artfullyours ago

That first picture of Hillary looks like a stand in to me. I bet she couldn't bear to show her face.

waxdino ago

This is a great find. He probably learned a thing or two from Hillary- get the rapist off by blaming the kid, laugh about it later.

wgtt911 ago

Damn liberals...

3topcat ago

*****Blame everyone except the asshole Teacher that gave the under age student Cocaine. Gets Probation!!!! Needed a 10 year jail sentence to teach her and other a lesson, stay away from under age students..


equineluvr ago


quantokitty ago

Thanks for this. I think it is time we start investigating the individuals in these PR firms. And attorneys. What are their alliances? And it is sad ... depressing and sad that our kids are being sold out to these depraved individuals.

Jobew1 ago

how does a public hi school teacher make 140k? i get that ny metro is like a diff world economically, but wow

Takeitslow ago

Public HS vs Public HS in one of the wealthiest counties in America. Check places like Greenwich CT, New Canaan CT. The old money power elite are in the North east so you can imagine what their "public schools" are like. Judge Judy has a 50 million$ house in Greenwich.Quite a different world.

Jobew1 ago

Yeah i get it. Still hard to fathom

Bluebirdsolitude ago

That's what I was wondering. Teachers top out at around $40-50k in my state

Takeitslow ago

Which state is that? There are some zip codes in NY Tri state that are the highest per capita in the country. South west Connecticut is hedge fund country.

Joe10jo ago

@jobew1, same question I asked when I found out that in our district we have 4th grade teachers raking in about 85k a year. And get this... here they are making more than most in one year what it takes teachers elsewhere to make in 3 or 4, yet they'll occasionally go on strike for more. My daughters 3rd grade teacher retired 8 or so years ago at 120k a year and her pensions about 90% of it. Oh and the best part is how just yesterday my daughter comes home complaining about her art class, saying "creativity isn't allowed." Go figure!!

Jobew1 ago

for what children/students actually learn, those #s seem a little nutty. summers off to boot

perihelion0 ago

Current dox on this guy.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Its just an entire culture, it follows them wherever they go.

carmencita ago

Hill and Bill bought the house next door for Chelsea and Family. Do you think they will be happy to send their children to that HS?***Chelsea is rumored to run for Congress. What kind of laws do you think she will be promoting for kids to protect them from this type of "scandal"? Scandal My Arse.

Tanngrisnir ago

Excellent post! I will try to see what I can find on Marathon Strategies.

11-11 ago

thanks for finding and posting

this is so sad