RweSure ago

So in this Russia investigation that folks keep telling me is fake.....

Flynn has lawyered up. Manafort has lawyered up. Donald Trump has lawyered up. Kushner has lawyered up. Sessions just lawyered up. Ivanka Trump has lawyered up.

Trump admitted he fired the FBI director because of this investigation.

The White House has created talking points to discredit the new guy in charge of this.

Seems like they aren't acting like this fake

Judgejewdy ago

I think we need to tell the president to drain the swamp - even if it's in his own backyard. Emails to the White House.

11-11 ago

Directory Main Page --- includes a link to MedStar Hospital

11-11 ago

since I was in the directory, I looked up John.

He is still getting paid by georgetown

JOHN D PODESTA DISTINGUISHED VISITOR FROM PRACTICE Faculty - Law Center GENERAL PROFILE PHONE +1 202-662-9534 EMAIL Contact this user via Georgetown Directory LOCATION Law Center - McDonough Hall BIO Professor Podesta is the former Chief of Staff to the President. He served in the first Clinton administration as an assistant to the President and staff secretary at the White House, where he managed the paper flow to and from the President, including coordination of White House Senior Staff advice on Presidential decision memoranda and approval on all Presidential documents. He also served as the principal White House spokesperson on the Whitewater investigation and as the senior policy advisor to the President on government information, privacy, telecommunications, and regulatory policy. Before joining the Clinton administration, Professor Podesta was president and general counsel of Podesta Associates, Inc., a Washington, D.C., government relations and public affairs firm. He has had extensive Capitol Hill experience, serving as chief counsel for the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry and as chief minority counsel to the Senate Judiciary Committee Subcommittees on Patents, Copyrights, and Trademarks; Security and Terrorism; and Regulatory Reform. He was special assistant to the director of Action, a federal volunteer agency and served as trial attorney in the Department of Justice, Land and Natural Resources Division. Professor Podesta has taught as an adjunct at the Law Center and has been a guest lecturer at American University Washington College of Law and at Harvard Law School. He was a visiting professor at the Law Center in the 1995-1996 and 1996-1997 academic years, and has been a summer faculty since 1997.

11-11 ago

Here is Waldhorn's bio

Did you find her mentioned somewhere as his wife?

PHONE +1 202-444-8646 EMAIL Contact this user via Georgetown Directory LOCATION 5TH FLOOR PHC BIO Richard Waldhorn, MD, chair of the Department of Medicine, has served on the Georgetown faculty since 1981. Dr. Waldhorn has lectured and published extensively in his area of expertise—the diagnosis and management of sleep disorders. In 1984, he established the Georgetown University Hospital Sleep Disorders Center and continues to serve as its medical director. Dr. Waldhorn previously served as chief of the division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine and as Vice Chair of the Department of Medicine. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Georgetown University Hospital. Dr. Waldhorn has been listed among the “Best Doctors in America” since 1998. He is an expert on sleep issues including jet lag, sleep apnea, and insomnia.

Dressage2 ago

Here we go again --- Georgetown always seem to play into this crowd bigtime!

Jem777 ago

This is very bad news. I hope the son-n-law is not about to betray the father in law.

equineluvr ago


They are all on the same JEWISH ZIONIST team.

Dressage2 ago

I thought I read somewhere that some three-letter anon guy said Trump is aware about Kushner. That made me feel a little better if it is really true. Reince has been sketchy they say.

RweSure ago

Betray him, by coming clean on

The meeting with Russian ambassador

The meeting the head of Russian bank, a known intelligence asset

Trying to setup a secret communications with Russia using Russian facilities and communication equipment

Trump's digital operations and how Russia's information campaign knew to target strategic precincts in certain states.

Lying on his security clearance application about these meetings

Jem777 ago

@RweSure seems to think he has a little inside info...that was easy but already known. Did you think the switch to @RweSure from @Are_We_Sure fooled all of us....sorry.

Dragging you out to the open is easy these days.

What do you think we as Americans should be more worried about? The three Allegations you hastily made against JR (Kushner) 1)meeting in public with a known ambassador that spent time with Obama, Shumer, Pelosi, and the rest of congress...all the time and who McCain & others sought campaign contributions from, or 2) the Russian bank guy who you allege Jared met as an intelligence asset? Apparently you have no problem with John Podesta & HRC making what $35 million involving Russian money and Uranium One sales with their Canadian friend Frank Guistra.

Oh yea what email was just released yesterday between Secretary of State HRC & then FBI director Robert Mueller involving him personally and a sample of highly enriched Uranium on a tarmac....that is right it involved Uranium One I believe. But I am just a stupid citizen trying to do uphold the constitution so what do I know.

That is odd that the then FBI director Mueller is on a tarmac meeting over samples of highly enriched uranium. And now he is Special Counsel after Obama gives the FBI job to his Protege' Comey during the HSBC terrorist money laundering scandal involving the Clinton Foundation of course. I am sure you are shocked the NYSD DA was Loretta Lynch at the time who settled the case with HSBC for $1.9 billion with no criminal charges, even though a whistleblower went straight to congress and the senate & testified risking his life with documents proving the massive fraud & terroist ties.

