twistedmac11 ago

This is a couple of months old, just FYI. Dyncorp was caught hiring underage boys for sex in Bosnia

Also, one of Dyncorp’s planes shared a tail number with a plane used by Epstein and the CIA

Verite1 ago

The Epstein plane connection was wild. And the movie The Whistlblower is all about Dyncorp. Watch it.

twistedmac11 ago

Will do!

User2060 ago

How come so much bad shit happened (and I'm speaking of serious things that touch everyone in a way) since I've been thrown into this world around or on the year of my birthday (1982), it's like it's where America started its downfall. Reagan is the answer generally, but more specifically, I'm starting to think Hindus are right and I was sent here because of my past bad life. Although they sent me into one of the top 5 most peaceful country on we're just seeing the madness from afar hoping it doesn't spread past the border.

NeoGoat ago


Narcissism ago

Thats what he gets for forgetting to renew his Church of Satan membership. :) Must have pissed somebody off at a high level...

Arrvee ago

1983-1989? I'm surprised that the statute of limitations hasn't run out on that yet. It also means they have nothing on him since then, at least not that they're willing to publish.

Dyncorp was accused of child sex slavery and defrauding the government in Bosnia.

Dyncorp was accused of child sex slavery in Afghanistan.

User2060 ago

Well, Bosnia was a bunch of white muslims of convenience. Hence how Ayman Al-Zawahiri and Bin Laden were there when they created their Saudi-clothed army in the 90's balkans war. Another reason for them to get mad at Merka.

NeoGoat ago

May be different under martial law.

QuaeResInduravit ago

Like types like him would stop, please. There is more to the story for sure.

NeoGoat ago

Good work!

meowski ago


Solentgreenispeople ago

this is very old i think

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Holy crap... Dyncorp. This certainly adds a heck of a lot of credence to their rumored involvement.

luvgabe ago

From #Pizzagate Wiki:

"DynCorp has routinely been connected to human trafficking activities, and more specifically child sex trafficking, in countries throughout the globe. Multiple instances of child and drug trafficking, and even the direct sale of child pornography in Bosnia and Colombia during the 1990s, earned them a reputation which led to a federal investigation from 2004 to 2005. They would also be directly responsible for the loss of at least $2 trillion USD in Department of Defense funds.

Despite active federal investigations into DynCorp and successful lawsuits against them no employee has ever been prosecuted in criminal court."

When she was Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton hushed up DynCorp's hiring of a 15-year-old bacha bazi boy prostitute to perform lap dances at a DynCorp party in Afghanistan.

fogdryer ago

That's because they were protected

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Pure insanity... they think they are untouchable... all of our hops lie on Trump and his cabinet to end this madness.

Blacksmith21 ago

Not a rumored involvement. They were and are still involved.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Yeah, I know* that - I'm just putting some MSM spin on it... the more we think like them, the harder it will be to wiggle out of these claims as the pyramid is slowly chipped away from.

Fatsack ago

Awesome, this is getting pretty high up there. Looks like the fire is climbing the tree.

SmugPeePee ago

Archive of OP link:

carmencita ago

There seem to be a lot of people arrested lately all over the world. Hmm.

Commoner ago

And it is strange that we don't hear about any of this in the MSM. None. I don't even think the Jacob Schwartz scandal with the massive amount of child porn on his computer was covered at all on TV.

Verite1 ago

Right?! Like they completely ignored it.

carmencita ago

Nope saw none of this on TV. They are doing a bang up job.