fogdryer ago

Chemical Used by SC Johnson is Hazardous to Great Lakes and Hunab Health

Hazards posed by the fragrance chemical, Galaxolide, commonly found in SC Johnson scented cleaning products, that has also been found in the Great Lakes.

national women’s health organization, Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE), and Michigan Clean Water Action, released a detailed review of the hazards posed by the chemical, Galaxolide, a synthetic musk commonly found in SC Johnson & Son’s scented household cleaning products, that has also been found in the Great Lakes. The analysis identifies Galaxolide as a threat to the environment and human health. To determine its hazard level, WVE commissioned a GreenScreen® for Safer Chemicals assessment of Galaxolide. GreenScreen® is an internationally recognized tool for comparing and assessing the hazards of chemicals in order to identify those of high concern and evaluate safer alternatives.

Galaxolide was assigned a score of Benchmark 1 — a grade appointed to chemicals of highest concern whose use should be avoided. Specifically, Galaxolide received Benchmark 1 status due to its highly persistent, bioaccumulative and aquatic toxicity properties. “This means that Galaxolide doesn’t break down easily in the environment, it lingers and builds up in the bodies of animals and people,” said Alexandra Scranton, Director of Science and Research at Women’s Voices for the Earth.  “It is extremely toxic to aquatic animals. Which makes it all the more unnerving when we know that this chemical is ending up in our Great Lakes.”

One study found Galaxolide in 81% of water samples from Great Lakes tributaries that run through urban areas, while another on Lake Michigan detected Galaxolide in 92% of water samples, even detecting airborne concentrations of the chemical in the air above the lake. A study on Lake Erie and Lake Ontario found that accumulating levels of Galaxolide in the lake sediment are doubling every eight to sixteen years.

“Supporting a ecosystem for over 35,000 species of plants and animals, including fish, the Great Lakes is one of the most significant ecosystems on Earth,” said Nic Clark, State Director of Michigan Clean Water Action. “This basin makes up over twenty percent of the world’s surface freshwater – nearly 40 million people rely on the lakes for drinking water. We cannot ignore the risk the pollutant, Galaxolide, is having on this invaluable resource.”

“Along with environmental concern, Galaxolide raises red flags for human health risks,” said Scranton of WVE. “It may interfere with hormones and other chemical signals in the body which can result in developmental, reproductive, metabolic, brain, and behavior problems.”

Emerging science also indicates that Galaxolide may break down the body’s natural defenses against other toxic chemical exposure.  This new science is concerning as several studies have shown that Galaxolide exposure is ubiquitous in humans.

One study found Galaxolide in the blood plasma of 91% of the study participants. Those participants that used scented lotions and perfumes had significantly higher levels of Galaxolide than those that did not. Another study focused on new mothers detected Galaxolide present in 97% of breast milk samples. “These are alarming numbers and only confirm how persistent and widespread this chemical is in our everyday environment,” said Scranton.

Galaxolide is widely used by SC Johnson & Son (SCJ) and can be found in their numerous scented products among their Glade, Windex, Pledge, Shout and Scrubbing Bubbles brands. The company is one of just six manufacturers in the United States named by the EPA that is importing and using this high production volume (HPV) chemical.

“As a company whose headquarters are on the shores of Lake Michigan, the hazards of Galaxolide pollution hit particularly close to home for SC Johnson,” said WVE’s Executive Director, Erin Switalski. “Galaxolide pollution is not going to go away, instead it will only get worse over time if companies continue to use it. SC Johnson has a clear opportunity to stem the tide of chemical pollution in the Great Lakes by eliminating synthetic musks like Galaxolide from their products.” “It is baffling that a manufacturer would choose to use this hazardous chemical — which does nothing more than provide a scent — at the expense of our Great Lakes,” said Clark of Clean Water Action.

“Even low dose exposures to hormone disrupting chemicals can be harmful to human health,” said Kathleen Schuler, co-director of the Healthy Legacy Coalition and Healthy Kids & Families Program Director at Conservation Minnesota. “Household products we use every day shouldn’t contain chemicals that disrupt hormones or lead to lasting environmental harm, and we strongly encourage SC Johnson to voluntarily phase out Galaxolide.”

