Truthseeker3000 ago

QUESTION: Did Ivanka and Jared Kushner vaccinate their 3 young children? Did they have a choice? Do weathy individuals have the opportunity to choose whether or not to vaccine their kids with this poison? Or is it just the poor and middle class that have no choice but to do so?

greenjewelmonster ago

Thank you. It's a learning process every day. No one can prepare you for raising kids, you just have to go day by day.

Gothamgirl ago

Yes, I don't doubt one word with what you said at all, they're just screwing humanity left and right.

pizzagate_crusader2 ago

Not many people are aware, but there is a community of people recovering their children from autism. Check out Thinking Moms Revolution, TACA, Autism is Medical, etc. They do so by reverse engineering the damage done to their children via vaccination, antibiotics, maternal immune activation while in utero. The path is different for every child - it depends on their underlying genetic makeup and the environmental assaults that occurred. The vaccine topic gets convoluted because of MSM reporting and Pharma control. There are camps out to prove it was MMR (See Vaxxed - From Cover-up to Catastrophe) while others are out to prove it was Mercury (See Trace Amounts). Typically, its a combination of factors. The recovery occurs by 1. Correcting nutritional deficiencies (most autistic children have digestive disorders) 2. Correcting detoxification and methylations pathway anomalies (includes chelation) 3. Correcting mitochondrial disorders 4. Re-integrating sensory processing - The book, Outsmarting Autism - - is an excellent overview: If you want to understand chronic illness in kids, this is a good place to start.

eyeVoated ago

Especially if you live downwind of a coal electrical plant.

Question: What if you take toxic meds, live in a toxic environment, eat toxic foods, and drink toxic liquids? A.K.A.: What if you are a child born in the 21st century?

greenjewelmonster ago

Another person that has a child with autism here. I made the mistake of allowing my child (preschooler) to watch videos on youtube. It seemed innocent enough, when you search on the actual site none of these nasty videos show up. No, that happens once the parent has walked away and its on autoplay or suggested videos. My child went through a phase, and when I say phase I mean a hellish unending cycle of constant crying/wanting only Youtube. No other shows, no interest even in the actual shows that the videos were supposed to be copying. Now my child has constant potty humor. Everything is butts, poop, My child is autistic and I've noticed their behavior is TERRIBLE when I allow access to youtube.

There is violent aggressive behavior, threats of self harm, threats of running away, bad personal space problems like hitting other people on the butt or pulling pants down to see underwear. It doesn't make sense because their was no one else displaying this behavior. I realized it was youtube. This was prior to any of these posts. I cut youtube at night because they would scream and cry hysterically because they wanted youtube to go to sleep. Even when they did originally have youtube, I would come back at 3am expecting a nice sleeping child as was normal for any other bedtime show, however the autoplay function and constant stimulation from the bright colors/music/ect. was keeping my child up literally all night.

Of course as a parent I disabled/blocked youtube and the behavior drastically became better. I understand that children are influenced by what they see, and I understand it's my fault for allowing access. However I never EVER knew that these autoplay suggested videos were so terribly inappropriate. My other child also watched the Spiderman/Elsa videos and I now understand why they were joking constantly about shots in butts, dating, and pretending to make dolls kiss. I even had to cut sleepovers because my non-autistic child was trying to "play doctor" with the friend (both 4), to the point I thought possibly my child must have seen this somewhere/experienced it/was possibly sexually abused.

These videos are introducing nasty fetishes literally to our children. So I have one example of atrocious aggressive/inappropriately sexual/nasty behavior caused in an autistic child, and another example of inappropriate sexual behavior in an non-autistic child. With my autistic child these videos seem to cause hyperactivity, aggression, and a complete lack of personal space when away from the videos. However when WATCHING the videos, my child initially seemed "calm" however I now believe it was more of a trance like state because when I broke concentration from the videos, the child would throw a fit/become upset/essentially only want to continue watching.

It's as if the videos were the only thing that could calm and entertain my child. I experienced similar behavior from my non-autistic child in that if they watched a lot of these videos for a long period, they would habitually ask to continue watching throughout the day. However since non-autistic children are less repetitive/more able to cope and so it was much easier to just convince them to move on to a more interactive activity like playing with actual toys.

11-11 ago

Hi Trying to be supportive here... but if they don't care and you are watching them so often, become the parent and forbid it.

It will work because, as you say, they don't care. Just do it until they tell you not to.

My 2cents. Clearly is "free" so disregard if it doesn't apply. :-)

I see your pain.

I had to red pill some family members about vaccines and i did it slowly - with short articles here and there. That, along with a lot of prayer, worked. Not sure if you are a follower of Jesus, but if you express your concern and ask for the words, it'll happen. Not sure how that works but it does.

