DaleEaston ago

Putting bullets in the heads of a few of the jewish pedophile commie homosexual pieces of dog shit in the Racine government will expedite the process greatly. Kill a jew today.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Those who are involved are extremely afraid of people outside of Racine knowing what goes on in Racine. It is a closed community. They control the local newspaper and nearly almost all forms of media. There are a few blogs that post occasionally on some of the corruption, and others that were more aggressive such as Racine Post, Racine Exposed and News the JT Can't Use were threatened into shutting down. They have destroyed evidence of criminal corruption, and are such a level of abuse that they have told other officials they are completely immune to all laws as they actively stalk and threaten the lives of witnesses to criminal corruption. The corrupt mayor openly stated to witnesses that they "will destroy anyone personally and professionally who asks questions about corruption in Racine".

FOIA requests are abused through various means from delays to excessive fees to outright illegal activity. Currently there are at least two major corrupt development deals totaling over $100 million that are directly related to the RICO networks involved in previous corrupt development deals. The police chief, sheriff and DA are all controlled. The state Attorney General is a close friend of those in Racine and is also a freemason, and part of a group called the Marquette Mafia.

The corrupt mayor's cousin is the city administrator. The corrupt mayor's best friend who he appointed to several boards and committees without disclosing conflicts of interest plead the 5th to over 100 questions regarding racketeering and embezzlement and other crimes in a federal RICO case. The corrupt mayor's other best friend gave him an historic Freemason gavel upon taking office, and among directly receiving kickbacks from many corrupt business deals, also told people he was the "Vice Mayor" and was asking for bribes in the form of bags of cash (one example was $10,000) in exchange for licenses and fast-tracking development deals. He just received over $50,000 in a kickback after receiving inside information for another corrupt development deal.

The corrupt politicians are not in charge of anything. They are sloppy and flaunted their abusive power to benefit themselves and their friends. They are corrupt pawns who will break any laws they need to, and are used by those who funded their campaigns. They are protected by those who control the community through various foundations.

Now the corrupt mayor has announced his resignation in order to help control the fresh water supply in the area through a position on Great Lakes St. Lawrence Cities Initiative. This is connected with many other mayors who joined him on the letter signed by Sanctuary City mayors. It is all part of the bigger goal linked to Agenda 2030 and the larger networks of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

carmencita ago

Everyone. This is what we have been waiting for. It is finally beginning. They all need to be sent away to the hooskow.

fogdryer ago

I have more but cannot post ☹️

carmencita ago

Why not? Have you posted too many already? I cannot believe you can come up with more, but after reading all of @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt reports I can well imagine there is a slew of Global Criminal Corruption.

equineluvr ago

What are you on?

DonKeyhote ago

Not Alzheimer's medication evidently XDDDD

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Why are you so scared about the truth that Racine, Wisconsin is a root of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption?

Sustainable Development and Community Policing began in Racine with the Clintons. These are central to controlling industries and populations. Art in Embassies also began in connection with Racine businesses, most notably SC Johnson. Knights of Pythias held its only historic parade in Racine. Pilgrims Society was directly tied to Racine's globalization movement. These are all key to the network and agenda of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

Who do you work for? SC Johnson? Clinton Foundation? George Soros? David Brock? Rothschilds? Why do you have nothing to do all day but downvote others and post lies to avoid a real investigation into a main root of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption?

We know of a horse lover in Wisconsin with billions to spend on shills in order to hide the real truth. Do you?

Start researching Racine and you will find it is a main root of the network. Or repent and beg for forgiveness.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Research it and ask any questions you would like. It wasn't much of a surprise that you and Sancho Panza showed up.

Racine, Wisconsin is a main root to Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. It doesn't take much to figure it out, and we forgive you. There is still time for you to see the light. Give it a try.

DonKeyhote ago

But you just said it goes back to k(c)abbalists, who predate all that other shit DO YOU EVEN LOGIC BRO

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

It does go back to Black Nobility and Kabbalah, which created the Council of 13 and the Committee of 300, which created the Pilgrims Society and Club of Rome among other groups. This is why Ashton Kutcher is playing the star role. He is the front man covering up the real truth about Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption in Hollywood as Paul Ryan, Reince Priebus and other corrupt boy scouts are covering up the real truth about Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption in DC.

Racine is a main root to the entire network of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. Open your eyes.