Dressage2 ago

Glad you are writing a book. Sometimes the low hanging fruit act like canaries and sing how to pick off the top quite easily.

Dressage2 ago

Well I could take your approach and put my head up my ass and do nothing as a defeatist attitude. Or I could try to help alleviate the problem; thereby, continue exposing, arresting and confining. Some will take care of themselves when exposed. I think I will continue with my approach.

carmencita ago

OMG. Why are they protecting them, they printed the name of the Buddhist Monk but not the Stars and Big Wigs. I am hoping it is just because they had not pressed charges, but it is probably because they pay for the protection.

ASolo ago

An interesting thread indeed.

Ian MacKaye is definitely an interesting character and had an curious upbringing:

Ian MacKaye was born in Washington D.C. on April 16, 1962, and grew up in the Glover Park neighborhood of Washington D.C. His father was a writer for the Washington Post, first as a White House reporter, then as a religion specialist; the senior MacKaye remains active with the socially progressive St. Stephen's Episcopal Church.[3] In his capacities as a journalist in the White House Press Corps, MacKaye's father was in the presidential motorcade when John F. Kennedy was killed in 1963.[4] Ian Mackaye's Grandmother on his fathers side was Dorothy Cameron Disney Mackaye. She worked with Paul Popenoe on marriage advice columns . She was a member of the Cosmopolitan Club. His Grandfather was Milton MacKaye, also a magazine writer, and he was an executive with the Office of War Information.[5] According to MacKaye's longtime friend, singer Henry Rollins, MacKaye's parents "raised their kids in a tolerant, super-intellectual, open-minded atmosphere.


However, he appears to try and keep his hands clean simply by being an actor through his music, and through movements like the 'Straight Edge' philosophy. I can definitely see how these kinds of 'punk' attitudes have lended themselves to the art, cultural and even political realms especially concerning organizations like Antifa and BAMN.

carmencita ago

I would surely like to watch them get run over, but as long as it happens that is all that counts. I think it is slowly happening. Hillary losing the election is one beginning and I believe Comey getting fired is another, there will be many more to come. Popcorn Time.

carmencita ago

Well we can only imagine what that means! Have they already put this out there for us to see? They are so sick. I am not going to play their game. They will keep coming up with new changes as they have to. To keep us guessing. But we are way smarter than they think.

3141592653 ago


User2060 ago

This guy must not be made aware of The Dwarves. Lol.

User2060 ago

Also, https://www.discogs.com/artist/3357505-Heavy-Breathing-3

They never had a single release on Dischords Records....sorry brah.

pizzagate3456 ago

these two albums were released on Dischord: http://www.dischord.com/band/heavy-breathing That's dischord's site. It also says on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heavy_Breathing

User2060 ago

Those are the same 2 vinyl LP's on Discogs, I guess they got some distribution through Dischords, but each album has their own labels : http://www.discogs.com/label/114935-Glove-Music ; http://www.discogs.com/label/209081-Electric-Cowbell-Records

I think that's an avenue worth pursuing more than Dischords who likely just had new pressings made there.

User2060 ago

Discogs is the authority on things like this. It's the Ebay of music, complete discographies of bands you never heard of are there.

Click on one of the albums, maybe they re-released one of them, but even that don't mean shit, a DC label signing a DC band, doesn't mean they're friends at all.

User2060 ago

Ian Mackaye a pedophile...I very much doubt so. Dischords lives on their 80's releases still all the Dischord records releases worth listening to were made when Ian was 20 max. He's not the king of punk, he made Straight Edge popular...by like...writing the song called Straight Edge when in Minor Threat back in the early 80's. I find it hard to believe that a guy who subscribe to the Straight Edge movement he created, which is, no alcohol, no drugs, no cigarettes, no sex until married....and tons of bands followed those words despite him not wanting to make a movement, he was by his words "only describing what he was".

Read the lyrics to Out Of Step (with the world)....

(I) Don't smoke Don't drink Don't fuck At least I can fucking think

I can't keep up, Can't keep up Can't keep up Out of step with the world

Yeah it's basic, but in the middle he goes on a spoken word little thing that he's not telling you what to do etc.

