EarlPoncho ago

maybe you guys should look into who is actually designing these logos. im sure they outsource graphic design

Notgood2 ago

OMG. This is dumb. Give me a break!

errihu ago

Great, now are there other tells? One spiral alone is not enough, as /u/rwb2 points out - most graphic designers are not in on it and most laypeople are not in on it, so this is likely to be innocuous in the absence of other tells. Does the CEO wear boylover jewelry, for instance? That would be another tell.

remedy4reality ago

The CEO is descended from the Mayflower. You know who else is?

Alec Baldwin and the Bush Family.

carmencita ago

This is either by accident, or they are getting really smart at Creative Boy/Girl Love Design.

rwb2 ago

As a matter of statistics, I'd venture that perhaps 2% of the general population would know what those nested hearts or spiraled triangles found in the FBI pedophile handbook mean, and that's being generous. We can also infer that any survey of a given subset of individuals would show similar numbers. In other words, if we were to survey say all used car salesmen, we might discover 2% of them know what those symbols mean.

Now we can also consider the subset of graphic artists. It is reasonable to assume that perhaps 2% of graphic artists know what those symbols represent to some people. In practical terms, do you know what that means? It means that 98% of graphic artists, like the one that drew that logo, don't have a flying clue that they invoked some connection to pedophilia when they created their logos. As a matter of probability, 98% of all logos in existence that have a spiral of any kind were drawn by graphic artists that didn't have a flying clue of any association with anything remotely connected to pedophilia.

remedy4reality ago

CEO is a Mayflower descendant, like Alec Baldwin and the Bush's.

Surely just another coincidence. Small minds will never grasp massive concepts.

rwb2 ago

So all Mayflower descendants are pedophiles? Mind you, I agree wholeheartedly with your last sentence.

remedy4reality ago

What ? No.. the CEO of Chipotle, Steve Ells, who is descended from the original Mayflower families, has a clear boy lover symbol in the logo of his massive company with over 3,000 locations. Chipotle was a leading company fighting the NC transgender bathroom law. Let's take a wider view, shall we?

rwb2 ago

Here's the deal. (a) It's not clear at all. It's a squiggly line turned upon itself as part of a graphic. There's a million similar graphics out there and an extremely small minority are intentional references to pedophilia. Most are drawn by your average graphic artist who does not have the foggiest notion that some pedophiles use a nested triangle drawn with a continuous line to identify one another. (b) There are an estimated 20 000 000 descendants of the Mayflower in the U.S. today Mayflower descendants so the fact he's one of them means nothing, unless you're actually implying all are demonic pedophiles, which would be something beyond absurd (c) I don't know anything about Chipotle's position on transgender bathrooms, and my quick googling - which I was not remotely obligated to bother with in order to validate your claims- did not return anything useful, and I'm not wasting any more time with a more comprehensive search, so if you have information that Steve Ells has taken the position that bathrooms should be a gender free for all, it's incumbent upon you to link to it. (d) Maybe you're right, and there is some meaning to the graphic, but no one has time for guessing games. Make your submission, and include every last fragment of information that can support your hypothesis, with links, and then let the reader decide. You only hurt yourself by doing anything less.

remedy4reality ago

you lost me on your first line.. it's clear as day, new guy.

rwb2 ago

For a guy who claims to have a wider view and a big mind, you're not very observant, and you get lost very easily. I've been here going on four months, and have well over 600 posts, many of them inordinately long and comprehensive by Voat standards. The chili pepper graphic does not remotely resemble the nested triangle boy lover symbol. That's why your submission was deleted. The only remote commonality is a continuous line formed around itself, of which drawings utilizing this very basic technique are executed probably several million times a day by artists all around the world. You need much stronger proof to make the kind of claim you're making.

remedy4reality ago

600 Posts?

I see ZERO.

rwb ago

I knew you wouldn't be able to figure it out. https://voat.co/user/rwb

remedy4reality ago

600 posts ?

you're a cunt liar

rwb2 ago

I just tallied them here: https://voat.co/user/rwb and here: https://voat.co/user/rwb2 and the grand total at the time of this post is just shy of the number I furnished after all, at 586, so it appears I overestimated by a count of 14. Mind you, the more important question to the casual reader who might stumble upon this sorry exchange might be whether your response was reasonable, or in remotely good taste.

remedy4reality ago

lol you're fucking insane

an insane cunt !! have at it, shitbag.