sugarskull ago

This isn't a joke these are real lives you twat.

izze ago

this reminds me of this doctors video In it he describes what he see as evidence that human and organ trafficking is occurring in the victim and bodies he sees being a doctor. It is very eye opening perspective.

Ribena580 ago

U.K.- land of pedophile, that shall not be mentioned, else that got banned, that happened on Reddit .

QuaeResInduravit ago

"People who are desperate will seek out witchcraft experts to cast spells for them. Members of the workshop stated that for a spell to be powerful it required a sacrifice involving a male child unblemished by circumcision."

“With fingers crossed, the old rabbit’s foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken (child) in the backyard to Moloch . . .”

Moloch is quite specifically the Canaanite god of child sacrifice.

Piscina ago

Yeah, that deserves its own thread.

I have no doubt that the traffickers who are selling children in Africa for thousands are colluding with Soros's refugee NGOs. That is why the Italians want to take the issue to court. Of course the sellers have buyers, or else child trafficking wouldn't exist. What better way to buy vulnerable children who can disappear without a trace than to do it through a refugee NGO.

Mad_As_Hell ago

This deserves its own thread, lots of info and so many connections to both US and UK govs

spacewitch ago

(By the way, speaking of withcraft, Air Bnb has a ouija planchette/female genitals logo)

sugarskull ago

Always putting it right in our faces aren't they?

OKythen ago

Hundreds of children are being kidnapped in Africa and bought to the UK for voodoo rituals, a UN watchdog said, also voicing alarm about the number of British pedophiles who prey on children abroad.

The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) urged Britain to do more to stop this brutal form of people trafficking.

Sorry but!!!!!

I very much doubt that the English are into "voodoo rituals". I would respectfully suggest that this is niggers and then the article says: also voicing alarm about the number of British pedophiles who prey on children abroad.

I am against kiddiefiddling but I have o idea how those two are linked?

"for religious rituals,” Yeah right...!

"There have been numerous cases of children who have been brought to the UK from Africa and suffered torture and abuse, often as part of witchcraft rituals

Give us a number! Numerous does not carry weight in a country of over 60 million people~!

Piscina ago

They have given a number -- hundreds. It is difficult to give a correct number, when for every one you catch you know there are a thousand more you don't.

The article states not only 'voodoo' but 'witchcraft', which last time I checked plenty of white people are into.

btw, your slur of 'niggers' says way more about you than it does about anyone else.

OKythen ago

So.... a black person who is "into" voodoo" is what?

A good guy?

NOT a nigger?

Sorry but... people who are into ritual sacrifices are fair game to be called a nigger amongst many other epitaphs...

As for defending people who are into the ritual killing of children and complaining about someone calling them a nigger???? FFS. You are a waste of skin and belong back on reddit.

OKythen ago

Ah another redditor!

mergen ago

yes. Look up Adam, September 2001.

It's an unidentified black kid ritual-sacrifice'd for the equinox.

Did not get a lot of coverage since everyone was talking about 9-11

ReddittRefugee ago

The equinox is the big sacrifice night for illuminati.

Listen to 1:00-2:00 of this interview:

carmencita ago

OK this is what you make copies of and show your friends and relatives. ON RT from Reuters.