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Vindicator ago

@Klo3t3, It's interesting that you are flogging this with duplicate posts to the same link. I could remove it as spam. However, this is a great opportunity to show readers the problem with the targeting of this business. Contrary to what this article you've linked claims (censorship) the threads about the Glacier Dental are still live on Voat. No one here has censored or stopped research on anything.

I am going to flair this "Possible Disinfo" because the article you link makes a censorship claim that is untrue, and you are flogging it with multiple posts.

@carmencita @Cc1914 @jstrotha0975

carmencita ago

I just read my comment and now I understand what you mean. I should have made it clear that I did not mean by the Mods but by other forces that did not believe there was enough to grab on to. Thanks for catching that.