Well It would not be shocking to you then that President O Attorney General Holder who at the time was being investigated by the house & senate committees for fast & furious, Benghazi, etc signed off on that deal and James Comey was placed on the board of the corrupt HSBC. Just a few months later Pres. Obama played musical chairs as AG Holder was held in Contempt of congress, Benghazi truth began to spill out, etc.

AG Holder resigned, Obama moved L. Lynch from NYSD after just settling HSBC with no criminal charges to Attorney General.

FBI Mueller retired, Obama took Comey from HSBC to FBI director.

HRC had left and numerous people attempted to keep a lid on things as Libya, Syria, Somalia, & refugee crisis completely ransacked the world. Around 500,000 people died in Syria & Lybia since. Lybia is now involved in open slave trading of African migrants, organ harvesting, child trafficking are rampant.

Do you want me to continue? This is just open source from memory information. You know who is really counting @RweSure?

@Dressage2 @carmecita @DarkMath

Are_we__sure ago

Dragging you out to the open is easy these days.

Are you insane? I'm genuinely asking. Are you insane? Did you think I was hiding?

As for your points.

1)meeting in public with a known ambassador

A "known ambassador" that is hilarious.

A. Kushner was a private citizen at the time. If he discussed the lifting of sanctions like Flynn supposed did, that could be a violation of the Logan ACT.

B. These meetings were NOT public, do you think Jared Kushner was going to ask about setting a secret communication channel using Russian diplomatic facilities and secure Russian Communication equipment in PUBLIC????? Do you think he is that dumb? Do you think he would openly commit espionage? That meeting was in Trump Tower. The meeting with Sergey Gorkov the intelligence agent who is close to Putin and heads up a Russian State Owned Bank wasn't revealed until March of this year. That State Owned Bank is under US sanctions. The White House won't even reveal where this meeting took place

C. Kushner then lied about these meetings on his security application which is a felony. This is what Gorelick is trying to defend against.

D. When the meeting was revealed. The Bank said the meeting was about non official business and the White House said the meeting was in Kushner's official capacity.

Uranium One sales with their Canadian friend Frank Guistra.

Of course I have no problem with this. Neither did any part of the US government. There is a process to determine if transactions like this pose a threat to the US and they are evaluated by inter-agency government board. The board is made up of like 19 different US agencies and is chaired by the Treasury Department, none of the members of the CIFUS board raised an objection because the sale of this Canadian company posed absolutely no threat to the United States. Mainly because uranium is easy to get and has gotten even cheaper recently AND because export of uranium from the US is very tightly controlled and Nuclear Regulatory Commission confirmed this company does not have an export license for their US mines. They can bring the uranium to the surface, but they can only sell it within the US. Also Giustra was no longer the owner of this company when the deal went through.

John Podesta & HRC making what $35 million

You can't even get your smears right. That's not even the actual accusation.

Have fun storming the castle.

Jem777 ago

You are a pedo defender to your core?

I gave you a comprehensive list of questions cans tradegies that have happened involving all these people. You refuse to answer because you cant. You are a shill, go back in your hole unless you can adequately address the unbelievable corruption and cover_-ups I mentioned.

Are_we__sure ago

You spewed a bunch of "whattaboutism" - most of which are big, juicy nothingburgers. And you did all to try to muddy waters and deny the fact that there is a very serious case involving the President and his associates.

A case so serious, that the President has interfered in the investigation and is not is in legal jeopardy for obstruction of justice.

And when that failed, you called me a pedo defender. Because you know you're argument is weak.

jangles ago

Your a problem and need to be removed @Are_we__sure Please remove yourself from this community

Jem777 ago

He is not in legal jeopardy for obstructioncyou are a fool.

Are_we__sure ago

The President of the United States admitted he was under investigation.

He also admitted that he lied about having taped his conversations with James Comey which is going to add to his legal woes.

Are_we_sure ago

Did you think the switch to @RweSure from @Are_We_Sure fooled all of us....sorry.

OH NO! She's onto us!

Jem777 ago

You can't give an adequate answer. You play games like an adolescent let me guess you are 19 yrs and work in goverment IT, or a covert Disrupt & Destroy campaign agent working for the government against your fellow citizens in violation of your oaths to this country....I believe that is called Treason.

Are_we_sure ago

Look at you, pretending to care about treason. How adorable. And you guessing at stuff, fabulous. You guessed incorrectly. Would you like another try, I could give you a clue.

RweSure ago

We've been unmasked! But how?????

Are_we__sure ago

Luckily, this cat has one life left.

She'll never figure out this clever ruse.

Jem777 ago

Is that a threat I have one life to live?

Are_we__sure ago

That refers to me. Both sentences in that post are connected.

Dressage2 ago

And BOOM! Somebody was just bitch slapped! Upvoat and you are absolutely correct. Comey never seemed to win in any of his cases involving the Clinton clan. He did get I believe a $7 mil bonus when he left Lockheed Martin though. They, of course, were awarded lots of gov contracts and Comey had it coming for being a good boy. I can't remember if he received a big bonus from HSBC.

