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DarkMath ago

Skippy's going to be talking shit all the way up to the end.


EricKaliberhall ago

Yes, I can definitely see Skippy curled up and talking to himself when the evidence is presented. Like Anthony Perkins in Psycho, the last scene.

DarkMath ago

Yep. Unfortunately I think Skippy might be taking the early check-out, voluntary or involuntary suicide. John Podesta could save his skin by turning state's evidence against those above him.

There's only one layer above and that's the Deep State, Vatican and/or the Rothschilds and there is no way those three would let him turn state's evidence.

A similar outcome happened to a similar Italian in the early 1980s.

It should be an interesting Fall.

DeathTooMasons ago

I have to agree with the shill, nothing will happen. There is no evidence that their is a PG investigation. Who is going to investigate it? The FBI? They are involved in the coverup. Overthrow the entire establishment or nothing happens, traficking, rape, torrture, murder, organ harvesting continues.