Mstruthserum ago

Check Laurel Canyon and Morin County, CA.

ScalarWhaler ago

Series_of_tubes needs closer scrutiny. That's science for "meatbags". Or expendable people.

MileHiLife ago

Series_of_Tubes = underground tunnel network? Rome.dome = freemasonry/Jesuits? "dome" may be a sexual slang reference like "getting your dome polished"

Travellingman ago

Unsure if you're joking or just got your drivers license

Series of tubes is what a senator called the internet. yes we had memes are wayyyy back before 9/11

bob_mq ago

So I'm kind of terrified right now, I was gathering information on who lives at the address that seems to be broadcasting 'Great Horned Owl'.

2447 Kalorama Rd NW Washington, DC 20008

The owners in 2016: Dan Rapoport Irina Rapoport

The owners in 2017: Jared Kushner Ivanka Trump

According to that WiFi map, the 'Great Horned Owl' SSID didn't show up until late 2016 / early 2017 it seems.

Factfinder2 ago

That gives me the creeps completely but does not surprise me, unfortunately. Nice work!

bob_mq ago

Yeah, me too. Hopefully someone in DC can drive by with a laptop and verify this.

Blaster2 ago

Ivanka lives next to pegasus museum ???? confused please explain

DarkMath ago

This pretty much says it all:

Obama and Podesta neighborhood:

Brave new world

Brave New World was written by Aldous Huxley another psychotic pedophile in league with Alistair Crowley.

9853812? ago

Up ^^ vote for you

TrishaUK ago

Excellent new angle to pizzagate. I agree, some of these name choices are oddly suspicious. :)

Blaster2 ago

You already familiar with:

Commoner ago

Nice research!

WakeyWake ago

The FBI van 33 is funny bc I saw that on a list before to rename your WiFi stuff like "FBI surveillance" and add spot or van after it. Therefore your neighbors think FBI survellience is set up in area.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

True, could be a joke one way or the other. "Hide yo kids", however...

2impendingdoom ago

hide your kids, hide your wife, wifi = wife, Its funny.

WakeyWake ago

Hide yo kids...maybe a pizzagater trying to warn others??

SurfinMindWaves ago

Antoine Dodson lyrics.

PedoStomper ago

We get that, its the location of the signal that makes it suspect.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Wouldn't they need a router in the area emitting signal? A pf'er living that close would have more involvement than that, it would seem.

WakeyWake ago

I would think they would need a router in the area yes. Are we sure it's not a song or something? Plus DC, hasn't that been hit hard with kidnapped kids?

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Owl house and Yogi, as well.

Blaster2 ago

The only Yogi to reference to seems to be Yogi the BEAR?

new4now ago

Yogi Berra, catcher for NY Yankees