DarkMath ago

"According to Jason after damn near pulling all his teeth, "

Link please. Thank you.

DarkMath ago

". I noticed that 1000 critics suddenly appeared at the same time, "

Yep. George Webb is taking major flak because he's over the target.

DarkMath ago

" said yesterday that George is mentally ill "

You mean Dave Sweigert who was involved in Iran Contra which saw the Vice President of the United States start and maintain a Multi BILLION dollar crack cocaine operation making money off of the misery of poor black people..........and who is now an unemployed actor..........is that the Dave Sweigart you're believing?

Come on, wake up, you're getting played. Dave Swiegart took part in one of the largest criminal enterprises in American History. He has ZERO credibility.

Try harder to keep up next time.


jstrotha0975 ago

I remember a post on here about the Mearsk Memphis trafficking victims.

SoberSecondThought ago

Coast Guard has sounded the "all clear" and the port has re-opened. The four containers were apparently not a threat.


V____Z ago

Yeah, exactly. We are screwed if this guy is suddenly mainstream credibility. I still believe he is being used to bring in a false flag. And it's interesting this happens the day after he meets with RD Steele. This is deep state bullshit and Webb is happy to play the citizen investigator who sweeps all the women off their feet with just one smile..

seekingpeace ago

Being labelled a "YouTube Conspiracy Theorist" doesn't give him any credibility.

What am I missing? GW should be prosecuted for making false claims.

I think Steele will regret endorsing him after this stunt.

V____Z ago


one thing about D's stream, everytime i click over there, there is some mention of the devil, or satan. not comfortable....

V____Z ago

Dave Acton called in to Defango's show, and said what i thought too, it's a set up to restore Webb's reputation - scroll to 1:40 after the start https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFu9Q-TQLcA

V____Z ago

Something's not adding up here.

From Fox:

The FBI late Wednesday is investigating a report of a dirty bomb on a ship at the Wando Terminal, which is located at the Port of Charleston.

The terminal has been evacuated, along with a section of the Cooper River, reports said. The threat is for the vessel more than the public, authorities reportedly said. They are investigating out of an abundance of caution.

Capt. Greg Stump, the commander for the Coast Guard sector in Charleston, said a number of law enforcement agencies are on the scene. He said a YouTube “conspiracy theorist” made a claim about a threat on board one of the ships, ABCNews4.com reported.

The report said the ship in question is the Maersk Memphis.

SINCE WHEN does mainstream media and the authorities listen to YouTube conspiracy theorists? EVER? This report indicates that the search was based solely on Webb/Goodman.

We've been asking them to look into Comet, and Seth Rich's murder, and all they do is laugh at us.

Why is this particular conspiracy theorist treated so differently??? @privatepizza

DarkMath ago

"SINCE WHEN does mainstream media and the authorities listen to YouTube conspiracy theorists?"

Because it looks like George Webb got set up by the Deep State. They own the MSM.

Narcissism ago

George Webb mentioned the same ship a month ago as being used to bring in drugs.

ArthurEdens ago

Stephen Colbert's sister, who has links directly to the Podestas, has Charleston Port Authority connections. The Podesta's could be cashing in a favor.


After graduating, she completed a South Carolina State Ports Authority business development internship, and worked for Associated Maritime Industries Inc, as a liaison between the AMI and the U.S. Federal and State Governments.[16] She then worked as the Regional Director for Sales and Marketing and the Director of Business Development at Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL), where she was responsible for international maritime relations and South Atlantic and North American sales.

She’s also served as chairwoman of the 2006 S.C. International Trade Conference, the chairwoman of the Maritime Association Port of Charleston and is board member of the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce.

seekingpeace ago

Your article supports my comment. "Possible explosives' do not equal dirty bomb. If GW had any knowledge of what a dirty bomb is, he would realize how silly his claim is.

But as per usual, his cult-like followers just listen and regurgitate without any discernment.

seekingpeace ago

Anyone who thinks a dirty bomb is going to be transported by ship, has zero understanding of what a dirty bomb is. George Webb is fear mongering and he probably got his intel from David Booth.

GW now has his followers ringing up the coast guard to report this. What worries me the most is he is DESPERATE to be right about something.

When challenged, GW just amps up the drama!

DarkMath ago

"Anyone who thinks a dirty bomb is going to be transported by ship"

You mean there's a government approved way of transporting a dirty bomb meant to kill hundreds of people with radiation poisoning?

Would it be too much to ask if you could send me a link on that one?

