Vindicator ago

@Klo3t3, I just want to point out that those threads are still live on Voat. No one here has censored or stopped research on anything. I just don't think anyone ever provided any real evidence to support the theory, and people moved on.

I am going to flair this "Accuracy in Question" because the article you link makes a censorship claim that just isn't accurate.

@carmencita @Cc1914 @jstrotha0975

carmencita ago

I hope I did not do anything wrong. I am not too savvy about all this stuff. Don't understand what you are complaining I did, so maybe I did not mean it to come out the way it did?

jstrotha0975 ago

Paid opposition shill.

bunklunk ago

I still think it's a false flag.

jstrotha0975 ago

Yeah did anyone break into the shipping container like they said they would?

carmencita ago

Research was effectively silenced.

jstrotha0975 ago

appears that way.