logjam ago

Totally read your reply. I was logged out for quite some time and realized just today that you replied actually.

All i can really say is that I once thought similarly to you. I'd like to be clear before we dialogue that I only seek to converse. I'm not looking to sway or have you doubt your belief system. I do believe that when an open dialogue can take place, that is really the only time that the truth can be seen. I think that it applies to all open conversations about most anything in the world - not just Witnesses. Full respect to you for expressing yourself too - I think that in itself makes for the potential of a good conversation.

I would like to be up front with you as well and let you know that I am an apostate. Perhaps your reading that word makes you cringe, I really don't know, but it's the number one thing about the organization that bothered me a lot. The dictionary has a definition for the word 'apostate' and it's the one I go by. The word 'apostate' within "the truth" setting is much different though. My point here is that I just want to make it perfectly clear that I am in no way seeking to deceive you. I feel as though that would be wrong, and I have no intention to see you be anywhere you don't want to be.

I'm not going to go on a long rant addressing all your points that you make. It's more a matter of time, than it is me trying to skirt anything that your talking about. With that said, if there is anything you need me to clarify on - just let me know and I can address it for you.

I've found myself that church pastors or priests can be much like elders. They are human, have different personalities - and we just don't mesh sometimes. To make a decision based on the example of one pastor, is much like someone having a bad experience with an elder and lumping the whole organization with him - I just don't think that would be a fair assessment. With that said, I'm not encouraging you to go to church either.

In the things you have mentioned here, you made a note of mentioning the Christmas thing. That they admit that their teachings were wrong. Do you have any more examples of the organization being wrong and adjusting accordingly?

Also I'd like to ask if you are familiar with the Australia Royal Commission and get your perspective on that investigation.

While I recognize that the religion has changed, it's changed so very very much, it really has no resemblance to it's origins from before Russel.

Also, are you familiar with Beth - Sarim?

Cheers Cc

logjam ago

Spoken like a JW.

49-louie ago

JW is the perfect haven for pedos. for the most part elders don't report nor disfellowship them. victims r left w very little support if believed at all. very hush hush JW's have spent $millions settling pedo cases http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/jehovahs-witnesses-paedophile-sex-abuse-7278824#ICID=sharebar_pinterest https://jwvictims.org/flyers-publications/ http://fox2now.com/2014/11/03/jehovahs-witnesses-to-pay-13-5m-for-alleged-child-abuse/

Are_we__sure ago

Jared Kushner's company didn't.

The JW filed paperwork with the city in 2009 for this work. Probably because it made it easier to sell off individual buildings.

carmencita ago

We are all working so very hard on this that something great or good has to come out of it. Tomorrow is June 10th and the day @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt warned us about. Keep Watch on .Racine. For you will see nothing on MSM.

carmencita ago

Well our hearts are certainly in the right place. I am red pilling two women. One is a scientist and one is a nurse. I have sent them info on our Seth Rich posts and today I sent the Strongville Ohio info on the European Adoption Agency raided by the FBI. When I talked to the nurse over the phone and said Planned Parenthood was linked to 2 women that took a women's baby @theystolemybaby , she was mortified. The will read the whole post with my instructions. The nurse has a sister in Ohio not far from there that has been packing up little packages for Children in Orphanages and an Agency and she will send her the info too. We can only hope for she is very hard headed. This may just make her hair stand up straight. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

carmencita ago

Maybe they plan on hoping to get rid of us first and they believe the Devil Witch (who will still be alive) will help them defeat God. They are mad enough to believe it. The inbreeding and their crazy medical inventions will all have their toll. They will all look like Gargoyles like Old Lady Rothschild. JA alread is taking on the same look.

carmencita ago

Thank you. How very informative, I will send this to my friend who was a nurse. But what I am worried about is those that are using the blood of the young and using it to stay younger. They are taking the blood and transfusing it into the elite. Very Troublesome Indeed.

carmencita ago

Wow. I am enlightened. I had no idea that they may end up being our saviors. We may go to them for help in the near future with our info on the new blood transfusions in silicon valley. I believe that is where it is.

redditsuckz ago

Just like the tunnels were filled in with Mcmartin;


Later, the tunnels were filled in with dirt and concrete by unknown parties before the building was demolished.


Jared Kushner' 666 building has an underground subway system;


Rothschilds + Donald Trump + Jared Kushner + Alex Jones;


Donald Trump's son-in-law and senior Presidenctial advisor, Jared Kushner, aquired 666 Fifth Avenue with financing from Vornado Reality Trust that also co-owned Trump's two largest properties. Vornado Realty is held by Rothschild-Bronfman, of Rothschild-British's 'cutout' bootlegged booze-turned-narcotis trafficking Bronfman fourtues protected by mafia gangster, Meyer Lansky, whos lead lawyer Roy Cohn would rear Trump to power.