After that he started Embrace who only had one album and then he stopped playing hardcore punk.

Formed Fugazi was the first indie rock band and their integrity, he formed it with a guy coming from Rites of Spring, the first "emo" band by most accounts and they spread left, but real left, not identity politics left, that shit didn't exist in the 80's, 90's and I think Fugazi persisted into the 2000's a little bit, not certain. But that guy is integrity in human form is all I can say after meeting him about 10 times, later on catching him outside when chatting with people, I would joke to him that I wasn't there for his band, unless they decided to play Minor Threat songs. And he didn't act like an angry social justice warrior taking it the wrong way. The only time I've seen him do that, is when Slayer in the mid 90's, when punk became fashionable again, with the offspring etc., Slayer got angry and decided to make a real punk cover album which featured 3 Minor Threat songs. They covered "Guilty of Being White" which is...Ian was in high school and he was messed with constantly, his school was 90% black and well, it says things about "lynched somebody, but I don't know" "GUILTY! of a racist crime, GUILTY! I've only served...GUILTY!...19 years of my time....and then ends up with the chorus which is just "Guilty of being white!". Except Slayer as homage changed the last "white" as "right" and it was one of the first internet feuds I witnessed, he didn't get that they meant, Ian, you were right when you wrote this. As DC was 50-50 black/white in total in the early 80's, and some neighbourhoods like his was mostly black people giving him shit, especially since he was a skinhead (non-nazi skinhead, the real kind, the proud to be working class thing that black people came up with first in fact).

I'm actually offended a bit here. As a musician who played in dank bars but at least managed to put 2 EP's on vinyl and a mini album on CD from 2000 to 2008, that band was part of me growing up, not my #1 band by any means (Minor Threat) but, it was the first band on Dischords...which back then was just the address of a P.O Box for fan mail and catalogues later on when he got other bands in, such as S.O.A which had Henry Rollins on vocals, he went on to replace the first Black Flag singer when he moved to California.

I'll check your clues and stuff, but I doubt it like I don't doubt the VA is the reason Raybeez, the singer of cult hardcore punk band Warzone from New York, who was in the Marines for 3 years before being honourably discharged and then he got into the whole New York hardcore thing...he died of PNEUMONIA because the VA was too slow at paying his doctor at the ER he was. Or how Kurt Cobain was killed for a pool of money and drugs that Courtney controlled her entourage with later on.

VieBleu ago

The Memphis 3 had a strong campaign around them proclaiming their innocence - this should be explored.

Dressage2 ago

I like to consider them more like shit. Throw them all against the wall and see what sticks. Also, you cannot have the attitude that you can't get them all. I consider that a defeatist attitude. I like the idea that they all are looking over their shoulder wondering if they are next to go down

Pizzalawyer ago

I agree you need something more concrete before labeling a person a pedophile. Suffice it to say, however, these punks are rigorously promoting a pedo culture whether they do "it" or not. Pedo Punks, the name of my new band!

Tossov ago

"Conclusion: Ian MacKaye, the owner of Dischord Records, is definitely a pedophile" Conclusion: You are a total fucking moron.

pizzagate3456 ago

I like how you took that out of context. You purposefully didn't mention the part about his association with henry rollins and pancake mountain.

Tossov ago

so, because he is involved with a kid's cable show he's automatically a pedo? because he is friends with henry rollins he's automatically a pedo? because his label distro'd a HB record he's automatically a pedo? jesus christ THIS is all it takes for you to call a someone a pedo online behind the safety of your anonymity? take a good hard look at yourself. or better yet, step to Ian MacKaye in person and call him a pedo to his face you sick fucking coward,

pizzagate3456 ago

Your post history also indicates that you don't believe seth rich was killed by the dnc, and you refer to RT as Russian state media to demonize them. You are clearly a shill

Tossov ago

RT is Russian state media. Do your homework.

pizzagate3456 ago

But you're saying it's Russian state media to imply that its untrustworthy, which is a typical liberal talking point.

