ArthurEdens ago

It's fucking crazy how our whole reality is manipulated by lunatics

HereticalPeasant ago

Do you have any links to that? I'd love to look at it. I'm not familiar.

HereticalPeasant ago

I am going to research into info regarding deprogramming. There's got to be some materials out there we could study and evaluate to try and under the psychological process behind all of this. Must be some info which could shed light on ways or methods to deprogram and undo the mind control. maybe not a fast method, I doubt it can be done in a snap of a finger. but perhaps methods which could work incrementally and progressively, sort of like tapering methods used in detox rehab programs which slowly taper a person off the drug which they are addicted to. Addiction, in my opinion, is another form of enslavement. The person becomes enslaved to the drug and it begins to dominate every aspect of their life.... Mk Ultra mind control programming surely works likewise. Well the literature does say the programming is accompanied by dosages of drugs, such as LSD, METH, other Opioids etc.

HereticalPeasant ago

i want to to help as well. can you guys include me?

carmencita ago

Yep. Cc1014 said she was on board as well. I think there is a lot of digging to do there.

carmencita ago

OK. This Must Be War. If we do not stop them from controlling our children, there will be brainwashed armies at their beck and call. This is enraging.

HereticalPeasant ago

My God this is making me cry. This is so cruel. I wish we could help them. Break them out of the ritualistic mind control. There's got to be a way to break them out of this cultic enslavement.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Do you know where Global Education models are being created?

Racine, Wisconsin.

Look at Higher Expectations, Strive Together, Collaborative for Children's Mental Health, School Readiness Coalition, Wingspread Conferences on Education, 21st Century Prep, Career Discovery Solutions, and the National Summit on Higher Education for the Public Good. Those are just a few of the initiatives that began in Racine as global education reform models.

Education, Mental Health, Technology and Sustainability are interconnected programs, along with media control and Community Policing to keep everyone in line.

HereticalPeasant ago

This is good information. I am interested in learning more about this. This really is the driving force behind everything that is wrong in our nation today. The mind control enslavement and exploitation of the youth, no wonder the country is in shambles. These sick institutions are the culprits. People entrust their children to these institutions, hoping for their children to get a good education and succeed, but instead, they are exploiting the children. These institutions are cult factories, manufacturing everything that is abominable.

pbvrocks ago

Just to go along with this research...was reading the newly released FOIA on trafficking from late 70's early 80's..they were speculating about all of the underage and teenage boy prostitutes in DC, NY, etc. These boys were numerous and would hang out in clubs doing drugs and turning tricks (while club owners were filming the johns for the mossad nd other IC's BTW). These boys were 11-17, homeless, and would get sucked into this lifestyle. They asked the question..What happens to the boys when the get older? They were explaining that most of these boys had grown up with a proclivity for pedophilia...but violent and young pedophilia. We may now be seeing a DC RUN by these lost boys...

HereticalPeasant ago

Yes. It is a cycle of abuse. The victims grow up and are groomed and controlled to turn into the Protectors of the vicious system. It is the perfect way to keep the system going and keep it controlled and out of the public's eye.

I mean just take Newsham the DC cop for example. One of the fbianon said Newsham is a pedo. He has covered up so many egregious crimes.

I wonder how many in our law enforcement agencies are covering this up and worse yet are in on the abuse and the monetary profits.

As the saying goes, power has a way of corrupting people and making them do unthinkable things. Authority and POWER are two most abused things.

Pizzalawyer ago

This may explain why serial murders wherein the perpetrators are almost always white males occur only in America. I can recall only one black male, one white female and one Spanish male that were serial killers. Otherwise always the while male single lone nut. Think about it, what other country has such occurrences?

HereticalPeasant ago

Yes. I never thought about that.

This is definitely worth investing time into investigating and researching.

If our goal is to really bring about change for good, then we must tackle the cancer which is the so called "Educational and Research Institutions"

Specifically ones which utilize and specialize in > CHILDREN.

kazza64 ago

ive always had a suspicion about the pushing of the serial killer agenda in western culture. now i have a name for that ... the phoenix program.... thank you .... very nice work .....beautifully researched and presented

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Very Interesting. Thanks for reposting this. Can't help but think how much Michael Aquino is behind this. San Fran..The Presidio..Etc...

Once the MK programs have been studied,believed, and practiced, with millions of kids missing, one wonders how many could have been programmed? manchurianized? Easy to shoot up schools, do some domestic terrorism, pretty much anything. None would be the wiser. Those who commit the crimes,end up dead, can never talk or be studied by the wrong hands, or they end up in a mental psychiatric jail since they are 'crazy' and incoherent.

HereticalPeasant ago

Exactly. What better way to keep this entire thing under control and out of the public's eye. The state is so quick to take CUSTODY of these poor children. Just look at what CPS is doing. Mental and rehab and so called "research and educational training" institutions are State owned and heavily rely upon State Tax payer DOLLARS via research grants etc.

God only knows the horrific experiments being conducted on these precious children.

These monsters destroy the child's innocence and mind.

This is sick.

Society is a giant controlled experiment and we are all lab rats.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

I imagine today, the methods used are probably less experimental and more direct. They've have decades to perfect the minds splinter. Programming is probably way more simplistic than say using cow prods. I suspect some, satanic, maybe old schoolers, still do it for the sheer pleasure, but the real programmers that are all business, those that want something done usefully, don't waste any time.

numbtoyou ago

If we took an eye for an eye seriously there wouldn't be enough devils to kill.

HereticalPeasant ago

WOW.......speechless...... this is too deep.

Is that why they are arresting them??? they want them to get arrested??? to keep them quiet????

Holy shit... this is a cluster fuck.

equineluvr ago

Hollywood is the key.

Secret societies are the key.

Everyone thinks that their particular thread of interest within the larger tapestry is THE KEY to it all.

HereticalPeasant ago

i see your point.... but given the above the question needs to be asked: Did Hollywood celebrities not attend school? or DID THEY?

carmencita ago

A lot of them were schooled at the studio. They had tutors that conformed to their work hours. There was also a little Red School House I think that Elizabeth Taylor went to and a couple other stars. That was many years ago. This is all too much to process. I say at this point we should start to research the info that @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt has given us. His is valuable information that we should listen to, imo. I have started some, but hope to look into their Schooling Programs that have very bad intentions for our children. @Cc1914 @V____Z @4TruthUnited