flyingcuttlefish ago

Michael Trimm - BREAKING KimDotCom Offers Evidence Seth Rich Was Wikileaks Source

Pizzalawyer ago

This forum cannot be allowed to serve as a Fake News forum. The Rich murder is sucking the oxygen out of the pizzagate room. It needs its own subverse.

jangles ago

You sound like CNN. And yes there is v/sethrich . This post was intended to enunciate how the same tactics are being deployed in regards to the Seth Rich case as it had been with the Pizzagate case. I do see your point about the over load on Rich yet also see how if the DNC leaks came from him, then one must understand that it is related. This all started because of Wikileaks emails.

PGIs__Dumb ago

If Kim Dotcom provides the hard evidence needed to show the DNC is implicated in Seth Rich's murder

And that will 100% happen. For sure that's not just another bogus story that spread on v/pizzagate.

jangles ago

This may explain the situation better @PGIs__Dumb .

PGIs__Dumb ago

Enjoy waiting for shit to materialize out of a ridiculous conspiracy theory you insane fuck.

jangles ago

ok coop

jangles ago

We notice how you attack this subject with furry and it attracts our attention more. Your contributions here are useful to the investigators here on Voat. We see where your afraid. We are not stupid. @PGIs__Dumb we appreciate your direction here, without it we wouldn't have such a profound insight into what specific details scare the shit out of y'all. Kim Dotcom is about to piss on your party.

PGIs__Dumb ago

Your contributions here are useful to the investigators here on Voat.

Nothing is useful for your insane delusions. No matter what happens the pizzagate conspiracy theory won't turn from fiction into reality you insane fuck.

We see where your afraid.

You are insane.

We are not stupid.

Dude, you are disgustingly stupid. Are you fucking kidding me? You are astonishingly stupid. So stupid that you're making me lose my time here. You are the champions of stupidity and irrationality.

scare the shit out of y'all

You poor deluded insane fucks.

jangles ago

Dude, you are disgustingly stupid. Are you fucking kidding me? You are astonishingly stupid. So stupid that you're making me lose my time here. You are the champions of stupidity and irrationality.

Lose your time here? Why are you here? To call people stupid, deluded, insane, irrational? That really is a waste of time. The majority of us believe your here trying to protect something. If your here to protect some innocent individuals. Be more clear. Use logic and rational to refute claims, or is that too hard for you. Really never seen any of your posts displaying critical thinking to 'debunk'. You are more like a comedian here. Or more like a cheerleader, this is realized by many through your routine defamation posts. It is my belief and many others that you are scared and show up nearly every day here to post blasphemy. If I am mistaken and you have actually presented a logical progression on ANY post that discredits claims in that post I would be interested in seeing it. Otherwise keep cheering us on!