Tossov ago

oh the irony. doesn't the right constantly make the same "talking point" claims about the lamestream media? you can't trust it because it is "liberal". you guys are all a bunch of cherry pickers so devoted to your "team" you don't even see how you are being played. RT's entire modus operandi is to sow division in our nation. divide and rule. oldest trick in the book. anyone around here who doesn't tow the narrative line is labeled a "shill". RT is the biggest shill there is. I don't discredit all of their reporting but if you can't see their overall game plan because you are so devoted to your Grand Old Party, have another glass of Red Kool Aid. They are actively trying to divide our nation for their own purposes. I wish more people would realize that because their plan is to destroy us from within.

pizzagate3456 ago

Let me guess, you also believe Trump colluded with the Russians as well? Lol you refer to RT as shills but at least they report on Seth Rich unlike the American media covering it up. If Russia is trying to destroy us then what the hell is the mainstream media doing? What do you think the Washington post is doing? American media isn't trying to destroy us by pushing hilary Clinton for president?

Tossov ago

Again, I don't understand your position. You support and don't question a state run foreign propaganda apparatus that does exactly the same shit the US corporate media does only from a different political angle. It's cherry picking to reinforce your existing beliefs. I don't trust US corporate media anymore than I trust RT but I know for damn sure what RT is all about and I'm not so blinded by my political views that I would ever deny what's obvious. Sure, I don't think Seth Rich was killed by the DNC. Do I think they are capable of something like that? Absolutely. I DO believe people in Trump's campaign possibly colluded with Russia and it absolutely should be looked into (Flynn, Manafort). I don't think Trump himself was involved or knew but firing Comey was idiotic because of how it looks. He didn't do himself any favors. It's like everyone who supports Trump thinks he is some kind of different creature but he's just another ego driven 1%er who acts like he gives a shit about the working class. He doesn't. Hillary doesn't. I'm stunned how many people think he's some kind of super hero. He's a giant rich douchebag just like all the rest of them.

pizzagate3456 ago

You don't present any proof or examples as to how RT is damaging this country. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Russia is fighting against the new world order system, which is why the mainstream media constantly demonizes Russia. Russia is helping Syria, which is also pissing off the globalists. And Comey didn't do anything about the pedophile rings, it's good that trump fired him for that reason alone.

Tossov ago

Proof? Lol. C'mon. You can't possibly be THAT naive. I'm starting to think most of the people around here are Russian operatives. RT and RUSSIA are ONE IN THE SAME. Russia is fighting against the NWO because THEY want to be the NEW NWO. That's what you'll get in place of the current situation if they succeed. Same suit different tailor. Don't kid yourself. Russia is trying to take down the US. Russia wants what we have. RT is part of that because RT is the Russian Gov't. They are our enemy.

pizzagate3456 ago

You didn't present any proof because there is no proof. There is no proof that Russia is trying to take down the U.S. Stop listening to Rachel maddow on msnbc

pizzagate3456 ago

Calling me a coward even though I dedicate hours researching this stuff. I've awakened so many of my friends and family to pizzagate. Fuck you dude

Tossov ago

You are a coward. Labelling a man a pedophile from your little safe internet space. Can't handle being challenged. People like you make me sick.

pizzagate3456 ago

You're the coward who is trying to cover up the seth rich story. Look at your comment history

Tossov ago

red herring. typical. i'm not trying to cover up shit. i'm calling you out for labelling a man a pedophile and not even having the common decency to do it any way but anonymously.
seriously. it's some cowardly shit. you really need to get right with god.

pizzagate3456 ago

And I'm calling you out for shilling about Seth Rich. You need to get right with god because the evidence shows that Seth Rich was murdered by the dnc. You people are the reason why this country isn't fully awake because you let your liberal bias get in the way of looking at truth. WikiLeaks even hinted that Seth Rich was their source and offered a reward.

