leaveperiods ago

That Biden is a bold one I tell you what

10000-20000 ago

how the fuck are we supposed to believe these guys are FBI when you yourself say you are "being extremely generous" for not getting them fired? so youre FBI too then? fucking kill yourself nigger

HighLevelInsider ago

Because I do actually work for the FBI

No shit.

I'm being extremely generous not getting you fired and charged, it's only because of your past service.

If you don't have a paper trail pre-approving your death threats, inciting violence, and extortion, you're looking a decade or more, no possibility of parole. New director would love a case like this to make it look like he's "taking out the trash."

HighLevelInsider ago

I love how you didn't deny anything.

Chatman ago

This channel haa compilations and individual clips https://youtu.be/b3ir0GY5Mr0

Nadakai ago

But, he has memes so its ok

3141592653 ago

Yeah , just good ole uncle Joe! Right

YeezusKTrump ago

He gave Obummer a pizza bracelet for God sakes. I mean, I like pizza as much as the next person, but if someone gave me a pizza bracelet it would be odd AF.

Aloha808 ago

There is so many videos of him touching these young girls in inappropriate ways. Unreal that nobody thinks it a big deal. The Senators and congressman parents of these kids should be shown the video and asked what they think. The kids should be asked by officials about the Incidents. There is no question about what he is doing, he clearly in several videos puts his hands on the girls chest. It's sick to watch

Mad_As_Hell ago

You can see a lot of the parents look visibly uncomfortable, especially the mother of the girl whose arm he grabs. This video was a huge red pill for me back in the day, don't know how anyone can watch it and not think he's a massive creeper. Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug

The_Crux ago

He pushed a trouser eruption back down into his pants leg at one point during one of the little girl encounters there but I didn't get a time frame for it.

ReddittRefugee ago

A guy has made a youtube compilation of Joe Biden creeper moments.


huntercel ago

that creepy fuck deserves the rope for sure

HighLevelInsider ago

Did anyone try following him around for a few days, see what he does?

SuperShilly ago

Again you fucking cunt faggot. Stop with the "following around for a few days"

HighLevelInsider ago

u/SuperShilly is on a government VPN, just like u/dogshit_elvis. There are 3 other accounts they're running, the exposure of which will depend on whether they slow their roll, or not.

AmericanUltra ago

Truly sickening. Sorry if this has been posted before. Pass it around; creepy Joe deserves to be known as the POS pedophile that he truly is. THIS MAN WAS OUR VICE PRESIDENT FOR EIGHT YEARS. So much more I could say but today's findings alone have actually made me a bit ill. Truth can feel like a burden.

WizardEyes33 ago

Wait...what were today's findings?

HillBoulder ago

It's a smoking gun if you ask me. I have shared this video 500 times but so many people just can't see it for what it is. Joe Biden is a dirty fucking pedophile

sunshine702 ago

It has been posted before but Biden might run in 2020. So keep it going. There is also video of him sniffing Ash Carter's wife's hair before a press conference - and some politician sitting a HUGE police officer between his kids and Joe at an event. World class creepo.

Schweiz ago

Whenever I see "LMFAO BIDEN MEMES"


They are going to try and meme him into office like Donald, fuck off Biden.

undertheshills ago

Creepy Uncle Joe is going to be put in his place by AG Sessions before 2020.

If you havnt seen it here is Sessions swatting Biden away from his young grand daughter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtkA7ghayJM

Schweiz ago

I feel like if Sessions was gonna do anything, it would have been by now.

HighLevelInsider ago

Not too late to bust his old, perverted ass. I'm sure he's doing something that you can detect from a public place with a camera or a microphone. Hell, I bet you could just sit outside of his house for a few days and catch something fishy.

SuperShilly ago

Shut up you fucking faggot with your sitting outside people's houses with microphones. I'm going to follow your kike nigger cunt all over voat and expose your "let's sit outside powerful people's houses and get picked off" bullshit. Only an idiot would do this.

HighLevelInsider ago

u/SuperShilly is on a government VPN, just like u/dogshit_elvis. This time you weren't dumb enough to use all 4 of your alts to upvote your post and downvote my post.

First truly angry post he's made on here, because surveillance is a real threat to these perverts.