Shillfest2017 ago

I have attempted to contact Lou's City Bar in the past couple of days, and the kid who answered would only say that all questions are to be directed to the local police department. They're definitely being coached to a certain degree, but I can't blame them with the huge amount of heat the business must be receiving from all this. Hopefully someone working there will speak up soon.

Candygram_for_Mongo ago

10 months passed and Metro DC is hoping it remains unsolved and old news. Thank goodness for the private detective going public.

quantokitty ago

Stand down.

Not even a clown would fail to interview the last place a murder victim was known to have been.

fogdryer ago

No way to justify that !

Jem777 ago

Joe Capone owner of Lou's bar is now caught in multiple different stories. Pictured at whitehouse in East Wing 4 days prior to Seth Rich murder.Places himself at bar on night of murder & 7 hours away at same time.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Good observation!

Very grateful for someone archiving his Reddit .. we now have actual proof the powers that be are covering this up. Doubt Joe Capones story will be corrected either.

All a bit excessive for just some guy that was mugged close to his home.

sunshine702 ago

Can some do a bit of digging into Joe Capone. Financial, property records, previous addresses, previous jobs.

V____Z ago

Isn't George Webb literally right in DC, with nothing to do but videotape houses? Not sure why he didn't consider interviewing the bar owner, but maybe someone should nudge him to do so.

Petri_Krohn ago

George Webb says he interviewed Joe Capone on May 20th:

Day 210.3. Hillary's Leakers and Hackers @2m 49s

V____Z ago

Does he conveniently fail to provide evidence?

Yates ago

Check the 8ch sticky, they have done so already.

coreylkh ago

Not even 404'd. It doesn't respond, just stops. Just. Wow.

Jem777 ago

Yes am researching and archiving on that topic now. One other involved part is Stacy Dacey who worked for the SCIEU then the DNC. Forced out after DWS and email release. Also Seth girlfriend was apparently an operative that was working for Kissinger. She probably is not the real gf. but posted as such. Her employment linking her to Kissinger was just leaked.

sunshine702 ago

Interesting the girlfriend Kissinger connection. Michael Hastings a journalist who was also assinated - his wife had a chummy picture with Kissinger too.

PatriotOne ago

Source for that? I was just pondering that possibility earlier today that gf was fake. But then again I know disinfo is being peppered all over the boards everywhere to get everyone off on wild goose chases.

sunshine702 ago

Credit to Mad As Hell,

Another partner that pulls the party line. She continues to say that it was just a car accident . Anyone with EYES knows it was a hit!!

sunshine702 ago

The whole family seems weird. Here is an overview on what happen to Hastings. Let me go find the links to the wife Kissinger.

evademoney2 ago #tyler Finds Pizzagate Network Stored In The Dark Net On A Blockchain. I Don't Know What A Blcok Chain Is yet. Not Sure If This Releveant. If So. Someone figure Out Who Evil Is And Thread?

remedy4reality ago

wow... 4 Chan is full of morons...

I gotta laugh at all grief and insults they have been lobbing at VOAT/pizzagate for the last 5 months..

evademoney2 ago

4 chan was started by and is owned by pedophiles @4chan. Voat May be too. idk. dta works.

Schweiz ago

The 'goat' symbol ties in with satanism, and the triangle has a component to the pedo symbol... I dunno..

PatriotOne ago

Not sure if everyone is seeing the same advertisement as me on here. Right now it's the girl giving the thumbs up. If so, click on it and scroll down. Stop at the brown haired girl and check out the dialog. "Just imagine if I were to scream for help and then tell people that you touched me down there....."

I see other sketchy stuff on that game also.

Also, just me see the advertisement often with the young girl with her hand down her pants masturbating? People were probably corralled here from reddit to make it easier to follow the researchers work while getting less exposure.

2impendingdoom ago

to be fair, its how they treat each other as well. faggot. kek.

The_Crux ago

“Every single time a story is reported, it is just hearsay, it is lies, it is politically driven or politically motivated hearsay,” Bauman said. “And it actually causes the opposite of what everyone wants. It causes the inability for the police and for independent investigators to figure out what actually happened.” Read more at

That's very suspicious to me because it invokes the fallacy of limitations. You can put as many investigators on this case as you want, with a redundancy of investigators investigating each and every possible angle and not influenced by outside theories. As new angles appear, bring in 10 new investigators to investigate the new angle. Bauman wants fewer investigators and he wants them investigating dead ends. They will come out with an admission that the initial investigation was botched within the next few days, but it will be a self serving admission to counter other tangents.

mooteensy ago

Now why would they go and do something incriminating like that?

