bikergang_accountant ago

I hate when people get upset over people pleading the 5th. It's the job of 5th for it to be pled and it is a protection against a misordering of the kinds of hearings. If you suspect someone of a crime prosecute first.

Sorry. I'm pro-pizzagate. I would say what I did for any issue.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

It is also used to hide the truth when you are guilty of committing felonies which is how it was used in Racine. Others testified to those crimes, and the corrupt mayor claimed he "could not recall" between other felonies of perjury in federal RICO depositions.

Think about how much money Trump has, and then multiply that by at least 10 and you are barely scratching the surface of the wealth in Racine. It doesn't take much money to control small city Racine, and they work with hundreds of others with even deeper pockets such as Dow, DuPont, and others. It also doesn't take much to buy off a few corrupt law firms that are tied to the mafia.

Our system is corrupt and broken. We cannot fix a corrupt and broken system through the broken and corrupt system. The only answer is Viral Global Awareness of a model that is used against the people, which is Racine, Wisconsin - a main Root of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

DonKeyhote ago

So pizzagate seems say 85% jewish conservatively, but not one mention in this huge diatribe. Explain.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

It all links back to Black Nobility and Kabbalah. That is why Ashton Kutcher is playing such a big role in covering up Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

haystack ago

How is Ashton Kutcher related to the Black Nobility?

DonKeyhote ago

Ok well lead with that or it looks like so much more JEW SHILLERY/OBFUSCATION by casting such an absurdly wide net. So whos been suicided over this, as every theory usually has one?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Look at who made the illegal contributions to this corrupt mayor's campaigns, and then look at those same people who made donations to the Clinton Foundation. Look at who makes contributions to Paul Ryan. Then look at the high profile pedo cases in Racine. That is your quick summary. More to come.

They all have been told they are untouchable and immune to all laws, which is exactly what Ronald Bernard has said in his videos. Racine is a completely controlled community full of racketeering, embezzlement, extortion, fraud, bribery, blackmail, bid rigging, election rigging, vote rigging, open meeting law violations, open record law violations, illegal campaign financing, retaliation, gang stalking, death threats, mysterious deaths and cover ups (such as Judge Dennis Barry), intimidation, and extreme levels of abuse and corruption at all levels.

There is also a long history of satanic abuse and murders such as Racine County Jane Doe, Derby Wagner-Richardson, Tina Davidson, Kerry Krueger, Helen Sebastian, and Linda Massie for a few examples. The entire community is ran by "generations of families" that are tied to prominent businesses, secret societies, churches and the mafia.

This corrupt mayor is only one of the latest to announce his resignation (following his cousin the city administrator, the past mayor and city administrator - one went to prison and one tried to commit suicide, the past police chief (the new one accepted bribes to stay instead of moving to Rockford in order to cover up trafficking and racist racketeering networks), the past District Attorney (who was rewarded with his own cover up of a drunken hit and run and obstruction case), the City Attorney (who was also involved in the DA's obstruction case and many of the criminal corruption cases), and many other city and county officials who suddenly retired, resigned or moved away.

They use the mafia to run drugs and distribution, and they use street gangs for additional crimes. They have infiltrated every level of business associations, boards, organizations, PACs and governmental groups. They use more mainstream organizations like Racine Interfaith Coalition, United Way and Rotary International to control and cover up the inner circles who decide what groups get funding and what groups don't. They decide who wins elections, and who gets development deals.

They will murder and threaten the lives of anyone who is in their way. There are no laws in Racine, and the FBI and DOJ were proven to be corrupt and complicit to Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption through the escalation of cases from local to state to national agencies. Loretta Lynch personally was involved and made aware of Racine, and as soon as she found out who was involved and how it tied to the Clinton Foundation, she obstructed and stonewalled the investigations.

carmencita ago

@fogdryer We have waited for this a long time and you have done a fantastic job updating us on the case. Great Post Can't wait for this to get Really Hot.

carmencita ago

Ethics Board? In Racine? They are in for a surprise. They are on to them or this RICO case would not have been allowed.

carmencita ago

Yes where is he? I have summoned his at least twice. Well this is Holiday Time. I can't wait for him to see all the Racine Posts.