Tossov ago

fine. i'd rather be called a shill than called someone who slanders people without having the decency to do it to their face. especially what you have said about this man. it's wrong. how can you not see that?

pizzagate3456 ago

What you have done during this investigation into pizzagate? Look at all of my posts. Where are your posts? My post got 35 upvotes, clearly some people agree. There's definitely suspicions around the children show. Pancakes could also be a codeword like pizza. You're also not understanding the depth of the music industry's connections to pedophilia and Satanism. Any record label that affiliates with heavy breathing is clearly a suspect. They literally have songs with pedophile imagery. Before collaborating with a band, a record label analyzes their music. This record label couldn't see the sick and twisted nature of heavy breathing?

Tossov ago

i don't give a fuck what you have done. You call a man a pedo. You bear false witness. You sin against the word of god.

pizzagate3456 ago

Alright, let's let god decide my fate, not you. Now go back to watching keith olbermann since you are so obsessed with Russia

pizzagate3456 ago

You took everything I said out of context. Read the post I linked about the kids show being linked to pedophilia. Read about henry rollins defending the west Memphis 3. And Why would any record label sign heavy breathing? The record labels, the entire music industry at the top, is connected to pedophilia. It's all connected together, and I'm just trying to uncover the truth. It's my theory that he is a pedophile, and I've found another band that played at ping which was apart of dischord records.

Tossov ago

so that all means a man molests children. you're fucked in the head.

Are_we_sure ago

You just weakened the case against Heavy Breathing by associating them with Dischord and Ian MacKaye who are known for their integrity.

pizzagate3456 ago

Where was their great integrity when partnering with heavy breathing? Anyone can see that the band is sick and twisted. They didn't notice the pedophile lyrics in the bands songs? What about the pedophile imagery in their songs? Surely a record label would research this before signing a band.

RweSure ago


The West Memphis three didn't commit that crime. Their original conictions were vacated after DNA testing showed the DNA at the crime scene wasn't theirs. The new trial set them free. But Arkansas made them enter Alford pleas to get their freedom. They took this deal.

pizzagate3456 ago

So the guy who admitted to seeing them do it was lying? The girl who said Damien told her he did it was lying? Damien even got a matching satanic tattoo with johnny depp after he got released, and depp is a known Satanist. Damien was a hardcore follower of aliester Crowley, and Crowley talked about raping kids. Crowley invented spirit cooking and influenced much of the Satanism in Hollywood.

RweSure ago

Crowley invented spirit cooking

I love just how ridiculously wrong this is. It's fabulous.

As for the West Memphis 3. All the evidence presented against them was problematic to say the very least. At the time of the crime they were scrawny teenagers who wouldn't have the strength to do what happened. Their convictions were vacated. That means the Justice system of the State of Arkansas considered all the evidence against them and dismissed it. They were not convicted on any of the testimony you cite.

Two of the families of the murdered boys, now believe Arkansas convicted innocent teenagers

Since the original convictions, two of the victims' families have joined forces with the defense, publically proclaiming the innocence of the defendants. The mother of a witness who testified about Echols's confession has publicly questioned her daughter's truthfulness,

That's how weak the evidence was.

If they were actually guilty, the DA never would have let them out of prison.

So the guy who admitted to seeing them do it was lying

There was no eyewitness to this crime.

The cops suspected Echols on no evidence other than their own suspicion. They interviewed him two days after they found the bodies, even as they avoided investigating other people. Their break in the case was when they coerced a confession from a kid who IQ was borderline mentally disabled. They interviewed him without his parents. And it took them 12 hours to break the kid into confessing. Although a lot of that time was trying to clean up his story so that it matched with the actual evidence at the crime scene. He still got a lot of it wrong. He recanted it soon afterwards. It just dawned on me ......is the guy you are thinking of when you claim someone saw them do it? Because Jesse Miskelley was convicted of the crime just like Damian Echols.

The girl who said Damien told her he did it was lying?

Yes. Vicki Hutcheson admitted this and recanted her testimony. She said she was trying to get out of her own legal problems when she made her claims.

pizzagate3456 ago

Crowley did invent spirit cooking, he invented the term: http://www.trueactivist.com/spirit-cooking-how-wikileaks-revealed-the-occult-blood-rituals-of-hillarys-inner-circle/

It's possible that the families now believe they the Memphis 3 are innocent because of the propaganda and peer pressure from the public. I'm sure thousands sent them letters and persuaded them that the west Memphis 3 were innocent, and they succumbed to the pressure.

