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Gneo ago

Quick summary

Norton buys and sells Kara Walker pedophile Slavery art

Norton Married 2 times with two different African woman (one has banking connections with US virgin Islands)

Norton CEO admitted sex with 2 African girls (15) (at least 2 girls)

Norton give to friends with Christmas disturbing dubious exclusive (made) "art"

at least 3 links Marina Abramovi, Kara Walker, and Anna Gaskell

Norton helped the same artist that Podesta and James helped (Anna Gaskell)

Norton helped publishing the works of the above "artists"

YingYangMom ago

You had me at Abramovic, Kara Walker and Anna Gaskell.

Disturbing and perverted. Nobody appreciates, buys or promotes pieces of "art" or their "artists" if they don't "connect" with them. That says a whole lot.