I am bringing this up because recently another prominent anti gamergate sjw in the video games community has been arrested for child porn
This reminded me of sarah nyberg
Now, normally this would be written off as some random occurrence. It would make sense for pedos to be drawn to video game forums, because they could groom children online and no one would catch this. However, there is a Clinton connection through an organization called DIGRA.
Digra originally was a simple think tank, until it was hijacked by several left leaning ivy league academics. The concerning part of this is that many of them are connected to high level democrat politicians, and silicon valley and new york venture capitalists, and in some cases terror groups.. Anita sarkesian was connected to DIgra, and it was from this connection that she was able to get into the "twitter trust and safety council". Keep in mind that the CEO of twitter is a friend of the Clintons, and did fund raising for Hillary.
It seems that every 3-6 months someone connected to a video game forum, or to digra is arrested for Child Pornography.
Digra is an international organization, and it appears to be used for networking and moving money and ideology around the world in the tech industry. I am noticing patterns forming between "game developers" who are also "artists" and the art grants that they are getting. People with no experience in programing but who are "artists" are getting large sums of money to fail on projects. This money hit a peak before the election, and died down after it. So it appeared that they where funneling both federal and foreign government grants into the Clinton campaign via these artists.
It appears that this was an obscure means to launder money into the Clinton campaign, and these same money laundering artists are either pedos, or friends with pedos, or in communities with a lot of pedos.
This is something that merits more scrutiny from the community.
Arrvee ago
Now I'm going to ignore my own standards and post from the Gamergate Pedo File which does not have sources for most of its claims.
and other people in pedo-related industries
Arrvee ago
I'm going to ask for evidence of these claims...
One place to start is the Gamergate wiki's DiGRA page
2impendingdoom ago
This is a valuable post, it should get more attention. Post it again in a day or two. There is so much shill crap today distracting everyone.
2impendingdoom ago
21yearsofdigging ago
Very interesting