Come on dude, wake up.


seekingpeace ago

See, you give yourself away with your lack of knowledge of the subject. They are the least effective method of radioactively poisoning a large number of people. They are a psychological weapon.

No need to continue pinging me thanks. I'm finished trying to educate you. :)

DarkMath ago

"They are the least effective method of radioactively poisoning a large number of people."

Fair enough. Let me fix my comment:

"Anyone who thinks a dirty bomb is going to be transported by ship"

You mean there's a government approved way of transporting a dirty bomb meant for use as a "psychological weapon?" to kill hundreds of people with radiation poisoning?

Would it be too much to ask if you could send me a link on that one?

Come on dude, wake up.


seekingpeace ago

Please research how difficult it is to make a "dirty bomb". So difficult that you wouldn't waste your time, then you have to transport the device. They are most probably a CIA invention/meme. Do some research, I know I have.

DarkMath ago

"research how difficult it is to make a "dirty bomb". "

I have. Transporting a Dirty Bomb requires TONS OF LEAD to guarantee nothing is detected. Every shipping port, airport and in every city are thousands of radiation detectors that are so sensitive they can even pick up if a person on chemotherapy walks by.

A container on a container ship is just about the only way you could transport a dirty bomb.


V____Z ago

That's what I as thinking too, Booth.

He's loony, totally detached from reality. Take his Defango interview just after being outed by his brother as an example.

seekingpeace ago

Has anyone seen a pic of David Booth? Maybe he's another Dave Sweigert creation. LOL! Nothing would surprise me about these two.

V____Z ago

Oh, maybe not him. I doubt he's got his picture on the web.

V____Z ago

They're a high level operation. This is propaganda being written in real time, taking our good, hard work, and claiming it, then "explaining" it by blaming everything on the Awan brothers and Jollah. When an eye witness to Seth Rich's murder came forth, this is how the duo in charge of his citizen investigation responds: https://streamable.com/e6dnf

Show me a pic of Booth?

Silverlining ago

Maersk Memphis schedule from April - seems to do a round trip from Karachi Pakistan [Port Qasim] to Gujarat India [Pipavav] to Mumbai/Bombay India [Jawaharlal Nehru NSICT] to Oman [Salalah] through the Suez Canal to Algeria and on to US - Newark, Charleston, Savannah, Houston




Newark Apm Terminal - Berth 88 E425 27 Mar 2017, 05:48 1704 | 1704 28 Mar 2017, 01:24

North Charleston North Charleston Terminal 30 Mar 2017, 06:36 1704 | 1704 30 Mar 2017, 18:00

Savannah Savannah Garden City Terminal L738 31 Mar 2017, 10:36 1704 | 1704 01 Apr 2017, 03:15

Houston Bay Port Container Terminal 05 Apr 2017, 06:12 1704 | 1705 06 Apr 2017, 20:40

Savannah Savannah Garden City Terminal L738 10 Apr 2017, 05:48 1705 | 1705 10 Apr 2017, 17:35

Norfolk NORFOLK VIRGINIA INTL GATEWAY N195 12 Apr 2017, 06:54 1705 | 1705 12 Apr 2017, 23:45

Newark Apm Terminal - Berth 88 E425 14 Apr 2017, 07:18 1705 | 1705 14 Apr 2017, 20:12

Port Said East East Port Said Terminal 01 May 2017, 15:00 1705 | 1705 02 May 2017, 06:22

Suez Canal Canal Zone Terminal 02 May 2017, 07:26 1705 | 1705 02 May 2017, 16:36

Djibouti Djibouti Dorale Container Terminal 06 May 2017, 18:48 1705 | 1705 07 May 2017, 10:25

Salalah Salalah Terminal 09 May 2017, 19:30 1705 | 1705 10 May 2017, 07:00

Jebel Ali Jebel Ali Terminal 2 13 May 2017, 11:00 1705 | 1706 14 May 2017, 05:00

Port Qasim Port Qasim Terminal 16 May 2017, 17:40 1705 | 1706 17 May 2017, 15:20

Pipavav Pipavav Terminal 19 May 2017, 14:00 1705 | 1706 20 May 2017, 02:00

Jawaharlal Nehru Jawaharlal Nehru NSICT 21 May 2017, 05:00 1705 | 1706 22 May 2017, 04:30

Salalah Salalah Terminal 25 May 2017, 15:15 1706 | 1706 26 May 2017, 04:46

Suez Canal Canal Zone Terminal 31 May 2017, 05:20 1706 | 1706 31 May 2017, 16:36

Algeciras Algeciras - ML Terminal 04 Jun 2017, 20:12 1706 | 1706 05 Jun 2017, 08:25

Newark Apm Terminal - Berth 88 E425 12 Jun 2017, 06:54 1706 | 1706 12 Jun 2017, 16:00

Charleston Charleston Terminal N598 14 Jun 2017, 21:00 1706 | 1706 15 Jun 2017, 18:00

trueringstrue ago

DarkMath,. I'm not picking a fight, ok?