Jesse Miskelley also confessed Numerous times: The Paradise Lost and West of Memphis documentaries completely leave out the fact Jessie Misskelley confessed to the murders numerous times both before and after he was convicted https://www.facebook.com/WestMemphisThreeFacts/posts/530314563654679

RweSure ago

Crowley did invent spirit cooking, he invented the term: http://www.trueactivist.com/spirit-cooking-how-wikileaks-revealed-the-occult-blood-rituals-of-hillarys-inner-circle/

I have no idea why you believe that post, but if you follow the link it says Spirit Cooking was created decades after Crowley's death.

Everyone writing about how Spirit Cooking is some big occult ritual is just straight up lying. This piece, especially so. It was a performance piece she performed once, I believe. And a book of "recipes" that if you take literally, you are a straight up lunatic. So you really think she cooks cabbage with 13,000 grams of jealousy ? Do you really think sitting on a block of ice while holding a python in your lap helps high blood pressure? If so, you need to go see a doctor, because you have something wrong with you that prevents you from seeing absurdist poetry as absurd. If you take that literally, you need a CAT scan as soon as you can get one.

That performance and those poetry recipes don't even have anything to do with the Podesta dinner. That featured soup and a Golden Ball.

They probably made a “golden ball” too, a recipe given to her by Tibetan monks after a meditation retreat in northern India. A golden ball is supposed to be eaten after a long period of fasting and meditation. I’ve had one, at the end of a “workshop” she gave to her students—I was her assistant at the time—in Andalusia in 2005. A golden ball consists, precisely, of seven almonds, three coriander seeds, two black peppercorns, one white peppercorn, and a dribble of honey, all ground together and wrapped in a sheet of 24 carat gold leaf. It was delicious.

In addition to making up shit about Abramovic, it also uses a photoshopped version of this image. Fake news in both text and image.


Love the username, how's the weather in the Primorsky this time of year?

pizzagate3456 ago

From the article: “Spirit Cooking” is a term first invented by English writer and ceremonial magician Aleister Crowley. Crowley created spirit cooking as a “sacrament in the religion of Thelema.” Thelema is a religion founded by Crowley that involves the worship of ancient Egyptian deities."

pizzagate3456 ago

The article literally says that Aliester Crowley invented spirit cooking, can't you read?

You just linked an article from snopes, a site that claims pizzagate is fake. You just proved you're a shill and there's no reason debating you now. You even claim spirit cooking is performance art lol

RweSure ago

Of course, I can read, I'm simply not dumb enough to believe "true activist."

And right in the sentence where the article says Crowley invented Spirit Cooking there is a link. AND THAT LINK SAYS Date Created Mid-1990s

https://www.everipedia.com/spirit-cooking-marina-abramovic/ That link is also a bunch of nonsense. and you never did tell me about the weather in Primorsky

User2060 ago

Luminal, which unfortunately couldn't be used as proof in court back then, when dropped on the ground where blood was, will get all shiny, the area where the murders happen were tested and it was bloody everywhere...

3141592653 ago

The west Memphis three are innocent, always were, and are finally free, and Henry Rollins is on our side!!! Please look more into the west Memphis three

User2060 ago

I did, William Ramsey's books destroy them. Rollins just want to look edgy as his career fades away.

pizzagate3456 ago

There is no way in hell they are innocent. Damien Echols admitted to being a follower of aliester Crowley, and Crowley talked about raping kids in rituals. Also, One of the boys saw Damien raping those kids. There were also other witnesses who said Damien admitted to doing it. Why do you think all of Hollywood defended the west Memphis 3? because they wanted to protect their fellow pedophiles. Don't trust the media to tell you the full story, they twisted the story to make you think those kids were innocent.

RweSure ago


Joe10jo ago

The stepdad probably did it.

pizzagate3456 ago

If you believe the stepdad did it then you have been brainwashed by the msm. Damien Echols is clearly a Satanist

3141592653 ago

I think you need to look more deeply into this. I am very well-versed on this case. The WM3 were framed by TPTB. Check out Amy berg and her documentaries or watch all three Paradise Lost documentaries.

