DarkMath ago

Yep. The Democrats have no credibility left whatsoever. All they have now is Robert Mueller. It'll be interesting to see what he makes up out of thin air.

Whatever it is I'm positive it blow up in his face in 48 hours or less.

Are_we_sure ago

Bilateral adoption agreement was signed in 2011. Obama was president. You missed my clue.

When the bilateral adoption agreement was signed the President of the Russian Federation was Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev. When the adoption ban became law the President of the Russian Federation was Vladimir Putin. There was a definitive shift in Russian policy when Putin returned, xenophobia towards the US was a part of that shift.

Was it ever played in full in the U.S. to the public? Probably not. I see it on YouTube but you have to register to watch it and give a credit card # which seems scammy.

It's not scammy, you're just renting a movie stream. It's like renting a video now that there are no video stores any more. Youtube has lots of movies/documentaries for rent.

Why the uproar? Probably because ordinary people in both countries would be hurt, by a law that didn't really address the problem it claimed it addressed. Adoption is a super emotional issue for those close to it. That's just a guess on my part.

RweSure ago

You missed C and D and you missed them by about 5,000 miles. And that is key to understanding this.

E. Bingo. F. The movie makes more sense as a lobbying artifact than a real movie. Why is it important to show it in the US? How many Russian films play here? The Newseum screening was the PREMIERE of the movie.

G. The use of adoption as a weapon against the US goes back to C and D.

Interesting post.

DarkMath ago

There's a big difference between a Frat Boy joke about Golden Showers and high level government officials taking it seriously.

It might help if you realize just how stupid and desperate Lindsey Graham and John McCain are. The whole Deep State is desperate as hell and will literally grab at anything if it can put Trump in a bad light.

It's as simple as that. Hillary & Co are desperate.

DarkMath ago

That's highly unlikely given the sheer number of flagrant attempts by the Deep State to frame Trump. The Russian Hooker Golden Shower charade fits right in their game plan.

DarkMath ago


You totally lost me. Why would a made up story about Trump getting a golden shower from a Russian hooker be "PRO-TRUMP"?

Commoner ago

"I HAVE THE DEMS END GAME ON DT JR MEETING. HE'S A DISTRACTION, THEY'RE GOING AFTER TRUMP WITH THIS. ALL INFO INSIDE. They've already started running what I wrote below!! https://www.yahoo.com/news/new-details-emerge-moscow-real-estate-deal-led-trump-kremlin-alliance-190126219.html I'm pretty sure I've figured out the long game with the Russian meeting that they've set Trump jr. up with. They've had this connection planned since May before anyone was ever "hacked" back in May 2016 via the DNC emails. I have their oppo research and all the players are there for what they're going to say. Their end game is to use this against Trump We know from the DT jr's email that someone named Emin Aglarov pushed to set the meeting up, he initiated it. We also know that this Emin is connected to the president of a country which is why he's pictured with John Kerry and knows Hillary Clinton https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilham_Aliyev. All the connections are here https://i.redd.it/uwbd7vrrx19z.jpg. The top meeting is in May of 2016 (same time as the DNC oppo research at the bottom AND one month before the meeting was set up). As we see from this article that was just posted http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/07/well-lookie-russian-lawyer-veselnitskaya-pictured-obama-ambassador-russia-8-days-trump-jr-mtg/ . The Russian lawyer is sitting right in front of Emin (who set up the meeting) 8 days after the meeting happened in congress right behind Obama's Russian ambassador (he could coordinate everything). We also know this isn't just any Russian lawyer, she is connected to Fusion GPS which is connected to the DNC paid for foreign agent acquired piss dossier http://www.independent.co.uk/News/world/americas/us-politics/trump-jr-russian-lawyer-steele-dossier-natalia-veselnitskaya-gps-fusion-a7834541.html. Here is the Russian oppo research from the DNC in May 2016 (one month before the meeting and BEFORE ANY HACKING TOOK PLACE). https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/10436 (search for Emin and he is their entire link to "Putin" because President Trump is in one of his music videos). So in closing, the DNC in May of 2016 BEFORE THERE WAS ANY HACKING planned to use Emin to connect President Trump to Putin since he was in a music video of his. Kerry met with Emin's father in law in May of 2016, one month before the meeting was requested with DT jr. in June. The Russian lawyer who attended the meeting was spotted with Emin 8 days later in Congress (who let them in?) AND is connected to the Fusion GPS fake piss dossier. MOST IMPORTANT PART (summary). This DNC hit job to connect Emin to Putin and then Emin to President Trump was planned BEFORE THE DNC WAS "HACKED" BY "RUSSIA". This was their end game all along. Their next "bombshell" will be "Who is this Emin that set up the meeting? Oh wow he's connected to Putin and here is President Trump in his music video". This is how they're going to use this bullshit cooked up meeting to go after President Trump. All planned since May of 2016 before anyone was fucking "hacked". And they weren't his name was fucking Seth Rich you fucks. EDIT. HERE IS THE EMAIL WHERE THEY GOT THE TRUMP MUSIC VIDEO OF EMIN, THEY EVEN SAY "PUTIN CONNECTED". ALL BEFORE THE HACKING EVEN HAPPENED. https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/11812