But when I saw your sub here I thought ' "distraction"

Are you trying to get as many piizzagate voat researches off and away from the fervent topic... matters at hand..? . Esp. in light of the man with a rifle shooting up Rep. Scalise and others... Critical.

Silverlining ago

That is one thought about the whole George Webb thing - he actively avoids pizzagate and 911 as he says it is likely to discredit his Awan brothers spy ring in Congress allegation. But organ harvesting and drug running is all part of that thesis.

Everything bad seems linked.

V____Z ago

He doesn't really avoid pizzagate in that he actually supports its continuation, and admits he is working for those in Washington who want it to be more "subtle" in the wake of the Podesta leaks... https://streamable.com/4ixlf

Silverlining ago

Whatever you're selling, I'm not buying.

V____Z ago

Um, i'm quoting George Webb to you in support of your comment, but being cute about it. It's true he doesn't cover pizzagate, but listen to what he supports: (in the linked clip)

subtle rat lines, subtle compromise of children, and subtle organ harvesting, "Washington is screaming for that so, that's why I'm here, trying to get back to the good ole days".

(sorry to be so confusing)

DonKeyhote ago

Youre not, this guys just an idiot.

DarkMath ago

"Are you trying to get as many piizzagate voat researches off and away from the fervent topic."

No. I'm simply trying to maintain my current state of radioactivity. And bee tee dubs if you live on the East Coast of the United States you might consider the same.


V____Z ago

So why not post in a different sub? There are several where this would fit perfectly.

DarkMath ago

"So why not post in a different sub?"

Because I'm not a paid SEIU and/or CrowdStrike and/or ShareBlue shill trying to discredit George Webb. And I happen to think it's always better to be safe than sorry.

Seriously V I don't think your SEIU because it's not possible a Christian woman would say the things you've said. By my calculations the only thing that explains your defense of child rapists and organ harvesters is you're here fighting a proxy war against someone else.

These are children being raped and harvested. An American woman could not defend that under any circumstance.

Silverlining ago

George was saying the Awans were selling surveillance capability to the Middle East.

Up pops this in the Guardian:


Looks like everyone is at it.

“You would be able to intercept any internet traffic. If you wanted to do a whole country, go ahead. You would probably need something to narrow your search down, either by a specific person, a specific email address, specific IP address or specific keywords to search for.”

The individual said the technology – which has been called Evident – can be used to pinpoint people’s location based on the data emitted by their mobile phones.

[Handy for drone attacks, too!]

DarkMath ago

Do they know the name of the ship?

The rumor is it's the Maersk Memphis and it's in Charleston right now not Norfolk.


Silverlining ago

KEK liked this - report web address is 77- temperature was 77 when I accessed the item.

DarkMath ago

The Maersk Memphis is still in Charleston. That news report was from Newark right?


V____Z ago

George Webb predicts dirty bomb attack in major city that will trump 911, based on secret source https://streamable.com/8rz8o here's the clip

Why George Webb's claims have no merit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekcfY502EME

Silverlining ago

Perhaps it is a ruse to get the ship searched for containers of child sex slaves/drugs - so not, perhaps "not pizzagate"

DarkMath ago

"George Webb's claims have no merit"

Then why do you care? You sure seem adamant to prove someone with Paranoid Schizophrenia has no credibility.

Right? The lady doth protest too much.


Silverlining ago

That lady is no Lady - and is always protesting too much where it matters to us - canary in the mine.

DarkMath ago

"That lady is no Lady"

I'm fairly certain she's a lady. She let her guard down a couple months ago and has regretted it ever since.

V____Z ago

@sensitive @Vindicator - as OP says this is not pizzagate related, please remove

SoberSecondThought ago

For what it's worth, I would like it to stay up.

George Webb is very frustrating at the best of times. He doesn't offer sources, he explains things badly, he contradicts his own claims, it's a mess. But then Alex Jones is at least as frustrating in the same ways, if not more -- and yet it seems clear to me that occasionally, real information does get passed to him. Yes, fine, when he rants about animal-human hybrids or "turning the frogs gay" he's a total nut. But he is a channel that serious people sometimes resort to when they need to get something out.