Jem777 ago

He took the 7 million, closed his eyes like he has on everything Clinton, smiled for the cameras, walked over to HSBC to give them a good Boy Scout image for a few then said "really you are considering me for FBI Director I had no idea Mueller was going to retire! That wasn't planned at all ;) between him and I. You mean the only FBI director (Mueller) to hold the position since 9/11, who was given the job on September 4, 2001 just 7 days prior and who was part of implementing the Patriot Act and stood "faithfully" by his young protege' James Comey while he had to go to John Ashcroft hospital room.

Could not be they spoke of this plan? HRC will be the next President. Mueller retires in 2013, Obama moves Comey to lead FBI then Loretta Lynch (Bill Clinton op) to AG...All tracks are covered bury the documents, etc.

Then Bengahazi, Lybia, Emailgate, ClintonFoundation, Syria,

Wiklileaks, lying Media, lying Hollywood, corruption, CIA exposure, deepstate, citizen journalists

FBI anons, CIA anons, etc. It has gotten so desperate ordinary citizens are calling and openly investigating top FBI & Special Counsel and have lost all confidence.

This is open source documents for everyone to watch. It is all over twitter. So sad

Dressage2 ago

You I so agree with you. Hopefully, we can clean some of this up. I do believe as America awakens we will never go back to trusting our elected officials to do the right thing. Citizen journalism will only get better. We are better prepared. I know where to look when I want find something. I have never looked at maritime maps in real time in my life before, but I will now when I am questioning something not looking right. So many research sites are saved and people are watching.

redditsuckz ago

Her Wikipedia profile:

Gorelick was born in New York City to Leonard and Shirley Gorelick, and grew up in Great Neck, New York, in a Jewish family.

Mocking Jesus on Israeli Zionist TV - צליבת ישו - The Crucifixion of Yeshu

11-11 ago

re Mocking Jesus on Israeli Zionist TV - צליבת ישו - The Crucifixion of Yeshu youtube. com/watch?v=9RY83mAr5uAY

REALLY?? makes my skin crawl. i haven't clicked on it yet. I believe you

DarkMath ago

"something smells rotten about Ms. Jamie Gorelick"

Spawn of Satan usually smell like death. Hillary also has "shocking body odor".

Jamie Gorelick is bad news:

May God Speed The Plow (with a side of deodorant)


srayzie ago

Larry Nichols was with The Clinton's for years. He also came out and admitted he was a hit man for them. You can read about it and listen to the podcast of him admitting this here

He has said several times on different podcasts that Hillary Clinton has a horrible odor. He was on Alex Jones and said that. Others have said that too. That's really weird!

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Boiled cabbage and urine? lol

DarkMath ago

"Boiled cabbage and urine"

I honestly wonder if it's some sort of Witch potion they put on like a pinch of frog vomit and a twist of rotten crab apple etc etc.

Supposedly Hillary went to Wican events out in California:

Who the fuck knows. All I can tell is Jamie Gorelick and Hillary Clinton are pure evil.

Dressage2 ago

Kind of like the Dead Heads that followed the Grateful Dead. They all wore that Patchuli Oil. Did I spell that right?!?

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Nah, she's just a stinky old bitch.

carmencita ago

-she was involved in Waco -she was involved in the OKC Bombing -she was involved in the first WTC bombings -she worked for Ashcroft under Clinton -she was on the 911 commission -she ran Fannie Mae into the ground THAT right there is all ready enough to make us sit up straight. This and the rest should be investigated. But if these things are indeed true. Whoa.

equineluvr ago

All of that was stated in the OP.

Why'd you feel the need to repeat it?

Jem777 ago

I challenge you @equineluvr to just post your own topics for a day and not attack anyone's character! That takes restraint, comedic timing, wit, & empathy. Do you have it? Even for a day?

PGIsFuckinRetarded ago

Hey just dropped buy to with you good luck waiting for those "imminent" pizzagate arrests :))

carmencita ago

Well, I will not be offering you a cup of coffee or a bite to eat while you are here. I don't usually put out My Welcome Mat for Shills that favor Pedophiles. Sorry. The time is getting near for their Confinement.

remedy4reality ago

Gorelick is a Deep State operative and her representation of Kushner is very problematic, to say the least.

Post this in v/politics for greater exposure

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

I wonder if Kushner is Deep State. He has plenty of friends among the elites & he and Ivanka are good friends with Chelsea & her husband. Chelsea's husband and Kushner are friends at least as far back as college.. I don't know about before. I think both fathers went to jail for financial crimes.

I thought Gorelick decided not to be his attorney recently. Maybe she got all the info needed by the Deep State

11-11 ago

if this woman is his attorney, i guess we have our answer

PGIsFuckinRetarded ago

Tick Tock Tick Tock =))

icuntstopswearing ago

While we're waiting let's try and identify you by a process of elimination. Are you possibly...Dan Schnieder?

ababcb ago

How very interesting... What makes you think this is him?