r/The_Donald Thatman5454 12h ago 2804 points 115 comments"

Commoner ago

There are several other key factors which figure into this. and can be read here:


  1. Just 5 days after meeting with Don Jr., Veselnitskaya, was the guest of Michael McFaul, Obama's ambassador to Russia, at a congressional hearing. McFaul was the architect of Hillary's Russian 'reset' button and stirred up all kinds of crap in Russian immediately after his appointment to ambassador. They eventually kicked him out.
  2. McFaul has been all over the media pushing the fake Russian conspiracy narrative for the democrats.

  3. Veselnitskaya,had been denied entry into the US until she appealed and was represented by anti-Trump attorneys, one of which was Preet Bharara, the Obama guy who Trump had to fire because he refused to step down. Her court day was the same day as the meeting with Junior.

  4. Natalia Veselnitskaya was/is also a very vocal anti-Trump person on all of her social media accounts

– SEE FACEBOOK ARCHIVE http://archive.is/mdSre

  "So why would someone with a disposition of being anti-Trump want to deliver information to Donald Trump Jr?  …Especially considering Ms. Veselnitskaya was never identified within the original email request for a meeting? ….and Donald Trump Jr. said, correctly it appears, that he had no idea whom he would be meeting with(?) .

It’s enough to make you wonder what exactly is the nature of the relationship between Natalia Veselnitskaya and President Obama’s appointees such that they would be visibly working together only a few days after her reported meeting with Donald Trump Jr. in Trump Tower…."

RweSure ago

Broder's appearance will be widely covered.

kestrel9 ago

Thanks for all your work :) I'm not claiming to know what is at the heart of this, but there is something going on in the realm of the TPTB for this to become what it has. I don't think Natalia Veselnitskaya's meeting with Trump Jr. was about adoption even though she probably talked about adoption. Some evidence (if real) supporting my opinion, http://archive.is/YXT1U I doubt Donald Trump Jr. knew what the heck she was on about, without being well versed in the Magnitsky case, (I am not).

Here's what Russia claims about it.

  1. The animosity by the Russian Government towards the Magnitsky Act has not diminished over time, and in fact seems to have increased in the last 6 months.

A. On 3 December 2015 Russia’s General Prosecutor Yuri Chaika provided a letter of reply to the newspaper Kommersant, in which he stated that; the adoption of the Magnitsky Act was the result of a large scale, deceitful PR campaign orchestrated by Mr. Browder to shift the blame for his crimes to Russian officials; and that the passage of the Magnitsky Act was based on emotions and anti-Russian sentiment rather than objective evidence.

B. Chaika’s statements were part of a significant escalation in Russian Government Anti-Magnitsky propaganda since December 2015.

i. On 13 April 2016, Russian State-owned channel Russia-1 TV aired a 30 minute film called “The Browder Effect,” accusing Mr. Browder of being a CIA spy recruited in the 1980’s to bring down the USSR, of killing Sergei Magnitsky, and of committing the $230 million Russian Treasury fraud.

ii. In April 2016, Andrei Nekrasov’s documentary was due to be premiered in the European Parliament. While the screening was aborted, there were several former Russian government officials present, such as Pavel Karpov, who played an instrumental role in the fraud.

C. On 31 May 2016, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated that the Magnitsky Act was an attempt by the US to contain Russia.

The document claims these are all false accusations, and perhaps they are. However anything that involves any one or number of the following: Soros, Hillary, Obama, DNC, Neocons, Globalist communism...leaves plenty of room for doubt. Somewhere I read that Soros et. al...managed to rake Russia over the coals financially, enriching themselves at the expense of the Russian people, following the collapse of the Soviet Government. I would have to find that article, but I have no problem believing it.

Natalia Veselnitskaya is not on the same side as Soros, though Soros Open Societies Foundations has skin in the game as far back as 2012. (so why not before? TBD)

The question is why does he? Soros is all about leverage, power, money, control (LPMC) and this case apparently involves enough of that to keep his attention.

