TimeForPitchForks ago

Blast this shiz everywhere, he will look super incompetent either way once the public eye is looking at him!~ How could he not know? Dont screen employees backgrounds thoroughly? Or he knew about it and didnt say anything. Which is just as bad.

flyingcuttlefish ago

I wonder if his arrest was from evidence found on the Weiner computer.

It is close on the heels of that case.

ArmedExorcist ago

And voila the archived version: http://archive.is/7hDTU

JohnnySkidmarx ago

Throw his ass in an oven.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

getting closer

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Break his legs and throw him in general population max security prison...

Unless he actually abused a child. In that case... FINISH HIM!

No remorse for people who prey on children.

waxdino ago

Do some digging on this guy! Pictured in the article with Robby Mook...
How many more government official need to be arrested before the brainwashed masses see an epidemic?


Oh the Sick Irony.... Sep 22, 2016 - Mayor Bill de Blasio has a message for his one-time primary opponent Anthony Weiner: Get some help.

Trumpocrat2020 ago

Sounds like his dad knew about it and is also a shitty person.


Jacob Schwartz, 29, was busted for allegedly keeping more than 3,000 disgusting images and 89 videos on a laptop after downloading the filth from the internet.

The illegal smut shows “young nude females between the approximate ages of 6 months and 16, engaging in sexual conduct… on an adult male,” court papers say.

remedy4reality ago

DeBlasio made the rounds in NY Schools a few years back, reading to the kids. The book of choice ??

None other than 'Secret Pizza Party'

kazza64 ago

oh wow :(

ArmedExorcist ago

Written by ((((Adam Rubin)))), "Secret Pizza Party" relates the exploits of a wily raincoat-clad raccoon who is overly enthusiastic about keeping secrets, stealing pizza and getting away with it. “When you make something secret, you make it special,” the immoral masked mammal says. “Regular handshake: Boring. Secret handshake: Booyah!” One of the moms whose kid was subjected to this creepy tale, presciently observed:
“The book was neither fun nor cute,” mom Jen Bee wrote on Amazon. “Yeah, that’s not what I want to teach my child. It sounds like something a pedophile would say to their victim.” Oh, the mothers' intuition... http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/de-blasio-reads-book-kids-mirrors-fund-raising-probe-article-1.2620104

RodentLord ago


Here's a good link with the actual text of the book.

GuannaRue ago

+1 great comment!

BlowjaySimpson ago

Books creepy AF too.

remedy4reality ago

Teaches kids how to hide the truth right at the age when they should be learning the importance of the truth and honesty.

It literally feels like the proverbial serpent of temptation and sin.

RodentLord ago

Not only that, it sounds like what a pedophile says to their victim. "It's special because nobody else knows". Jesus christ, who wrote that shit?

remedy4reality ago

((( RUBIN )))

RodentLord ago

How do you learn to recognize these names? Some of them are obvious and I get, like -berg or gold/silver or stein, but what tips you off on Rubin?

remedy4reality ago

Rubin is a Jew.. I don't know that because of 5 letters, I know it because of the research I did on his sickening pedo grooming book. He has another named "Dragons Love Tacos"... yeah..

RodentLord ago

Dare I ask what the taco book is about?

pizzawithgreenchile ago

It's a thinly veiled grooming tool.

TRUTH1234 ago

The wheels of justice are turning very slowly...first Anthony Weiner's prosecution and now this. What's the progress on prosecution of the big names? Does anyone know who can leak anything to us? We're trying here, but this is frustrating. From the rumors, it sounds like what was found on Weiner's laptop could take down A LOT of public figures.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Supposedly photos of Killary and Huma munching with kids involved :(

TRUTH1234 ago

That's so gross I just got nauseous.

quantokitty ago

What a piece of shit this guy is! I can't even say I'm surprised ....

derram ago

https://archive.is/ocj5X | :

De Blasio employee arrested for child pornography | New York Post

'Jacob Schwartz was charged with promoting a sexual performance by a child and possessing a sexual performance by a child under 16, both felonies, and released on $7,500 bail. '

'A leading young Democrat and de Blasio administration employee has a secret taste for sickening kiddie porn that involves baby girls as young as 6 months old, court papers revealed Friday. '

'Schwartz is the president of the Manhattan Young Democrats and the downstate region vice president of the New York State Young Democrats. '

'The illegal smut shows “young nude females between the approximate ages of 6 months and 16, engaging in sexual conduct… on an adult male,” court papers say. '

'According to his online biography, Schwartz got involved in politics at a young age, helping his father — labor lawyer Arthur Schwartz — campaign for Democratic district leader in Greenwich Village. '

This has been an automated message.

BlowjaySimpson ago
