new4now ago

Hillary went to 112 Countries, more then any Secretary of State

Was she setting up for The Clinton Foundation for child trafficking on the Tax Payers dime?

QuaeResInduravit ago

Saturday night a seven member Criminal Investigation Department (CID) team raided the premises of ‘Bimala Shishu Griha’, a local NGO which runs a children’s home. Police arrested Chandana Chakraborty chairperson of the NGO. Sunday morning sleuths arrested Sonali Mondol who was the chief adoption officer of the NGO.

...named some “influential political personalities”

Newborn traffickers preyed on unwed mothers, booked babies in advance for sale...ran the ‘Bimala Shishu Griha’, welfare home, kept the unwed mothers there, and then even went to the extent of forcing them to sign agreements that they were giving up all claims on their baby.

Oh, it's Indian CPS nvmd, everyone go home, nothing to look at here, happens all the time in the US. Why anyone got arrested, is India still a developing country? When a politically connected couple, like a US assistant attorney Kauffman and his wife (both Jewish) want to adopt a blond blue eyed baby without paying any adoption fees, and the CPS gets involved, no one gets arrested, it's a free country:

Factfinder2 ago

The first thing Hillary did when she got to Kolkata was meet with victims of human trafficking, "who narrated their ordeal to her and the NGOs working for them"

kazza64 ago

the same reason she talked to seth rich's parents. to suss out the intel

carmencita ago

Do you have a child in school? What better way to keep track of them. That is why they really wanted to know if they had a child. The better to traffick you, My Dear.

bikergang_accountant ago

So we sometimes like to think that History is more than just a repeat of the news from the past. In some cases it is and some cases it isn't.

Do you think in the end we'll get it printed in a history book that Hillary covered up human trafficking rings? How do we encourage that.

Blacksmith21 ago

I've wondered the same thing. Will I look at my grandkids' history books and see a whole chapter on PG? Hell, it needs to be a whole class.

Factfinder2 ago

Add another arrest to that list, Sanjoy Dixit (50) of Haridevpur: EDIT: He runs a travel agency and was the facilitator for Pathan and his wife. According to the article, "During the raid three CPUs and three hard disks were seized from Dixit's office along with some other incriminating documents." This will be worth following up on to see if we can learn where in the U.S. and Mexico they were delivering the girls.

Good find, @Commoner.

Commoner ago

Thanks, I added it.

darkknight111 ago

Upvoat for you!

Everyone, get in here!

Commoner ago

thank you