One other thing: get a bible, sit down and read them Proverbs 4. They may look at you like you are crazy, but ignore it. Explain to them the importance of praying for wisdom and make them do it - make them say - God, please give me wisdom and discernment.

This may sound NUTS but it WORKS. I've known other parents who have made their kids do this and it is amazing what happens.

I see your love for those kids = they are so lucky to have you in their corner looking out for them!!!

11-11 ago

I believe this is one of the worst chemicals for changing actual sex in frogs

Yes, they are spraying as fast and as much as they can.

The Feminization of AMERICA plan is well underway

remedy4reality ago

ignored by all... but, I think you're fucking right


11-11 ago

re but I would agree that they are not as significant as what the power plants are doing.


vaccines are WAY MORE significant.

See WorldMercuryProject or Listen to speeches given to Robert Kennedy on you tube

Please do not spread false information unless you have done the research and know the numbers

This is a very important topic and no one should be misled by reading comments here. We are trying to stick to truth

11-11 ago

Common Core is part of this topic

"Do Not Participate In Common Core Testing"

Dr Gary Thompson Audio of Common Core Tests Are Cognitive Child Abuse

11-11 ago

copy and pasted from article / link below. this is recent

A call to Poison Control…

“I gathered all vaccine ingredients into a list and contacted Poison Control. After intros and such, and asking to speak with someone tenured and knowledgeable, this is the gist of that conversation.

Me: My question to you is how are these ingredients categorized? As benign or poison? (I ran a few ingredients, formaldehyde, Tween 80, mercury, aluminum, phenoxyethanol, potassium phosphate, sodium phosphate, sorbitol, etc.) He: Well, that’s quite a list… But I’d have to easily say that they’re all toxic to humans… Used in fertilizers… Pesticides… To stop the heart… To preserve a dead body… They’re registered with us in different categories, but pretty much poisons. Why?

Me: If I were deliberately to feed or inject my child with these ingredients often, as a schedule, obviously I’d put my daughter in harm’s way… But what would legally happen to me?

He: Odd question… But you’d likely be charged with criminal negligence… perhaps with intent to kill… and of course child abuse… Your child would be taken away from you… Do you know of someone’s who’s doing this to their child? This is criminal…

Me: An industry… These are the ingredients used in vaccines… With binding agents to make sure the body won’t flush these out… To keep the antibody levels up indefinitely…

He: WHAT?! Your conclusion?”

Gothamgirl ago

They have vaccines that can change everything you believe and also your dna.

markrod420 ago

luckily I never seem to be particularly affected by videos that are supposed to impact a person neurologically. but those are super weird. and the conditioning videos are just confusing. but this is clearly not normal shit at all.

markrod420 ago

thank you. that's some weird shit.

Commoner ago

I can understand the theory behind the videos triggering responses in autistic kids, but those videos are just pain creepy with a touch of cruelty. That is something that seems off.

Commoner ago

The high incidence of autism in boys have always made me wonder if there is something in vaccines that targets something in males that females don't have. And then you have to ask, why would they target boys?

rail606 ago

Boys can fight. Most girls cannot.

markrod420 ago

I mean I get that it should be avoided. but I have to know what it is to know the enemy. what do I search for to find them? or can you explain them to me? do they attempt to get kids to do sexual stuff using a feedback reward system or?

Piscina ago

I feel sorry for parents trying to raise children in the current environment. Beyond the family network, the world is not a safe place. I know someone with two autistic children. She says they were meeting all milestones before immunisation shots. I would say that there can also be a genetic component. Another two autistic children I know have a parent and uncle on the spectrum.

markrod420 ago

I have no idea what videos you are referring to. link?

11-11 ago

Yes - it has to do with testosterone.

I'm not sure if she covers the male factor here - but likely does.

This scientist is your best bet at getting an explanation: Dr. Stephanie Seneff

Commoner ago

Regarding autism, does anybody know why autism occurs in boys at a much higher rate than girls. Only one out of 42 autistic children are girls. It seems boys are the target of autism, yet I never hear this as part of the discussion.

pizzagate_crusader2 ago

I highly suggest the documentary Trace Amounts - Great explanation of the mercury load issue and rates of autism, how vaccinations are the number 1 culprit and explains how estrogen is protective... If you want some REAL info on autism and mercury, that is the film to see. (FYI, it is NOT just mercury. Autism is a spectrum and presents differently in each person. 0+10 = 10, 4 + 6 = 10, 2+3+5= 10, 8 + 2 = 10. Multiple combinations to get to autism: NO genetic issues + tons of environmental assaults. SOME genetic issues + SOME environmental assaults, LOTS of genetic issues + few environmental assaults). Figure out the underlying genetic weaknesses and reverse engineer the environmental assaults and UNDO autism.