Vindicator ago

@OleHickry, have you got any evidence supporting this? This is currently an unsourced discussion post, which I have to remove under our submission rules (Rule 2). Please repost with a link supporting this in v/pizzagatemods. Then ping me and I will look into it.

However, I'm not sure it's true. I couldn't find the site listed among those banned at v/ReportSpammers. And subverse mods don't have the power to ban IPs.

9792936? ago


Thank you so much for looking into this.

I feel what is going on and this sub is very very important to our work here.

To find out what is going on. To resolve this issue.

Things seem so hot in pizzagate becoming exposed and is exposed now. To sort out alternative media sites.

Can we trust Zero Hedge, for example. Or just some of Zero Hedge posters?

Thank you to @OleHickry

I also have been unable to post due to banned domain message. Was not DM domain.

Vindicator ago

Could someone send me a screenshot of this message? Also, please consider posting in v/voatdev or v/help to ask about this.

OleHickry ago

It is 100% true. I cannot post a single DM link.

9793048? ago

I believe you.

Vindicator ago

Can you post a screenshot of what it says when you try to?

OleHickry ago

Where do you want me to post it at? It says "Submission contains banned domains"

Vindicator ago

Thanks for the insight...ArmySeer.

9788448? ago

@vindicator. Do you have an opinion on this important matter?

Thank you.

9788388? ago

Let's ask ET Williams..The Dr.Of Common Sense!! ☺

Hello Dr.?

OleHickry ago

Yeah... that guy called DM "gatekeepers"... @armyseer has no idea what the heck he/she is talking about, but then again, ShariaBlue never really does...

redditsuckz ago

Probably because they were using bots to upvote some of their submissions...

some posts averaging 100 upvotes with less than 3 comments for a few...

zerohedge is also in collusion with em.

9787996? ago

Who s em?

redditsuckz ago

Zerohedge/Wikileaks/Disobedient Media all in it together;

^^^at least the second time Wikileaks has promoted Disobedient Media.

stellardrome ago

So Wikileaks tweeting DM is a bad thing, why? Sounds like they are more legit to me.

redditsuckz ago

Is Alan Dershowitz legit?...

Alan Dershowitz joins Julian Assange defense team

Mike Cernovich, Alan Dershowitz and the Jeffery Epstein Underage Sex Trafficking Case

stellardrome ago

I am aware of the scum that is Derschowitz.

9788083? ago

Thank you.

OleHickry ago

ZH is in collusion with DM? Seriously man, have you lost your mind hahahaha

stellardrome ago

Collusion, lol

redditsuckz ago


Your submission history consists of Zerohedge and Disobedient Media...


OleHickry ago

And this means what exactly?

redditsuckz ago

why dont you tell me?

OleHickry ago

If I had only posted articles from Fox News, would that mean I am in "collusion" with Fox News??

OleHickry ago

It means I have posted articles from ZH lol. Pretty self-explanatory LMAO

redditsuckz ago

And William Craddick works both for Zero Hedge and Disobedient Media.

@redditfuckingsucksyo also spams mostly for Zero Hedge and Disobedient Media.

Odd dont you think?

9788257? ago

Thank you for this dialogue.

News to me. I am investigating. .

Some ZH stuff seemd ok.. But about two plus months ago it started to seem loosey goosey to me... Depending who seemd to author the piece?

Was not sure.

OleHickry ago

You don't "work" for Zero Hedge man.... You are given the ability to post your articles from your website there, which Craddick does... I'm still trying to understand what you're getting at

redditsuckz ago

Im still trying to understand William Craddick...the self proclaimed guy who says he started the Pizzagate Investigation...


OleHickry ago

Because Wikileaks retweeted him when he broke the Silsby Scandal

redditsuckz ago

4chan broke the pizzagate scandal;

OleHickry ago

The post you show is dated November 3. Wikileaks tweeted Craddick's research on November 3

redditsuckz ago

Exactly...another coincidence...

OleHickry ago

Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, you have no idea what you're talking about?

redditsuckz ago

Show me where the word "pizza" is mentioned in William Craddicks research...

Pizzagate came from the Podesta where is the podesta email links in William Craddicks post that Wikileaks promoted on the eve of the Comet Ping Pong/coded words discovery that 4chan made?

OleHickry ago

Pizzagate/Pedogate is more than Pizza codewords. If you haven't realized this, then you don't even understand what Pizzagate/Pedogate is about.... Craddick brought the Silsby-Clinton Child Trafficking bust in Haiti to light, and you think he is some kind of disinformation agent?

redditsuckz ago

Pizzagate/Pedogate is more than Pizza codewords.

And pizzagate is more than just "trafficking children".

Craddick brought the Silsby-Clinton Child Trafficking bust in Haiti to light, and you think he is some kind of disinformation agent?

Alex Jones brings shit to light all the time and HE IS a disinformation agent.

OleHickry ago

"Alex Jones brings shit to light all the time and HE IS a disinformation agent."

So this means that anyone who brings anything to light is disinformation

OleHickry ago

DM does not have bots, b/c DM can't afford them LMAO

redditsuckz ago

DM does not have bots, b/c DM can't afford them LMAO

Depends where they get their funding...;)...

The Rothschilds controlling Pizzagate Subs through Disobedient Media

stellardrome ago

Rofl no one at DM gets shit, from the rothschilds or anyone else. If they did, they wouldn't be coming out swinging against Rothschild puppets. Like Macron. Oh, and writing negative articles about the Rothschilds. rofl

redditsuckz ago

Are you another one of Disobeident Medias Bots?


stellardrome ago

Are you another of armyseers alts? LOL

redditsuckz ago

Was the @armyseer account created incase someone would put Disobedient Media/William Craddick in a bad light?

Therefore anyone questioning Disobedient Media or William Craddick gets labeled "armyseer"?

Much like Voats senior officers to label anyone "amalek" when they ask the "Jew Question"?

OleHickry ago

seriously, believe me when I say that DM doesn't have funding

9787798? ago

Really? Not good..

Is is it really banned bcause of disobedient spam?

If so, I understand.

Le_Squish ago

When you refuse to follow voat's spam rules, your domain gets banned.

OleHickry ago

That was never a problem