Stormer-chan ago


3141592653 ago


pizzagate3456 ago

They were not framed, are you kidding me? The entire mainstream media supported them. Even Johnny Depp supported them and he's a known pedophile and Satanist. Amy Berg did that movie with peter Jackson, peter Jackson is a known pedophile in Hollywood. Johnny Depp and Damion even got satanic matching tattoos together: https://youtu.be/TPXt52t_INA?t=8

3141592653 ago

Amy Berg directed Deliver Us from Evil, about the Catholic church sexual abuse scandal, and West of Memphis, exposing the truth about the West Memphis Three and their innocence, and she directed An Open Secret, a documentary exposing pedophilia in Hollywood. Brave talented woman

angry_mob ago

johnny depp is NOT A SATANIST! nor is he a pedophile! stop with that already. he has personally done so much to help children, and donated millions of his own money to hospitals that treat children. he goes out of his way to try to cheer up kids hospitalized with his captain jack costume. that assertion is just ludicrous & also slander - be careful! & the memphis 3 were framed.

3141592653 ago

They were absolutely framed

angry_mob ago

i'm with ya!

pizzagate3456 ago

Depp is not a pedo? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmOrvnbs-z0&t=11s You'll be convinced after it

angry_mob ago

nope not convinced, you are paranoid & i will not acknowledge that kind of mindset

3141592653 ago

Check out Amy bergs documentary West of Memphis. She is the director of "an open secret"!!!

pizzagate3456 ago

Of course that's worse, but you act like we can only post stuff that's as bad as that. Let's face it, these guys are good at hiding this stuff, so it's going to take some heavy speculation to really find the whole truth. If we keep limiting ourselves then we'll never fully uncover pizzagate

pizzagate3456 ago

Did you read these two posts that I linked in my post about pancake mountain? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1709755 &
https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1740104 Also, he doesn't just "know" henry rollins. They are close as hell and lifelong friends, read the articles about their friendship. Henry Rollins is very shady and supported the west Memphis 3. And why did this record label recruit heavy breathing? There's multiple coincidences here and I'm sure more evidence can be found with further research into this record label and the bands it promotes

User2060 ago

He signed his first band, State of Alert back in 1980, so sure, everyone in the early Dischords bands are friends.

Cheesebooger ago

Are the band members jews?

User2060 ago

Members of what band? If you mean Minor Threat, no. One went on to be a guitarist in Bad Religion, Brian Baker, an amazing guitarist and man.

As for Fugazi...they weren't (aren't) a punk band at all, they're the first prototypical indie rock/emo band, no jews there too, Jews were kinda afraid of Ian and Minor Threat as they were skinheads.

Cheesebooger ago

Awesome. Thanks for the info. I actually liked Bad Religion back in the day

User2060 ago

They're still awesome, when a new drummer joined in 2002...all of their albums with him revitalized the band, he's a hundred feet over Bobby Schayer (the guy they had from 90-2000). The record they put out in 2010 you could enjoy now if you consider punk rock too fast, it's a very mature album....the song Only Rain on it was really great. They put out another in 2013 but right now it looks like they will tour until they can't anymore and Greg's other job as a teacher in UCLA becomes a tenured professor.

Laskar ago

I think you touched the proverbial third rail there, but from the comments on this thread defending them, I would not be terribly surprised if it were true.

pizzagate3456 ago

I don't know

DonKeyhote ago

Downvoat. Rule 1, not related to George webb, and rule 2, not related to Dave acton

Pizzalawyer ago

Love It. I don't always agree with you and your nemesis DarkMath but both of you are whipsmart and witty

pizzagate3456 ago


carmencita ago

Are Pancakes the New Pizza....Yeah since I heard even Chelsea was pushing the Pancake Stuff. The whole family is a bunch of sick pedos.

pizzagate3456 ago

Either the New Pizza or an alternative codeword for it

carmencita ago

Yuck. Great, Now I will be disgusted seeing Pizza and Pancakes.