norobotono ago

Don't forget U2's album covers...

pavezi ago

Like David Icke said in one of his talks: You don't have to follow the money, follow the Bono!

BIGLY17 ago

Bono started sketching me out the minute that CD was released to iTunes on all apple devices.

I'm not particularly keen when it comes to the technological capabilities of such a release on every single Apple device BUT if it included any sort of "malware" designed by an intelligence agency then it would have access to pools of data instantaneously and it would only be accessible to those behind the release...

Just my thoughts on this - have not looked into this at all - was just the first thing that popped into my head when I saw this Bono shit.

carmencita ago

I just said it in comments yesterday that he should be researched. He has made too many trips with Bill C to Africa.

Peace_gate ago

Both on Jeffrey Epstein airlines the Lolita express..couldn't pick a better name.

carmencita ago

Yeah, I have thought about Bono for quite a while. Yeah, the name of Lolita is perfect. Wonder if they were ever on it the same time? Nothing like sharing fun stuff with your BFF.

dassaer ago

I'm curious about how it became known as the "lolita" express in the first place, i known msm play things up with catchy headlines and such, but where did they get this one from??, and how do any of them explain it away ??..... I mean it's like saying the " young nubile pre-teen ( ready for sex and frolicks) Express" and no body is questioning WTF, what exactly were you all on those planes for??, ... Each and every time i'm hearing that in the media , i cant help think the're all saying" yup thats right we did that ... but prove it haha ". Degenerate scum .

carmencita ago

Lolita is the name of a movie with Sue Lyons and James Mason. She is underage and he is more than charmed with her. In the movie there is also a ping pong table featured. You can't make this stuff up. Thus the name "Lolita Express". Yeah, that is a term I like to use for them too Scum or Scumbags or even Vermin. No name is too rotten for them.

pushthis ago

The ambiance, dramatization, shitty orchestral feel of his tracks always was apparent. Like an agsnt or exaltation of (((feelings))). Silly and oversold.

Gorillion ago

"The emotional argument." or "Argument to emotion". That's why Band-Aid did so well back in the 80s and pretty much continues as an aspect of social media posturing today.

GrDec ago

Bono = another globalist neoliberal scum millionaire

independenceday ago

I've always felt a bad vibe about Bono and his true political agendas...he's always been an agent from my perspective.