SecondAmendment ago

Final post for today on this lads and gals - here's a link to the children's dance troupe that the creepy white guy (Louisiana Attorney David Naccari) now runs in Cuenca, Ecuador - Can someone archive? I'm fixing to get fired if I don't log off for the day. Thank you.

SecondAmendment ago

Update - Attorney David A. Naccari (aka David Naccan) runs CUENCA DANCE MOB, a group of 15 children, ages 11 and 12. In the following link he makes a comment, via Facebook, pointing out that only one of the kids is a girl. The rest are boys.

Again, I'll say it. WTF is a lawyer doing in Ecuador hanging out with young children and singing about pizza with extra cheese, "ready to go"? I know plenty of lawyers and they invested far too much time, effort, and money in becoming lawyers to be wasting their time doing this kind of strange shit. Oh, but then none of the lawyers I know are pedophiles. Not that this guy is, either, but just saying it would be worth investigating because most normal lawyers don't flee the USA to play the ukulele and dance with 11 year old Ecuadorian boys..

We should ask the 4chan lads to investigate Attorney David A. Naccari aka David Naccan, along with the Cuenca Dance Mob.

This is all I can do today or I'll fall behind on my work. Great post, @PlebeianCuk!

unbiased_researcher ago

I browsed his Facebook. He seems okay. Nothing majorly fishy. One girl in his photos was wearing a shirt with a double heart on it, but that alone means nothing. Politically, his views seem reasonable. Not in line with the typical pedo-network scum we've seen before.

SecondAmendment ago

The creepy dude's name is David A. Naccari. He is an ATTORNEY from Louisiana, currently on "inactive" status ( He's on Facebook and there are little boys in some of his pictures. WTF is it with lawyers and little kids, man?

I'm not able to archive his stuff but now that you know who he is, if anyone can, please run, don't walk.

I'd love to know if David Naccari has a criminal record. He now runs Club Dance in Cuenca, and here is a disturbing story about it.

Old David is all about the sex. The following is a quote from this article about him: :

"Our instructor David is a real hoot.  “Sexy circle,” he yells.  “Give them sex now.”  As a younger man, he specialized in law and disco.  Now he coordinates and facilitates all the routines for the Cuenca Dance Mob."

Why TF would a licensed lawyer move to Ecuador to play with boys?

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

The English and Spanish lyrics don't match. The English version says "from tomatoes, sauce is squeezed" but if my college Spanish classes aren't misleading me the lyrics in Spanish are "I'm filled with sauce" and then the next line after that mentions tomatoes.

Yeah. I don't know what to make of this. I noticed he put his hand on the little boy's shoulder at one point too. Creepy indeed.

Poor Ecuador. :(

Commoner ago

This article is a link on the Drudge Report. Could it be that Drudge is linking to sites that will provide possible clues or research material for us? Ecuador huh??

GhostOfSwartz ago

You're right about Drudge. I've seen several hints dropped in his headlines. There was one two weeks ago about a guy in DC that was doing illegal blood collections. He was storing the blood in an apartment. I wanted to post about it here but was on the road. I thought it could definitely tie into this

Kacey ago

KId looks uncomfortable. Even if the song choice is innocent and the man did not have an ulterior motive, pushing kids to do unnecessary things they don't want to do is an exercise in power. Pushing them to clean up their room is one thing. Pushing them to perform publicly when they don't want to is another. It is the power that adults can exercise over pliable kids that makes much of the child abuse possible. Parents teach their kids to respect the authority of other adults. They need to also tell kids they don't have to do everything another adult tells them to do especially if it feels wrong or uncomfortable. A bit of defiance in a kid might well be protective. Priests it seems learned to be quite good at figuring out which kids they could manipulate in order to abuse.

GuannaRue ago

Really great comment! I agree that respect must go both ways and parents often neglect to teach this important lesson. Pedophiles can smell this like sharks with blood in the water.

unbiased_researcher ago

Advertisement for the pedos

PlebeianCuck ago

What I was thinking

derram ago | :

Hoping to stretch pensions, Americans move to Ecuador, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Panama, Nicaragua and Costa Rica | Charlotte Observer

This has been an automated message.

PlebeianCuck ago

So I was browsing and upon finding this post about American retirees in Ecuador I watched the video hat goes with the Article.

The white dude is singing I am a pizza and having a Latin kid obviously unrelated sing along with him.

Is this code? We know they like ethnic kids and having him sing I am a pizza is very creepy to me.

Thoughts ?

Commoner ago

You may want to put this explanation in your submission.

PlebeianCuck ago

Feel free to repost it with a better one