PrideOfOshtekk ago

Or molten gold poured down his throat. Would be "art".

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Or pickled.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Human garbage.

Azagthoth ago

My god. How brazen must a reptile be before the white pariahs snap

GhostOfSwartz ago

I remember that way back when I was a heathen and even then it went way too far and it made me very uncomfortable. I would make my boyfriend now husband turn it off.

strix-varia ago

No surprise. Sandler is in the degenerate club.

TRUTH1234 ago

I couldn't even watch all of that. Disgusting.

Kacey ago

Hollywood has gone totally degenerate

Pizzalawyer ago

I agree with Bbylon, but I guess we can view one more disgusting bit of evidence that Hollywood is promoting degeneracy. But really posters, please police yourselves and focus on investigating and bringing down real pedophiles. EarlPoncho, what's the latest with the Brian Singer case?

FE_Rebekah ago

Some of us have kids and very much appreciate these threads.

If it's not helpful to you, skip it and move on. Otherwise, stop discouraging posters from exposing the way Hollywood is manipulating our youth.

Amino69 ago

Literally lost for words...

11-11 ago

are you f-ing kidding me?????

ScalarWhaler ago

What the fuuuuck?! I stopped watching. That was a real child actor and a real woman was sexualizing him in that scene. Movie or not, that shit was gross. This is what they want to become normal.

LazarusLong ago

Holy shit, that was actually in a movie?

EarlPoncho ago

you don't like (((humor)))?

bbylon ago

I agree that this is disgusting as fuck and I think the producers should hang from the highest of lampposts, but does this really belong in /v/Pizzagate?

11-11 ago

yes to pizzagate it is part of the bigger picture and i'm glad it was posted here or i wouldn't have seen it. are you kidding me?

bbylon ago

It just seems to me that it would fit better in /v/Pizzagatewhatever since it doesn't really add anything to the investigation. We all knew already that Hollywood is pushing degeneracy, it's not like there's anything special about this scene that can't be found in most other movies produced by kikes.

The post seems to breaking rule 1 in the sidebar. I guess it's up to the mods whether this is directly related to Pizzagate or not.

EarlPoncho ago

if you don't like downvoat and move on. literally what those buttons are for. mods are useless in this system