Jem777 ago

This is already happening in Silicon Valley under a company called Ambrosia. Theil spends an estimated $40,000 dollars a quarter for young blood transfusion. At Stanford which is also a secret CIA lab there are reported studies of placing AI inside of brains already. Remember they are 30-40 years ahead of what we know. Although illegal to harvest blood of children it is also illegal to harvest organs and have rape children that has not stopped them. There are reports of harvesting blood plasma as well which is another reason HRC & Obama were pushing to repeal the Hyde ammendment and allow abortion into the 9th month. More fully developed organs, baby blood, plasma, etc. A literal farm.

Psalm144-1 ago

Do you watch the HBO show "Silicon Valley"? I ask because in a recent episode a character named "Gavin Belson" (Hooli CEO) does this exactly. The other characters make a joke out of this by called the youth boy a "Blood bag". Looks like they are officially starting the predictive programming on this.

pmichel ago
