept getting "under maintenance" for about 1 hour today!😣

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Also, for nearly three months now, I can't get to the new pizzagate thread, unless I type it into search engine. Even to just refresh😦

MrPim ago

Because there is a lot of behind the scenes work being done to Voat right now. The entire place is being ported to linux. Things are being recoded, hardware being retired. Things arent going to look right for a minute. If you bothered to look at Voat outside of this single forum, youd have a clue as to your tech environment. I can point to month old posts in my Front which have nothing to do w PG. Its a simple tech issue.

The entire site is going down later btw. Dont freak out. Its a planned outage you tards.

VieBleu ago

That's the best expanation that's ever been given so I thank you for that BUT, sorry it fails. this phenomenon has been going on on this page for 2 months. I have a comment where I first pinged the mods about it in alarm at least 8 weeks ago - if you want me to dig it up because you don't believe me, I will, It was in Pizzagate/whatever. They just shrugged. And wait at least for a response before throwing names.

MrPim ago

Here, this is the latest announcemt which came down just a few hours ago. and if you go through that sub you'll see announcements going back months. You are not being targeted( or at least what you are seeing here isnt evidence of such). This is purely back end work. To make Voat better and cheaper to run.

VieBleu ago

Okay this is an answer I can appreciate.

I suggest this post stays up because there has been NO answer given to this question here where it is likely to be seen and a lot of people have noticed it.

logjam ago

I can understand the frustration. Truly. I have thought and seen the exact same thing. Scroll past the first page and then all of a sudden posts that are 5 months old are showing up. I'm glad you addressed it - and i'm glad you shared your link.

What's worse is that PG is hanging by a thread here on Voat and we have to see it through. I wouldn't know where to go if we didn't have this forum.

We have had a decent explanation and we have to wait out. :(

VieBleu ago

Yeah but Pim ended up exploding in a racist rant down below -

PIM "God Damn PG fags are the singular most retarded mother fuckers Ive ever had the displeasure of meeting. Next time, Im not going to bother to inform you, you should be doing that on your own. You ignorant inbred jackass retarded fuckwit mongoloid Jew Nigger.

It's so funny - they decided to host a conspiracy forum, but get triggered when their low quality site no search bar bs and etc creates all sorts of problems that go unanswered for weeks and months triggering conspiracy theories. lol

logjam ago

I say it with a straight face, but you need to watch some Milo. They're just words. Not condoning it, but we have to look a the bigger picture. It's their country here, and he can say whatever he wants. I'd be happy to visit another country too, but I know of none like this one.

VieBleu ago

I'm not particularly insulted, don't get me wrong. None of that has anything to do with me. But it is still childish and that's what I have to say about it. Milo is entertaining. this place is servicable, but not that great. end of story for me as far as this topic - thanks for your input, seems to be a fairly popular post, so I'm just channeling what the community is thinking..

MrPim ago

And this is Why you need to get your head out of PG once in a while. Its a community. You might want to learn about the community you live in. Itll also clear your head of the bullshit that gets posted here. A palate clenser so to speak.

VieBleu ago

Ok if you are so into community, read this When my head is not in PG it is doing real work - researching and writing.

After you do that, I'll set time aside to browse memes and site notices.

MrPim ago

I dont give a single shit about your work you retard. But maybe if you spent five fucking minutes looking around you wouldnt make paranoid accusations. God Damn PG fags are the singular most retarded mother fuckers Ive ever had the displeasure of meeting. Next time, Im not going to bother to inform you, you should be doing that on your own. You ignorant inbred jackass retarded fuckwit mongoloid Jew Nigger.

VieBleu ago

OK I'll ignore your sophomoric insults

lol funny it triggers you so bad to actually ask you to actually read something.

MrPim ago

You mean like Reading The Rest Of Voat On A Semi Regular Basis You Fucking Ignorant Piece Of Shit. Go back to Reddit. Oh wait. You Cant. Because they kicked your sorry ass out for being a cretin.

So you might take two god damned mi ites out of your day to look around at Voat. Who have been kind enough to host your mostly delusional bullshit. Take thise two mi utes to look around andknow what is going on your Hosts. Those who are giving this party. Insteax of making retarded accusations about shit showi g up thats old.

God damn. I hope all of your childeren, and their chdren are raped by record producing Jews. Youre that dumb, nothing will be lost. Go die back at reddit you worthless piece of shit cock sucki g cunt.

In short, die. No one will ever miss you. Not even your children

VieBleu ago

Look I hear what you are saying. You said in your post you are trying to be a minimalist now because of moving? So try - "I really mean it, look at the site notices, it will answer a lot that the mods apparently can't because they don't bother to read the site notices either."

And that could be it. And if you really wanted to cooperate instead of instigate, you could suggest I volunteer some of my precious time to be a mod here, and take responsiblity for damping down all the paranoia (much of which is very justified) by messaging about these kinds of questions to this forum. I would not be a mod anyway because I am too busy, but you could have thought of something productive

Instead you just revert to childishness. Look You've spent enough time here and your message has gotten through. good luck and thanks I assume you are puttitout. If so, I have heard many glowing and postive things about you. A lot of voaters outside of PG almost worship you. So hasta la vista, hopefully there will not be a next time amigo.

