From Politico Playbook:
OUT AND ABOUT IN THE HAMPTONS -- LALLY WEYMOUTH held her annual summer party last night at her house in Southampton. There was a long gold carpet entrance from where the parking was to a big tent next to her house. She served champagne, rare filet, fried chicken, cornbread, a big chocolate cake, ice cream and cookies decorated as American flags. Brother Don Graham did a big tribute to toast Lally (whose birthday is tomorrow) and shouted out Steven Spielberg's upcoming film about how Ben Bradlee and Katharine Graham challenged the government for the right to publish the Pentagon Papers in 1971 (Tom Hanks is playing Bradlee and Meryl Streep is playing Graham). Don made a big deal that Spielberg was there and jokingly conceived a Spielberg movie about Lally and described the cast (some actors and some in the room).
-- SPOTTED: Jared and Ivanka chatting with Joel Klein and Alan Patricof, Kellyanne Conway on the dance floor, Boyden Gray, Chris Ruddy, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and wife Iris, Katharine Weymouth, Mary Jordan, Richard Cohen, Margaret Carlson, Gillian Tett, Steven Spielberg chatting with Steve Clemons and Robert Hormats, Carl Icahn, Tom Lee (famous for doing a leveraged buyout of Snapple and now lives in Princess Radziwill's house), Charles Koch, John Paulson, Dina Powell, Richard Edelman, George Soros and his wife Tamiko Bolton, former Florida Gov. and Sen. Bob Graham (Lally's uncle), her cousin Gwen Graham (who is running for Florida governor), Maria Bartiromo, Ray Kelly, Bill Bratton, Alan Patricof, Jeff Rosen, William Drozdiak, Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.).
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equineluvr ago
Another source: The Tampa Bay Times, winner of 12 Pulitzer Prizes
As someone who has watched two seasons of House of Cards, I understand that much of politics is sycophantic glad-handing with the enemy next to a tray of lightly sweating cheese cubes, carefully wheedling one another over low orchestral music and the tinkle of ice cubes in Scotch glasses. If it’s going well, there’s some elbow grabbing. If it’s going really well, some literal back-patting. Everyone hates each other.
Knowing these things as I do, I have to wonder what our friend and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is doing cavorting with Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump? At a party hosted by Lally Weymouth, the former owner of the Washington Post and currently a senior associate editor there? I also wonder what the other dozens of journalists, employed not just by the Washington Post, but such outlets as Bloomberg and The Atlantic, are doing with this opportunity?
Who are all these rich, almost-completely white people? Here’s a breakdown:
Joel Klein: Former Chancellor of the New York City Department of Education; then Executive Vice President of News Corps.; now an executive at New York-based health start-up Oscar.
Alan Patricof: Investor; founder and chairman of New York Magazine; a Democrat who supported Hillary Clinton, though he often lunched with Young Jared Kushner.
Boyden Gray: Former counsel to President Bush and a main architect of the Clean Air Act; former ambassador to the E.U.
Chris Ruddy: CEO of Newsmax; Trump confidant.
Katharine Weymouth: The former publisher of the Washington Post; daughter of Lally Waymouth.
Mary Jordan: Washington Post correspondent “currently traveling America writing about the Trump era.”
Richard Cohen: Washington Post columnist.
Margaret Carlson: Bloomberg News columnist; the first female columnist at Time.
Gillian Tett: U.S. managing editor of the Financial Times.
Steve Clemons: Washington editor-at-large of The Atlantic.
Robert Hormats: Vice Chairman of Kissinger Associates.
Carl Icahn: Billionaire investor.
Charles Koch: One half of the infamous Koch brothers and CEO of Koch Industries.
John Paulson: An investor and one of Trump’s top economic advisers during his campaign.
Dina Powell: The U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategy to Trump, evidently hand-fed to him by Mika Brzezinski.
Richard Edelman: Founder of the PR firm Edelman Group.
Maria Bartiromo: Anchor at FOX News.
Ray Kelly: Former Commissioner of the NYPD.
Bill Bratton: Ibid.
Jeff Rosen: Legal commentator.
William Drozdiak: A non-resident senior fellow at Brookings Center of the United States and Europe; senior advisor for McLarty and Associates.
Steven Spielberg is there too, unfortunately for him.
Votescam ago
Sen. Bob Graham, brother of Phil Graham, former owner of Washington Post (suicide) .... Headed up CIA's Operation Mockingbird to destroy free press in US and around the world.
Charles Koch of Koch Family/John Birch Society engaged in 75+ year effort to overturn democracy in US.
DonKeyhote ago
Whereas alger hiss and all the other commies saved democracy in the u.s. right? LOL
Votescam ago
Wow ...
The McCarthy Era was fakery from beginning to end based in right wing propaganda. It was intended to back up the Cold War myths turning Russia which was an ally during WWII and who pretty much won the war for us into an enemy.
