Skippy is sticking with scapegoating "the Russians" all while he accepted stock from "the Russians", and the Clinton's and their criminal pay-to-play foundation accepted money from "the Russians" and numerous others. Bartiromo goes with the meme of the DNC emails having been "hacked" rather than leaked by Seth Rich or another insider, but otherwise does a good job of making Skippy squirm and stutter despite his being experienced in cutting deeply into the middle finger of his left hand and eating the pain. Unfortunately, the average remaining "normie" has neither the time nor inclination to unravel all of the subterfuge hiding the bottomless cesspool in D.C. and other Bankster-controlled governments of the world, so it will take a truly indisputable, shocking revelation to awaken the remaining recalcitrant "normie", though IMO, more and more are awakening on their own and fewer and fewer recalcitrant "normies" remain. Rather than an indisputable shock, it may only require the "hundredth monkey" effect to flip the switch.
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xyz_3 ago
Skippy is sticking with scapegoating "the Russians" all while he accepted stock from "the Russians", and the Clinton's and their criminal pay-to-play foundation accepted money from "the Russians" and numerous others. Bartiromo goes with the meme of the DNC emails having been "hacked" rather than leaked by Seth Rich or another insider, but otherwise does a good job of making Skippy squirm and stutter despite his being experienced in cutting deeply into the middle finger of his left hand and eating the pain. Unfortunately, the average remaining "normie" has neither the time nor inclination to unravel all of the subterfuge hiding the bottomless cesspool in D.C. and other Bankster-controlled governments of the world, so it will take a truly indisputable, shocking revelation to awaken the remaining recalcitrant "normie", though IMO, more and more are awakening on their own and fewer and fewer recalcitrant "normies" remain. Rather than an indisputable shock, it may only require the "hundredth monkey" effect to flip the switch.
EricKaliberhall ago
They must see it, to believe it. Sad to say.