Millennial_Falcon ago

removing per Rule 1. has nothing to do w/ pizzagate.

cantsleepawink ago

This is the instagram account of first victim being reported. Associations with Disney and the media world

cantsleepawink ago

And the obligatory gofundme account thrown up in indecent haste :

sunajAeon ago

Wow now that cuts it-no one in normal life starts a fund me before the body pieces are located-sheesh...

crashing_this_thread ago

This is how you practice for attacks as well though. I did this a lot in the millitary. We took turns pretending and solving. This doesn't mean much IMO.

Commoner ago

Except the attack happened in the exact place as the practice.

Adminstrater ago

By exact place, you mean the city of Manchester, UK.

remedy4reality ago

It's like they're not even fucking trying anymore. 22 dead on the 22nd ? Right after an attack on 3/22 ?

Bogus leg injuries, a parade of ambulances but no EMT's, Police and citizens triage victims with dubious injuries, people standing calmly while others run in fake panic, PA announcer thanking people for coming and having a 'good time'.

cantsleepawink ago

22 dead, 59 injured according to headline. 59 in numerology = 5. So 5/22. 22nd May. Crazy, huh?

argosciv ago

apt username! xD

good spotting there, though I'd have to point out that the numbers in these things often fluctuate even for a few days after - creepy nonetheless.

kazza64 ago

and they immediately started flooding the internet with contrived photos of missing victims

not_ctr ago

I feel like it's way easier and more stealthy to simply allow/encourage real terrorist attacks to happen.

argosciv ago

just reposting my $0.02 here, seeing as how you're making a separate thread:

I'd say it's possible that audio from these public events has been used in footage for the recent 'attack', but, the footage in this video shows actors with saftey glasses and earmuffs; there was no attempt to disguise the drills a year ago and any video from them is likely to be useless in staging a 'live false flag' today.


Yes it was good of them to have been supplied ear muffs. Occupational safety and all! Audio clips possibly might have been useful though.

argosciv ago

if i had the tools, I'd start comparing samples, but it'd be on a hunch at best.


I'm looking on youtube for someone that might be able to do it. Very good idea of yours and and definitely worth a shot.


Here's another short video worth watching for those questioning...

sunajAeon ago

Thanx, this report is stunning, they announced a controlled explosion earlier!!! Pretty much clinches it