Natalia Magnitskaya v. Russia, filed by lawyers from the Open Society Justice Initiative on behalf of the mother of Sergei Magnitsky before the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg on October 17, 2012. https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/sites/default/files/magnitsky-summary-10182012_0.pdf

I find it hard to believe that Soros, who brought about BLM getting $100 million...cares enough for a $230 million alleged theft by the Russian government. And given the trail of bodies littering Bill and Hillarys career, I seriously doubt he cares about one Sergei Magnitsky either, unless the name recognition provides him some of the LPMC I mentioned above. But if this case interfered with or furthered the goals of the globalist cabal, or trafficking routes or whatever subversive crap he has his hands in, most especially MINERAL RESOURCES (recall WikiLeaks Albania) then no doubt it has the attention of his foundations networks and associated lawyers and protesters.

Regarding Fusion GPS.. There are several people named who are part of it including Christopher Steele, Glenn Simpson.

some other links I haven't checked out (still have to fully read what I listed lol) http://russian-untouchables.com/eng/



RweSure ago

Soros was funding anti-communist, open society promoting groups in eastern Europe since the 1970's. He funded Solidarity among others.

kestrel9 ago

Now he funds communists. Open Borders is a globalist communist movement dressed up as philanthropy. He's an evil greedy maggot.

RweSure ago

A. She is certainly close to Putin. She is a trusted lawyer for the Moscow elite and local government.

B. Posobiec is a fabricator.

C. Who was President when the high-level bilateral adoption agreement was signed?

D. Who was President when adoptions were banned.

E. Dellums isn't the only one. A sitting member of the committee she pictured at is rumored half jokingly to be taking money from Putin.

F. The movie was never intended for the public. It's only for folks who can change the law.

G. The adoption issue is being manipulated. It's not a genuine issue which is why they are eager to drop the law if we lift human rights sanctions. There's been 19 deaths of Russia adoptees in a couple decades in the US. At the same time there's been over a thousand deaths of children adopted within Russia. People who opposed this law included Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov and other prominent folks.

H. The US media didn't call it cannabalistic. They accurately reported what opposition to this law IN RUSSIA called it

As Alexei Venediktov, editor of Echo Moskvy, a radio station, said on air: “This law is morally and ethically abominable. It is cannibalistic because it condemns a certain number of children—even if it is a small one—to death.” Mr Venediktov’s comment reflected not only the attitude of the opposition but also that of a large part of the Russian elite. Even some of Mr Putin’s own ministers objected to the law.

Don't know what's up with the fusion story, but Fusion didn't write the Dossier themselves. They hired a Russian expert from another company. Christopher Steele's firm is Orbis. Orbis was the subcontractor to Fusion. Fusion was the client. Unclear if Steele was involved in any of Fusion's work wrt Broder.

Broder is going to talk to the Senate, Steele does not appear to be his focus.

Browder tells TheDC that he will testify about Fusion GPS, Simpson, BakerHostetler lawyer Mark Cymrot, and Akhmetshin, the former Soviet agent who is now a Washington, D.C.-based lobbyist and consultant.

DarkMath ago

You forgot one:

I. Say hello to my little friend.


2impendingdoom ago

well is clear that something funky is going on. I'm going to need to see how things play out, it is just too confusing at the monent to know for sure. but what is interesting is that it involves Russia, the media vs Trump and children which is a pizzagate trifecta so its a situation to keep all eyes on.

carmencita ago

Not rambling at all or confusing. It is long, and for a reason. Very involved. Will read in morning. Thanks for all your hard work.

carmencita ago

Ashtakhov was a Russian agent and now he is a high powered lobbyist working in DC. What? He could be a double agent for all we know. He also is suspected of hacking although he claims not. Should we trust this guy? I don't think so. There are so many players in here, it reads like a Covert Spy Novel. It is late and I read it once. Will have to read this at least 4 or 5 times. @Gilderoy Looks like you worked really hard on this. It Shows. Upvoat4U

RweSure ago

Ashtakhov is the other guy, a Russian politico.

Akhmetshin is the guy in the US. He was accused in a lawsuit of having been in military intelligence. He denies that he worked for the GRU.

In an e-mail response to RFE/RL, Akhmetshin denied that he ever worked for Soviet military intelligence, something he would have had to declare when he applied for U.S. citizenship.

“I am an American citizen since 2009 who pays taxes, earned his citizenship after living here since 1994, and swore an oath of loyalty to the United States of America,” he wrote.

Commoner ago

It is appearing more and more that she was working with the Obama/Clinton admin to set up Donald and Junior.