Long_Knife ago

Prosecute You Tube? for what? I thought Voat was all about free speech?

HarveyHarveyJones ago

I find it normal for a man or woman to be attracted to, say, a willing teen. It's a matter of if you act on impulse or not. If you are teaching, fucking some kid is teaching him WRONG in my opinion. Hard for me to talk though, slept with a sub when i was 16 sooooooo.... i dont know... i wouldn't want my kid's teacher doing anything but teaching in their subject.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

is that cauliflower behind the green pepper?? Who puts that on a pizza? Any thoughts?

GhostOfSwartz ago

Only if you're trying to go low carb/gluten free ;) You can make a crust out of it.

Votescam ago

Notice that it's not just Pizzagate. It's an attempt to smear the whole Rainbow/liberal area of human rights -- GLBT -- and perhaps renew the false suggestion again that it is homosexuals who sexually abuse children which is the vile propaganda of the RCC.

No -- it's definitely MALES who are our sexual abusers of children, but they are heterosexual males. Heterosexual males are 100X more likely to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual.

If anyone wants more info on that study, just let me know.

Who owns YouTube now?


Who owns Google?

A new company called ALPHABET owns Google ...

https://www.wired.com/2015/08/new-company-called-alphabet-owns-google/ (got chased because they don't like ad blockers)

and ..


and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alphabet_Inc.

also see ... http://www.investopedia.com/investing/companies-owned-by-google/

Top 10 Shareholders of Google as of 2009 ...

•Fidelity •BlackRock •State Street •Vanguard Group •Capital Research •T. Rowe Price •Capital World •alliancebernstein •Marsico Capital

derram ago

https://tweetsave.com/matheasysolns/status/875396710083710976 :

MathEasySolutions on Twitter: "YouTube now just straight up mocking #PizzaGate... #ProsecuteYouTube t.co/B6OsuAi2kN t.co/giAwYiXYJf"

This has been an automated message.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

heterosexual males are 100X more likely to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual.

If anyone wants more info on that study, just let me know.

if you have proof I'd love to see it. I'm open minded. That being said I highly believe that's absolutely false. Prove me wrong