Last spring, questions about SC Johnson’s chemicals safety screening process — called Greenlist™ —  were raised in WVE’s Deep Clean report.

“SC Johnson & Son often holds up their Greenlist™ screening process as evidence of their products’ safety, “ They can start by deciding to eliminate the use of Galaxolide and other harmful synthetic musks from their products

The bigger picture is to control the Great Lakes through private entities and public-private partnerships. Here is an example:

This goes back to Agenda 2030 and events like the Earth Summit:

A Planetary Defeat: The Failure of Global Environmental Reform

fogdryer ago

Rotary International in Racine, WI----- International Association Of Lions Clubs, Racine in Sturtevant, Wisconsin (WI)

Read more: nineteen others

equineluvr ago

"the kids are being trafficked via great lakes waterways"

Where's your evidence of this?

equineluvr ago

No answer.

That speaks for itself.

2impendingdoom ago

the UN is completely corrupt and should be shut down. I hope you are posting these Racine posts in other subverses like /politcs to get more visibility

fogdryer ago

what site is that

fogdryer ago

I thought we weren't suppose to crosspost. I'm too chicken, have enough trouble with voat anyway.

feel free to post this over there

fogdryer ago

bigger picture is that the Rockefellers own the Zika virus patent, and Johnson was the primary beneficiary of the Zika virus scare, which was also a social experiment to reduce birth rates through fear. The most advanced mosquito lab in the world is owned and operated by Johnson. They can weaponize mosquitos and the threat of mosquitos at any time. The Johnsons are closely tied to the Rockefeller and Rothschild families, as the Gales family and the DuPont family among many others involved. They have many plans and contingency plans, and backup contingency plans. Their fear is that the people find out what is really going on, and declare war on them before they have control over our money, resources and information (specifically through AI).

9817025? ago

You write 'SC Johnson.' Which is out of Racine. WI.

Do you mean that or

Do you mean Johnson&Johnson the pharma. Co. Seems like zika virus would be later.

I could be wrong.

Thank you.


SC Johnson makes wax and household products.

equineluvr ago

... and all of that has WHAT to do with Racine, WI?

equineluvr ago

Do you believe that Racine is "unique" because the UN is meddling in its affairs?

If you do, you're as dense as the OP.

fogdryer ago

"Jeff Neubauer is a key piece, and his companies and associates get no-bid contracts and rigged contracts from the local school district. Badger Meter also has deep ties to the same corrupt networks. Neubauer ran Bill Clinton's presidential campaign and is one of the top Democrat leaders in the state. He is now running the corrupt education agenda by creating slaves . Neubauer is closely tied to the corrupt mayor Dickert "

Neubauer ran Bill Clinton's presidential campaign and is one of the top Democrat leaders in the state. He is now running the corrupt education agenda by creating slaves from cradle to grave for the area employers. Neubauer is closely tied to the corrupt mayor Dickert who was going to sell Lake Michigan water to Waukesha until they didn't want to buy it from him, then he worked against Waukesha in retaliation and now intends to control the Great Lakes water supply as he is being shuffled out of a public position due to his sloppy corruption and into a more hidden position where he can be counted on to always carry out their evil agenda. He is a confirmed freemason and believed to be in the Knights of Pythias, and his family has known mafia ties.

This past weekend they held a benefit for "Mr. Racine" who is terminally ill and is close friends with Dickert, the Bonanno family and other local "families", and alleged pedophiles who work at Roma Lodge which is also an alleged mafia hangout. Dickert tried to hire Mr. Racine as the city Public Information Officer but they were already too exposed as corrupt so it was stopped by their handlers.

