equineluvr ago

New Orleans, LA is corrupt as hell.

El Paso, TX is corrupt as hell.

Jew York City is corrupt as hell.

Baton Rouge, LA is corrupt as hell.

Charleston, SC is corrupt as hell.

Houston, San Diego, etc.

Most are larger than Racine and are major port cities.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You already posted this. Are you now spamming out of desperation?

Again, how many of these cities are under 80,000 population on one of the world's largest fresh water sources, that was also the birthplace of Sustainable Development and Community Policing with deep ties to the Pilgrims Society and Knights of Pythias?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This is a very small piece of the bigger puzzle, but the mayor and other officials believe and have been told that they and their associates are untouchable and immune to all laws due to those who backed him in his campaigns with illegal campaign contributions and systems of racketeering, embezzlement, extortion, fraud, blackmail, blackballing, theft, bid rigging, election rigging, vote rigging, illegal lobbying, abuse of power, misconduct in office, witness intimidation, gang stalking, retaliation and threats including death threats against witnesses to criminal corruption in Racine.

All of this was taken to the DA and Sheriff who are corrupt, then to the Attorney General who is corrupt, and then to the FBI and DOJ all the way up to Loretta Lynch herself who stonewalled the investigations once she realized it was connected to elite businesses and foundations including the Clinton Foundation among many others.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Who would downvote this out of sheer desperation?

Mumbleberry ago

Cunts, cucks, and moronic fag bois like you.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Why does Racine, Wisconsin's connection to Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption strike such a nerve with you? Do you live in Racine? Do you know anything about Racine? Please enlighten us with your wisdom and impressive diction.

Mumbleberry ago

You are a loon. Relevance.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Name calling signifies your lack of ability to debate the issues.

Racine is relevant because it is a main root of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption connected to RICO activities with the Clinton Foundation and other groups involved.