icuntstopswearing ago

Thanks. Deleted by MF!

anonOpenPress ago

xyz_3 ago

Excellent summary of a very complex crime story. Thanks! Also of interest on the same topic from the financial fraud aspect and the unaccounted for $6.5 TRILLION from the DOD Excerpt: "James Comey, the now former head of the FBI, is also the former General Counsel of Lockheed Martin, the largest defense contractor and weapons manufacturer in America and a former hedge fund advisor.

Lockheed Martin used to run significant information and payment systems at the Department of Defense. They appear to have spun their subsidiary out of the company after DOD closed their fiscal 2015, with $6.5 trillion of undocumentable adjustments. I wrote about it recently in Lockheed Cuts and Runs and Crazy Man vs. Criminal: Cut and Run, Monica Lewinsky and Real Trouble Ahead."

gumshoe_mob ago

why aren't these pages being archived at

Commoner ago

That is an excellent read and makes perfect sense. Thanks for the link

Jem777 ago