The legal counsel of Bronfman heir formed the "anti-establishment" InfoWars media empire of Alex Jones, alloy of "outsider" Trump in their "war" against the "establishment.

Marina Abramovic Spirit Cooking = 666


Report: Jared Kushner Didn’t Disclose $1 Billion in Loans, Investment Ties to Goldman Sachs and George Soros


James Alefantis Digging pic;

"mine has been filled in for quite some time now"



jbnunez ago

Maybe because they are 70 years old. They are likely turning them into condos now. Ask him i dont know.

pbvrocks ago

Kushner purchased and filled in tunnels..so what? Are you implying that Kushner was running a child trafficking ring? Highly doubt that. Are you implying that he rescued children by purchasing and shutting down this ratline? I might buy that...

YogSoggoth ago

I read it as JW poured the concrete before sale, but there is an article I read years ago about child abuse in tunnels and I believe this to be the location. Google is thwarting our investigation by telling us with the search engine what news is or isn't fake in their opinion. ( Google is pro molester!) Russion court fines Jehovah's Witness mother $170 for ..., then go down to, New evidence in Jehovah's Witness allegations This link is a good start. Sorry, for some reason the copy paste is not working for Search domain religiouschildabuse.blogspot.comreligiouschildabuse.blogspot.com/2011/02/russion-cou

FeLpZ187 ago


jbnunez ago

There are lots of buildings with tunnels beneath the street. Half the office buildings in Manhattan have them.So?

YogSoggoth ago

OK let me try again. Questions Surround Jehovah's Witness HQ and ... - WNYC Questions Surround Jehovah's Witness HQ ... A years-long investigation into allegations of child sex abuse in the Jehovah's Witness organization ... New York, where ... Search domain www.wnyc.orgwnyc.org/story/watchtower-jehovahs-witness-headqua... How Jehovah's Witnesses Leaders Hide Child Abuse Secrets At ... How Jehovah's Witnesses Leaders Hide Child Abuse Secrets ... the Jehovah's Witnesses' headquarters in Brooklyn, New York. ... of sexual abuse by Jehovah's Witnesses. Search domain www.kpbs.orgkpbs.org/news/2016/dec/12/how-jehovahs-witnesses-l...

jbnunez ago

I don't know about all that. All I know is that in NYC the larger buildings usually have tunnels that connect around. Rockefeller Center being a good example they have stores and shops inside them sometimes.

carmencita ago

WOW. This is amazing to me. So JW is slimming down it's business? The must have stopped the Watchtower Paper. This is somewhat of a mystery.

logjam ago

JW's have Bean slimming down their business for quite some time now. Their printing presses haven't been as active since the Advent of digital with most of their Publications being dispensed through iPads nowadays. Additionally they have numerous lawsuits against them presently regarding their handling of cases regarding sexy al abuse within their congregations. They are an organization in turtle mode trying to weather the storm of questioned doctrine, and organizational inquiries through governmental scrutiny such as the Royal Australian Commission.

I doubt the Jw's will ever fall under pizzagate scrutiny - but never say never I suppose.

carmencita ago

I suppose like any religion, most worshipers are just fine, but there are those that dabble in unsavory acts. As well are their Leaders.

bopper ago

I'll have em give you a call. I'll give you just three minutes to shoosh them away.

carmencita ago

Ha Ha. It always is a trick to come up with an excuse I stopped opening the door!

GhostOfSwartz ago

I've found squirrel hunting in the front yard with my bow typically scares them off. At least the lone guy was afraid to get out. The ladies were not as intimidated by a woman in muck boots and shorts thinning out the bushy tailed thugs. My husband prefers answering the door in undies. All jokes aside, you gotta appreciate their diligence.

carmencita ago

Very funny. We don't have them very often anymore. I have been able to avoid them now, I look out through my window and am pretty good at spotting them. I just don't answer now.

FreeRebel ago

My mother taught me to just say, "We are Jewish," which we are not; and it always has worked for me.

carmencita ago

Well, I have a statue of the Virgen de Guadalupe from Mexico right by my door way. The last time they came (quite a while ago) I opened the door and pointed to her. They nodded an left.

bopper ago

Must have got their training from Encyclopedia Britannica. You and I know what those are LOL.

carmencita ago

I feel like using the PHAAAAAAAAPHAAAAAA of the Shills. They are funny some times. But a nuisance mostly.