Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Racine is an experimental hub for sustainable development, community policing, education reform, viruses and vaccines, sanctuary city status, social justice, fake news, rigged development and elections, and the more nefarious side of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

Racine is also one of the main 13 Bellwether districts in the nation that serve as a barometer for the state and nation.

carmencita ago

I just have one question. If Paul Ryan is so very much at the head of what is going on in Racine, why are the Dems allowed to get away with this and how did Walker win when there was so much Election Fraud going on? I counter that the Republicans were doing just as much Fraud They are both fighting probably to take over and keep the power in Racine. There is plenty of this kind of blame on both sides, imo.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

They hedge both sides. The parties are an illusion. The RNC and DNC both have deep ties to Racine, and the only goal is to control both sides of the establishment. Follow the money and you will find out who is controlling them, and how Reince Priebus, Scott Walker and Paul Ryan became so powerful for no reason. They work for the mafia.

fogdryer ago

Paul Ryan was born into a well-to-do Janesville, Wisc. family, part of the so-called “Irish mafia” that’s run the city’s construction industry since the 19th century. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2012/08/it-begins-salon-crank-joan-walsh-links-paul-ryan-to-irish-mafia/

In These Times reveals that GOP vice-presidential nominee Paul Ryan is closely tied to a union accused of retaliating against members who dared criticize its financial backing of Republican candidates. Among those candidates were Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and Paul Ryan himself. Paul Ryan’s family company, Ryan Inc. Central, , has had cozy ties with Operating Engineers Local 139 1966, the company signed a contract to let Local 139, the Wisconsin branch , represent its workers. the Operating Engineers have been big backers of Ryan’s


Ryan, Scott Walker and Reince Priebus career, ranking among his top 20 all-time

carmencita ago

And all three of them were Boy Scouts. As if the Boy Scouts are not in enough hot water for abuse. When the news hits about their involvement I shudder to think what will happen to all the boys that have loved being Scouts. But with all the other things that you have mentioned that may be the least of our problems. The parade in Racine with Knights of Pythias reminds me of one in St. Luis Mo. given by another Secret Society. They are everywhere all across the country.

fogdryer ago

Voat only lets me post 2x in an hour

More to come

Mumbleberry ago

Really? More BS?

carmencita ago

Whoa. We will be waiting. I am watching for fires and suicides, etc. Evidence Eradication.

carmencita ago

13Buddha ago

Excellent info. Here's a reach-out to our fellow voater who has posted several times to start with Racine and it will lead to everything.