carmencita ago

Why would anyone down voat ths? Some of you have sunk to new lows. Shame on you.

Gothamgirl ago

How amazing!

Kacey ago

The question of when to pull the plug happens at all ages and situations. The idea that this is related somehow to pizzagate is farfetched.

MommyLove ago

PizzaGate encompasses young blood, organ harvesting, satanic rituals, genetic engineering, greed, power, money......not just child rape.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

This isn't the place.

Vindicator ago

Hi MommyLove -- this post would be far better made as a Discuss post where you could explain the connection to our investigation and summarize how you believe Medical Kidnapping/CPS could be involved in the trafficking and abuse of kids by the global elite. You would run far less risk of having this removed per Rule 1 and get a lot more traction in terms of upvoats, as well. Please consider removing and reposting.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Thank you. Up vote for you.