MattHelm ago

Epstein was a very valuable deep state asset he worked for Mossad and CIA and whoever else wants videos and photos of power players having sex with kids. Epstein should be bumped off it's amazing he's still alive and hard to believe he still does what he used to do but maybe he does. I find it hard to believe anyone of wealth or power would be dumb enough to get mixed up with him after all his negative publicity. But he got off with a slap on the wrist all because of the videos and photos he had hidden away that is what kept him out of prison his blackmail treasure chest in Israel the Mossad has all of it and they know how to use it.

ronnyCPI ago

A probable modus operandi of Epstein: cozy up to as many wealthy people with connections as possible, invite them aboard the Lolita express pedo-plane for some fun and games and partying, and make a secret video. Now he's in position to negotiate (extort) a deal using their legitimate business credentials to make them offers they can't refuse, for drug-trafficking or child trafficking hidden in legitimate shipments of imported merchandise.

GlobalSouth ago

You do know that Wexner is the founder of Victoria's Secret, which happens to be based in Ohio.

Shillaxe ago

Should v realized you were joking , turns out Wexner is a good Jewish name too, who da thunk it.

sore_ass_losers ago

"The allegations being leveled against Epstein include trafficking minors for sex across international boundaries." AFAIK he, allegedly, flew minors around in his Lolita Express; also, allegedly, he was given two (or three) 12-year old French girls as a birthday present; also he, allegedly, had a European 'sex slave'. It is new to me that he is an alleged child sex trafficker other than those.

Shillaxe ago

J EPSTEIN , a white anglo ?

carmencita ago

Bob Fitrakis, the writer of that article is a very well known lawyer now in Ohio and together with Cliff Arnebeck are involved in a RICO lawsuit against the co. that holds the info of the exit polls from the 2016Primary. They have long tried to get after many of the election fraud actors in Ohio, including Michael Vu who was convicted but escaped jail while his employees went instead. His reward for doing their dirty work was being sent to LA to do the same there. And he did.

Verite1 ago

Actually he is registrar of San Diego county.

carmencita ago

You are right! I remember being on reddit now and following the whole thing about the Provisiional Ballots. They had white out on the tables while doing the audit. Dead give away. Whiting out one and adding it to another. By law he was suppose to let the pollwatchers go in and observe but he only let them look through a big plate glass window. That is against their State Constitution.That is what they do slap them on the wrist and then move them around.

Verite1 ago

You go it. It was SKETCHY.

Gothamgirl ago

Great post.

carmencita ago

John Ashe was killed last year when a barbell fell on his neck. He and Lap Seng were expected to be questioned about their involvement . Another CT I presume? I met Wexner while working at VS, so I have a personal reason for seeing him go down. Although the stores were beautiful (that was before the Bordello look) the Mgrs.screamed at us and one even threw a box at me. Another tidbit was that Epstein bought his largest mansion in NY from Wexner for $1. This report imo, should be the start of an investigation.

Blacksmith21 ago

Maybe Epstein had the original balckmail material on Wexner.

NSFW_LeeLee ago

I live in Columbus. I always wondered if Les used his connections.. This is impressive, and i saved it all. you never know what searches will find if you have things like this to start from.