waybackmachine Here is one excerpt: Subject: Communication from the Director of City Development requesting that the City provide financial assistance to ButterBuds Food Ingredients for the expansion of its operations in the City of Racine. Of note is that only 2 months prior  to Butter Buds receiving a generous and long term tax rebate offer from Mayor John Dickert,  the City of Racine Finance and Personnel Committee would accept a $1,000 donation from Buhler and Butter Buds which would go to  the Mayor’s Back to School/Stay in School program. This item was brought forward by an unnamed “Manager of Recreation & Cultural Services” . Finance and Personnel Committee meeting were it was immediately approved. In addition, an appropriate letter of thanks was to be sent. Members PRESENT were: James T. Spangenberg, Ronald D. Hart and Terry McCarthy. Members EXCUSED were Q.A. Shakoor II and Dennis Wiser. Tom is a Board Member at RAMAC, which is now headed by former Racine County Executive Jim Ladwig. Tom is a Founding Owner of Wild Root Market. Tom is a Donor to Saint Catherine’s High School. Tom is on  the Milwaukee 7 Food and Beverage Advisory Council. Tom is a Donor to the Racine Community Foundation. Tom is involved in spiritual growth and awareness. Tom Buhler and Butter Buds is also involved with Mayor and President of the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Cities Initiative John Dickert’s effort to mitigate climate change alongside Michael Keleman of  InSinkErator, Dominic Cariello of Badger Meter, and Jeff Neubauer of Kranz, Inc. Joe Crawford Mrazek in his blog, Muse of the Weird Blog ran a piece titled, Racine’s SC Johnson company legacy: Frank Lloyd Wright masterpieces & more, where he revealed that:  Among the (mostly) men & (few) women who developed new products in Wright’s bright tower was Allen “A.C.” Buhler, an in-house lawyer & marketing manager who laid claim to naming Off!  According to Buhler’s son Tom, one of a trio of brothers who now run Butter Buds, a dairy-products firm based on J-Wax research, his father came up with the insect repellent’s catchy name in a brainstorming session with a Navy aviation vet.  “We could call it Wave Off – a term used on aircraft carriers,” the ex-sailor suggested.  “Why not just Off?” Buhler countered.  It was one of many eureka marketing moments at Johnson Wax as they expanded their product line in the 1950 It is obvious from his community involvement that Tom Buhler is well qualified to leadVisioning a Greater Racine, and that he is acutely aware of the problems confronting The City of Racine and Racine County’s inability to compete in the 21st. Century global marketplace.

The only question is whether a re-branded Sustainable Racine with new leadership will be able to address the real issues which are propelling Racine towards bankruptcy or just another attempt to channel the public’s perception to ignore the truth and stay in line with the vision of John Dickert and Tom Friedel.

Dead Link - he was threatened and left the area: In Dickert's own words - here is a quote he posted online about who is involved in supporting corrupt development deals in the area that will be used for 'Disney on Ice' and other Pizzagate related events. He of course left off the one company who pushed the entire project, SC Johnson and the Johnson and Leipold families. Look into Wingspread Foundation and the other area foundations. These are the key to how everything is controlled. Mayor Dickert . For clarification, this facility will allow us to hold conventions or large meetings for all of our local companies like CNHI, Twin Disc, Cree, Modine, Badger Meter, All Saints, Gateway to name just a few. This provides us a great option we have never been able to provide our businesses and county.

equineluvr ago

Dude, I could start posting here about Edwin Edwards, former governor of Louisiana, who served prison time and was running cocaine with Bill Clinton's Mena operation. And COUNTLESS other crooked politicians at every level -- city, parish, state. I could do the same for Arizona, Tennessee, Minnesota, Georgia, and a handful of other states.

NOTHING you have posted is unique or different. That corruption goes on ALL OVER THE COUNTRY.

You STILL have not provided ONE SOLID CONNECTION between Racine and the Council of 300 and other INTERNATIONAL ORGS, only Wikipedia links to generic descriptions.

fogdryer ago

the way back machine is not cooperating with me today. looking for Jeff Neubauer-----companies he owns--runs Jeff Neubauer, the Wisconsin Democratic Party chairman------

fogdryer ago

Jeff ran the Wisconsin Democratic Party including during Bill Clinton's presidential campaigns and is closely tied to the Clintons. The company he inherited, Kranz Inc, gets millions in no-bid contracts through the school district he is a partner with. Jeff's sister, Kristin Bauer van Straten is a scientologist and lead actress on HBO's True Blood. the nobid contracts were called "leasebacks". property was leased back to the city---school etc.

JesusBuiltMyHotRod ago

www.higherexpectationsracinecounty .org