Commoner ago

DC police "$25,000 reward " bulletin for information about the murder of Seth Rich, who was "shot and killed" in the 2100 block of Flagler Ave...

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Is that subtle language leading one to falsely believe he died on the street that night?

remedy4reality ago

That's exactly what it is

Commoner ago

I am not sure. It caught my attention, though. It could be just the standard way of doing things., or they could be covering up.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

The incompetence is too great. It must be on purpose.

HighLevelInsider ago

NEWS FLASH: If people as high as the President (Bush Sr.) have been raping kids, there's a lot of people in on it. Stop expecting people to do their jobs, we have to do it for them, until they're embarrassed enough to do their job, or hung from the lamp posts.

remedy4reality ago

that's what was said about 9/11

by the smart people

2impendingdoom ago

new thread with stuff about Joe Capone, bar owner.

carmencita ago

Wow I am never paying attention to any of the information they are trying to infiltrate into our research. They are trying to confuse people and mainly trying to CTR for the normies that might be hitching a ride on here, trying to decide. Now Joe Capone says he was out of state that night. What a joke. How stupid do they think we are? Also there is info about how in 1973 they changed laws and that the President can seek to take over the DCPD for 48 hrs. WTH? No way was Capone out of town all of a sudden either way he is lying. He either lied when he gave his first account or he is lying about being gone. If you scroll down quite a bit there is a picture to open with the police attending to someone on the ground. I don't know if this was suppose to be Seth or not. That scared me to death seeing that.

2impendingdoom ago

The photo could be real, it looks like a news van on the far right. I wonder who took the pic. The shots were at 4:19 but I don't know when he arrived at the hospital. He could have been on the street for a long time. There is a fire truck but I don't see an ambulance, strange. Maybe its not from Seth's crime. somebody might be able to get time and location data from the pic, I don't know.

carmencita ago

Yeah, if that is real it is quite a find. I am hoping someone picks up on this. I am not too smart about that stuff. Saw the fire truck too. Very odd. Unless there is a fire station just a block or two away. But if it is at 4:19 then maybe the ambulance just is not there yet. I am excited to see it was at the time of his attack. I still think that a FOIA of the Stop Shoot video would really open up things.

coreylkh ago

GeorgWebb on twitter & GeorgeWebb on YouTube. He's been investigating this for 210 days. He's in DC right now, he's been at the bars where Seth was. He's following the Clinton Fndn crimes & FOIA doesn't work when 1/3 of the Feds are compromised. You guys, this man, Seth Rich was murdered along with 4 others because of this story. He's 5 out of 6. Where's Eric Braverman? He started this whole thing right before the DNC, then Podesta Leaks. Go back to the beginning, look at the big picture.

Deflo56 ago

This is like some kind of real life sick Fargo thing.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Clearly that's a stand down situation. No credible homicide detective would choose not to interview the staff and view the surveillance tapes.

My retail location's video footage is viewed routinely by the police when investigating much less important crimes in our near area such as hit and run incidents and robberies in our retail area.

HighLevelInsider ago

Clearly that's a stand down situation. No credible homicide detective would choose not to interview the staff and view the surveillance tapes.

Of course. Has anyone called and asked them to post the video? Or even asked what happened?

Shillfest2017 ago

They are referring all calls to the local police department. At least that's what they told me when I called.

HighLevelInsider ago

At least that's what they told me when I called.

Mad props for calling! This is exactly the kind of thing we need!

Shillfest2017 ago

What we really need are feet on the ground in the area he was last in. I posted a discussion a moment ago that outlines some ideas for obtaining security camera footage. If I was anywhere near D.C, I would do it myself. If anyone follows through on my suggestions, please be respectful and polite.

PatriotOne ago

Owner stated that the recordings are on a 30 day cycle and record back over itself so it's long gone.

PatriotOne ago

It would be totally impossible for the DC Police Dept. to even come up with an excuse to explain it away....other than the FBI ordered the stand down themselves. This is a no win situation here for "them".