birthdaysuit11 ago

YOU LITERALLY GO ONTO ARCHIVE.IS, post url in search bar and it will automatically make an archive. VERY IMPORTANT; please do this before posting. Save screenshots too on flash drive or hard drive these will last forever.

Gothamgirl ago

Ok great I just didn't know the sites name.

birthdaysuit11 ago

It's also important to do ALL the links. Not just the entire voat post.

carmencita ago

This smacks of that big art colony in an old building in Cali that burned down. Much talk about what really happened there. Where they trying to hide evidence?

Commoner ago

Great research and post!

remedy4reality ago

You have got to archive your links before you post, PLEASE !!

This is fantastic work and it would be an unnecessary waste to lose it.

DonKeyhote ago

Me ,who millenial_faggot openly labeled a shill, 3 days ago:

"Tunnels has been the MO since the beginning no doubt. That's why threads mentioning them get deleted like just a day or two ago.

Pizza places, cafes, and donut shops always together in predictable cities..."

Gothamgirl ago

Yes there is clearly a pattern going on with this stuff.

carmencita ago

They are probably all a "coincidence". Just all happen to be near water ways, docks, shores, railroads, airports, sitting on top of tunnels. Keep moving. Nothing to see.