As one example of Webb performing this function: I think Webb was onto something very important and real when he reported on the Awan brothers. He was WAY ahead of the MSM and the alt media alike on that one. And I think that scandal is very much PG-related because it potentially explains how the blackmail network in Congress works.

Now, it looks like the Coast Guard has sounded the "all clear" on this (see my separate comment). So Webb's reputation is going to take a large hit. But that in itself is kind of interesting. Someone told him a compelling story, and Webb evidently believed it. Who? Why?

It doesn't cost anything to leave this up. If the endless posts about Katy Perry get to stay, this should.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for the ping V___Z. Given our digging into container shipping shenanigans and the possibility that this could plausibly involve human traffickers or someone ratting them out, I'm going to leave this up for now until we see how it plays out.

V____Z ago

Are you aware Webb has been shown to be a liar who gets his 'intel' from Sorcha Faal?

Vindicator ago

I've always thought Webb was full of shit. What does that have to do with my comment? Webb is not the only one reporting on this.

V____Z ago

He is, actually, But now that media has picked it up, some have dropped reference to him. Still the post has nothing to do with pizzagate imho.

DarkMath ago

I guess somebody doesn't live on the Eastern seaboard of the United States.


Bratton912 ago

Great, this thing is headed my way on the 16th. (Savannah, GA)

Should I actually be concerned about this?

EDIT: Should be checked out before it gets here... http://www.wtoc.com/story/35668077/coast-guard-fbi-investigating-report-of-dirty-bomb-on-ship-at-wando-terminal

Silverlining ago

The rumour is they wanted to blow up Charleston - and they're apparently searching the ship now, so chill. Everything will be fine.

Are_we_sure ago

This is ridiculous. Charleston was destroyed by a nuclear bomb under Obama.

Silverlining ago

No - that one got intercepted and sunk at sea - sorry, I can't find the source for that - it was the woman who used to work at the Federal Reserve and called them out.

RweSure ago

The Fed is really over stepping their boundaries, aren't they?

DarkMath ago

Oh look you forgot to address the rivers of molten steel question I asked you.

Do you ever plan on answering why you think the FDNY hallucinated "rivers" of molten metal in the basements of the WTC towers?


equineluvr ago

George FUCKING Webb again.


DarkMath ago

Horsefucker I lost all respect for you when you failed to unpack a pronoun properly a few minutes ago.

You're illiterate and writing sentences your brain can't cash.


BlowjaySimpson ago

Pretty sure he is mossad disinfo, right?

DarkMath ago

We'll find out someday. Probably wouldn't be a bad idea to go out and buy some Potasium Iodine:


I stocked up a while ago for this very possibility. I think I'm going to go out tomorrow and buy a couple months of food and water.

These are psychopaths after all and they won't go down easy.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

That's what the consensus was anytime I mentioned anything Mr. Webb said... seems that the information war that was waged on him via his brother, who was randomly/aggressively focused on "Debunking" Seth Rich may have confused this line of thinking a bit.

You either believe George, who admitted to having worked w/ Mossad (why someone who is a Mossad disinfo agent would volunteer this info is beyond me)

... Or you believe Dave Acton Sweigart who was introduced via Defango, and claims George is a total mental patient who has simply fabricated everything and single-handedly ruined their family.

It's two very, very different stories. And no one can quite make sense of it all.

The safest bet? Like anything, administer a heavy dose of salt and keep an open mind. There is definitely some kind of info warfare going on. Not sure who is playing who at this point.

SterlingJB ago

Or they're two ends of the same puzzle palace.

ArthurEdens ago

I don't know, shady people tend to paint truth seekers as nut cases.

Silverlining ago

George is saying in an update that six patriots through one of his contacts - says he spent three and a half hours with him today - want payback for McCabe [FBI number two] and are fed up with what's going on.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tj-EUz5JeFQ @lascar @darkmath

I get the feeling that George is on a revenge mission against McCabe - seems personal.

DarkMath ago

"Or you believe Dave Acton Sweigart who was introduced via Defango, and claims George is a total mental patient"

Dave is just jealous of his younger brother who's out shown him his entire life. You've got to remember George Webb fucked Dave's wife. I'm thinking that has something to do with this.

Narcissism ago

Defango is one slimmy grease ball, I would believe a word he says or anyone he introduces.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Ok, so, everyone is slinging mud? Webb is disinfo? And this has evolved into a soap opera? LOL... I give up!