Edit: and if you happen to be KevDude, nice to talk to you again. You haven't changed a bit. Sorry I didn't take your palate cleanser!

Precipitate ago

"You have an explanation that proves me wrong so I'm just going to ignore it because I'm a fucktard"

VieBleu ago

MrPim /\/\/\/\ that was for you.

Precipitate ago

Nope it was for your dumb ass

VieBleu ago

well, i thought I'd give it a shot anyway.

MrPim ago

Work has been in progress for months. You guys seriously need to step outside of v/PG once in awhile. This is All backend work. The entire site has been in work for the last few months. This is entirely normal tech related issues. This can all be proven w Announcement posts from Putt.

Seriously, you guys have your heads buried so hard in here you have no idea whats going on site wide.

logjam ago

This all sounds like the old days of Reddit, when the mass migration from Digg took place. It took years to get Reddit half ass stable back then. Thanks for taking the time out to keep us in the loop.

MrPim ago

Youre welcome. Unfortunately most of your sub is filled w cunts like OP who wants to talk shit. So. I hope your entire sub is raped by satanists, because none of you are worth saving. You are all idiots and mongoloid retards who should die in a shortbus greasefire.

VieBleu ago

come on, you know I didn't talk any shit. Also what is a shortbus.

VieBleu ago

I do not "need" to go anywhere but what is relevant to my interests.

Show me the annoucement posts where Putt addresses this issue

Why are you so knowlegable, but the mods here are clueless and have not given your explanation for this for months?

You write a 20 page article fully sourced on media and legal malfeasance and see how much extra time you have to browse in lolita land or Ban Hammer BS

If you want to be helpful, you can lose the superior attitude.

DissentingOpinion ago

Some of these might correlate to the downtimes you've mentioned.

Mammy ago

I hear ya. That shit ALWAYS happens.

DonKeyhote ago

Who actually looks at the hot page? If you cant check the new page once a day how much of a contributor are you likely to be anyway.

I am walking proof that the point system is effectively just a tool for shills.

remedy4reality ago

You're walking proof of a complete asshole narcissist who has no fucking idea how off putting he is.

DonKeyhote ago

I am totally aware of it and thats why I dont have to use ALTS like your bitch ass. Downvoats or not I will still be RIGHT, REPTILE BOY

remedy4reality ago

right on cue, faggot shitbag

DonKeyhote ago

Anyone can see you write exactly like @redditsuckz dude LMAO

remedy4reality ago

wow... just proved how fucking retarded you are..

Low IQ faggot with a marginal vocabulary. check/

ThePuppetShow ago

When you click the pizzagate sub link at the top, in your subscriptions, it takes you to the hot section. The link also takes you there. Most people like us know how to navigate the site, but the average Joe may not. It's about getting information to the masses, not the regulars. If you really feel how you claim to feel, you should understand this.

DonKeyhote ago

First off why are you subscribed to other subverses at all. Is pizzagate boring you? Second, no fucking masses or normies come here and id bet my left nut that membership traffic would confirm.

Only 0.01% of people have the both intellectual skills AND interest/culture to crack PG, and theyre mostly gonna be white males of the kind who chased Shia Lebeouf to fucking northern Finland.

They did that because he hated on Trump so hard, and they realized that like so many others he wasnt genuinely overpassionate, he is a GOD DAMN JEW RAT WHOSE FATHER IS A PEDOPHILE

ThePuppetShow ago

I'm subscribed to most of the pizzagate threads and SethRich. Did you think you had a gotcha moment?

Stay on topic and quit shitting up the thread with your Jew myth.

VieBleu ago

thx needed a laugh PuppetShow

DonKeyhote ago

Just pointing out that the most useful online researchers share a distaste for jews. If the conclusion you draw is that they are racists, check between your legs

VieBleu ago

Cute little donkeyho - try a little exercise, google voat, pizzagate Guess what? HOT it is the DEFAULT PAGE when you go to Voat pizzagate - and it doesn't matter who looks at it - that is beside the point But the answer is - everyone who comes here goes to the Hot section at some point. Most people ONLY go to the HOT section..

DonKeyhote ago

Then that should be your complaint.

What people EXPECT when opening ANY site is the most recent and thus credible content.

ThePuppetShow ago

It's becoming pretty obvious at this point.

VieBleu ago

I'm sure I'll be told that this is not related to pizzagate and needs to go to the mods thread, where the mods will say they don't have anything to do with how the site runs, but I should private message puttitout, but he's a really busy nice guy who probably can't get back to me on it but I should be patient and see. Circular trash can.

bopper ago

You'd be a kick in person lol. Did you ever use to read Dave Barry?

Yeah I've been wondering that myself, I get fooled by those old posts.

VieBleu ago

never heard of him - do tell Have read Catch 22, and Vonnegut of course.

bopper ago

ThePuppetShow ago
