BackAtItAgain ago

Thanks for the replies guys! This community is always so helpful!

9936242? ago

Thank You. Back To You!

You are investigating some worthwhile stuff I think.


Criticalthinker615 ago

i found this interesting. from what i understand mixing Naloxone & Lorazepam is extremely dangerous. also naloxone is for opiod dependance.

POSTMORTEM TOXICOLOGY Caffeine Positive – Peripheral Blood Naloxone Positive – Peripheral Blood Butalbital 5.4 mcg/mL – Peripheral Blood Lorazepam 41 ng/mL – Peripheral Blood Pseudoephedrine 170 ng/mL – Peripheral Blood Norpseudoephedrine 10 ng/mL – Peripheral Blood Barbiturates Presump Pos – Urine

maybe the bodyguard tried to overdose him but underestimated how much he needed and was forced to finish the job. no one mentioned him being on naloxone while taking benzos. thats a big no no. especially with alcohol and barbituates too. this is OD territory imo

Vox_Pacem ago

If they had a catheter into the Antecubital, it could lose a lot of blood during CPR. The body was between rigor mortis and dependent lividity when they found it, which is weird. If he was that far along, they wouldn't have started CPR, IV's and put in an ET tube, and the blood wouldn't have been that fresh either. Not fresh enough for it to be pumped out of a catheter during CPR.. on a body that's already in rigor mortis.

maybe i'm overlooking something obvious, but you don't start lifesaving treatments on a body that has an unknown time of death and rigor mortis.. you call the coroner to pronounce death.. and you don't get that kind of blood out of it.

9930569? ago

Hello Again:

I did not see what I was thinking of in the list I referenced in my previous comment.

Look here ok?

The article is titled:

CHRIS CORNELL - Expert:. "Too Much Blood For Hanging."

I sure will let you know if I find anything else.

9930402? ago

My take..?

In what I believe to be a manufactured scenario is that Chris killed himself by hanging.

There was too much blood at the death scene for it to be death by hanging.

So naturally an unscrupulous medical examiner would avoid referencing blood in his or her report.

I don't have your answer.

I recommend you look at the articles in this list and especially read and study all blood articles.

Thank you to. @Dejure for providing this resource.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


An endotracheal tube was in place and was secured by adhesive tape wrapped around the head. The skin under the adhesive tape had a red-purple discoloration. The mid aspect of the lower lip had a focal, tan abrasion. Adhesive defibrillator pads were on the torso. The left antecubital fossa had four, 0.1 centimeter to 0.2 centimeter, needle puncture wounds. An intraosseous catheter extended from the anterior aspect of the right leg.

The soft tissues and muscles of the chest had multiple foci of hemorrhage. The anterior aspects of the right second through sixth and left second through fifth ribs were fractured. The anterior mediastinal soft tissues were hemorrhagic. The anterior aspects of the right and left lungs had focal areas of hemorrhage.

The endotracheal tube, the intraosseous catheter, acute CPR all of these procedures can cause both internal and external bleeding.

Vindicator ago

Welcome back, @BackAtItAgain. :-) Can you add a line to your post explaining that Cornell and his wife established a foundation for vulnerable children, with a link, and that some have theorized he was suicided like the Vietnamese attorney in Atlanta who FOIAed the gov about a freeway explosion for her employer? We need every post to spell out how things could be directly related to the trafficking of kids by the global elite.

BackAtItAgain ago

will do, thanks for the tip :)

Vindicator ago

Also: Check out the sidebar...not sure when you left, but we instituted some specific submission rules to help us combat the forum-sliding and disinfo spewing by shills. :-) They're a little more work for users, but they frustrate our enemies quite effectively.

carmencita ago

Welcome Aboard Again! You will have to make a connection with your post to Pizzagate or your post will be deleted. Thanks.