It was also intended to remove liberals from government office and the programs which protected the public by regulating capitalism. Unregulated capitalism is merely organized crime. How have things gone for the nation since the right wing has come to power in the US post 11/22/63.
Not that they weren't already in control in from the first days of our Constitution when our Founders created an Elite Patriarchy and endowed them with land grants, gave them immense influence and control over our natural resources, the nation's wealth and natural resources. Not to mention preserving the system of Slavery for the wealthy which guaranteed the Civil War which also split the nation into two camps of hatred which continue to echo today.
The Communist USA Party was a legal party which helped bring unionization to labor in America, though the highest we ever reached here was 39% and today, with right wing control, unions have been reduced to 6%-7%. How has that benefited the Middle Class?
Alger Hiss was framed with a fake typewriter. He was long an enemy of the right wing as he had been very active in FDR administration and one of his assignments had been to reform our prisons system, basing it on rehabilitation rather than punishment. A fake typewriter was created to frame Alger Hiss.
Today we have a privatized prison system benefiting the wealthy, with more than 2 million prisoners -- the highest rate of incarceration in the world.
It's taken the right wing more than 60-70 years to overturn the New Deal and turn the US into a third world nation.
DonKeyhote ago
LOL. Communist party was a direct arm of the soviet union, nice to see whose side youre on
Votescam ago
Communist Party of the US was a legal party here in US from 1919 onward.
Soviet Union were our allies during WWII and pretty much won the war for all of us.
I'm on the side of democracy, truth - and against the two criminal parties operating today and since 11/22/63 when they took our president and the "people's" government.
DonKeyhote ago
LOL women are so naive and romantic. Jfk was a whoremonger too doped up on back pain meds to do SHIT i bet. The soviets couldn't make jello, THEIR JEWISH OVERLORDS HURLED BODIES AT THE PANZERS UNTIL THE WAR SIMPLY ENDED. Hitler, who was reluctant to bomb england, would have been far better than stalin, criminally insane megalomaniac and not even a russian.
You exemplify why women will never vote for even chicken over steak when we regain our govt from "them" and NO it wont be a democratic country, at least until say 25million hispanics get the FUCK back home.
The way you say the USSR "were" plural our allies as if its a voluntary confederation like the EU or something is GROSS!!
Votescam ago
Making clear that you're obsessed with hatred for Jews and now Hispanics ....
How many more will you hate before its enough for you?
It's not because women are naïve that Elite patriarchy have oppressed them for thousands of years.
If it wasn't for JFK you're kids would still be hiding under desks waiting for atomic bombs to hit their schools/towns.
The Soviets pretty much won WWII for us all.
And evidently, you never heard of the Jewish progroms in Russia?
The truly violent and criminal governments have been run by the US -- whether in protecting Slavery, or committing genocide against the natives here while stealing their land -- 112 million native Americans.
DonKeyhote ago
Wtf? Jfk made nukes illegal? But arent the soviets good guys, why would theu bomb us? Why do you want 40m mexicans here, they already have MEXICO.
If white males, the only people to ever do wrong, killed 112m in a genocide why do u even give hitler one second of time LOL
From a JEWISH publication:
Jews were so influential in those colonies that slave auctions scheduled to take place on Jewish holidays often were postponed, according to Marc Lee Raphael, a professor of Judaic studies at the College of William & Mary.
Votescam ago
Clearly you know very little about JFK who worked on treaties to limit nuclear arms build up, and to end nuclear testing.
Everyone has the right to self-defense and Putin has been warning Americans of the dangers of the actions of our government in warmongering and arms dealing all over the world in starting WWIII. NATO has now completely surrounded Russia. Our CIA continues to try to instigate uprisings all over the world, including in Ukraine and Chechnya.
Mexicans don't want to be here, they want US interference in keeping right wing governments in power in Mexico to be stopped. US since the end of WWII has supported only right wing governments around the world and has worked to keep liberal governments out of power -- including resurrecting the Mafia in Italy in order to ensure that those plans were carried out. Also in Japan, France, Germany and other nations over which US has control. See: Operation Gladio
Males are responsible for the majority of violence in the world -- European males were certainly responsible for the spilling of blood which soaked the soil there which brought our Founders here to "invade" this land to steal it and to kill native peoples here.
Hitler, of course, learned from the Catholic Church via the Inquisition, the holding of Jews in Jewish Ghettoes throughout the Papal States where they were forced to wear yellow stars and isolated from society, barred from education and professions for 1,100 years and more. Hitler also commented that he was only doing what the Catholic Church had done before him, but that he was looking for the final solution.
Hitler also learned from our Founders and their concentration camps and reservations confining the native peoples.
And you're quoting an article from a Catholic college?
Clearly the article suggests regret at the involvement of Jews in the slave trade.
And Denmark's regret.
DonKeyhote ago
Dude your shit reads like youve read a couple mainstream books and nothing more.
You wont find anyone on this site who defends the cia you stupid bitch.
Votescam ago
You seem a bit hysterical and more than a bit pitiful.