Jem777 ago

This is excellent work and answers the question of the CARDS which was first mentioned by FBI anon in July 2016. These RFID chips are implanted under the skin in the refugees already at processing centers. Included on the chips are medical information which can identify blood types, & genectic coding for easy access in organ trafficking. This chip is part of the healthcare push we have seen in the past 8 years. The statue calls for a mandatory DNA sample or mapping to be given & stored to the government in exchange for healthcare.

The RFID chip is the next requirement in the US if we do not stop it. There are already chips being located and removed now unbeknownst to patients.

This should get huge Upvoat s. These children at refugee centers are chipped and sold.

Dressage2 ago

Excellent post. Next the card will be a chip inserted under the skin.

BerksResident ago

Big upvote.... this sort of excellent digging has sadly been missing of voat recently. Miliband snr has a jewish refugee to UK marxist and had a dislike of his host nation. David was expected to be leader of the c labour party but was knifed in the back by his younger brother Ed and that's why he quit politics.

Commoner ago

Thank you. It was a lot of digging.