ZunarJ5 ago

Robert - you haven't been arrested yet because shit attracts flies. You come under the useful idiot category for the time being.

kazza64 ago

thanks dark knight that makes sense

RweSure ago

conspiracy to commit obstruction of justice


This is delusions of grandeur.

DonKeyhote ago

LOL look at this quote from @Vindicator.

Frankly, though, as the trolls go around here, he's pretty tame. It's easy to downvoat him and ignore, and not that difficult for mods to clean up his messes. Compared to the asshats we've got in here spreading disinformation to demoralize people and shitting up comment sections of research posts with off-topic crap about Jews, mods, Voat being compromised, other users being shills and the rest of the BS they use to "taint" posts, PG_Retard is no big deal. An impotent nuisance.

So, singling out Jews is a priori evidence of disinfo peddlers in the lead mods opinion. Because jews controlling everything and curtailing free speech is a myth XDDDDD

Vindicator ago

Shitposters are the only ones curtailing free speech around here, Donkey. I have yet to see one fair and square piece of evidence anyone's ethnic background has anything to do with Pizzagate. This sick shit seems to appeal to certain cowardly shitstains from many backgrounds.

equineluvr ago

The perps are 100% Jewish and crypto Jewish.

If mass shootings occur in a city, and every perp is of a certain ethnicity, you don't think it's germaine and worthy of being reported? Don't the citizens have a right to know WHO is committing these crimes? Shouldn't that factoid be referenced within the larger framework to help make sense of it -- why and how it is happening?

Ignoring a glaring pattern like that is NOT the hallmark of a good researcher. Because it is IMPOSSIBLE to put it into context sans the information.

How many real cases -- in real life -- have you worked, Vin? Worked any murder cases? I have. And I understand the relevance of the info. IF this is really a research forum, unencumbered research to get to the TRUTH should trump any subjective "political correctness" ideals.

darkknight111 ago

Awww, did that hit a nerve? All this butt hurt and extra aggression only means that yes, shilltard is indeed guilty. He's only giving himself more rope to hang with.

PGISoFuckingRetarded ago

The level of insanity that this pizzagate thing signifies is mind blogging. You pizzagaters truly are the bottom of the barrel of irrational conspiretards.

Thesheeplfollowuhome ago

Do you think a convicted child rapist, who's whole thing happens to be pedophilia, telling us pizzagateisretarded is going to demoralize us??? ahahahah

PGISoFuckingRetarded ago

Oh wow, let's try to spread ridiculous falsehoods about me on an echo chamber of conspiracy insanity. Tat'll teach me :))

Defeating him will be a huge boost


Gothamgirl ago

So whats the truth then?

DeathTooMasons ago

More like disinfo flunky who can't get a better gig, has to do damage control for the pedos. Bet you wanted to push flat earth instead. Aw well, put in your time and one day you might get to defend the banks and say thay are not manipulating precious metals. All kinds of more high brow assignments out there.