pbvrocks ago

Paul Ryan is married to Janna Ryan. Janna's Uncle is David Boren..former Senator, current president of University of Oklahoma, and member of the Illumanti 300....

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Paul Ryan was made directly aware of racketeering and criminal corruption in his district of Racine County, Wisconsin (as was Ron Johnson and other officials), and Paul Ryan turned his back on his constituents and refused to discuss, investigate or forward information to authorities. Those who fund Paul Ryan also fund many PACs and Foundations that are involved in Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

Paul Ryan also has a full team of secret service agents who shield him from ever having to face the truth brought forward by any of his constituents. He will not speak to any of his constituents unless they are speaking on his approved topics. He is the least accessible representative in the nation, and one of the most corrupt.

Paul Ryan, Reince Priebus and Scott Walker are the Boy Scouts up front covering up the real truth about the Boy Scouts, the churches, the secret societies and the networks involved in Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption just like Ashton Kutcher is the new face to cover up the networks in Hollywood involved in Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. Kutcher is directly linked to both the Clintons and McCains across the aisle.

They are all connected through the corrupt establishments in the RNC, DNC, PACs, Foundations and power families such as the Podestas and Emanuels. They use unions, mafia, NGOs, churches, chambers of commerce and street gangs to do their bidding.

pbvrocks ago

They are all connected...the "divisions" that you see are part of the puppet show..keeps us entertained, whipped up, scared, and a brilliant distraction from THE TRUTH...

DonKeyhote ago

Higgins says that, despite being high on the list, he received only a handful of weeks of work in 2008 and 2009.


carmencita ago

Well, I am not a bit surprised. I think it will get a lot deeper and worse for Paul Ryan. Possibly Romney is also involved. There are many on both sides that are involved in this horrible takeover of our govt. We no longer have any control or very little. This has to stop. Let's hope this case digs down deep.

Jem777 ago

Here you go everyone.
